Chapter 378 Fighting (1)
"Don't be afraid, I promise you, as long as you explain clearly, I won't disbelieve you!" Yun Feixiang's heart gradually calmed down, and the sunshine in her heart began to shine again!
She is like a sunflower, looking at the sun in her heart every day, if one day the sun is no longer bright, she will also wither.And Xuanyuan Tianzhan is the sunshine in her heart!

"My lord, something has happened!" Wuying's voice sounded outside the door, full of anxiety.

"Get out!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan roared sullenly, raised his head in dissatisfaction, the chair beside him was lifted by internal force, and smashed against the door frame, making a crackling sound.

"Ah Zhan, Wuying might have something important to do!"

"Nothing is as important as our bridal chamber!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said stubbornly, with the tone of a stubborn child.

Gradually there were small discussions and conversations outside, as if they were discussing, and then, Tian Fu, the chief eunuch, came from outside the door with a slightly crying voice: "My lord, the queen's heart disease has relapsed, and now there is only one breath left."

Both Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan were greatly shocked. It turned out that the queen was only breathless after a relapse of heartache. Especially Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned deeply when he heard this sentence, a feeling of uneasiness A strong feeling came out of my heart.

"Go and have a look." Yun Feixiang pushed the man's body while looking for clothes for him to put on. She moved very quickly and didn't want to waste a moment, "I'll just make up a bridal chamber later."

"..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Yun Feixiang, hesitant and worried. Xiang'er had just calmed down. He didn't know if she would have any thoughts after he left, but the mother's distress was very serious. , he can't just ignore it!

"I've made it clear, I won't think about it anymore." Yun Feixiang saw through the man's thoughts at a glance, and had already dressed him. Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up, looked deeply at the little woman, and said: "Xiang'er, let's go together, I don't trust you."

"My makeup is messed up, and there should be a lot of gossip when people see it, and I also want to calm down now. You go, don't waste time! I will go to the palace to find you tomorrow morning!" Yun Feixiang pushed Xuanyuan Tianzhan out of the door swiftly. When Tian Fu saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan coming out, he immediately became excited.

In the night, a black carriage rushed to the palace. In the dark corner of the wall, more than a dozen pairs of eyes stared at the slowly leaving carriage. An orange-red figure looked at the departing carriage and smiled. He jumped onto the roof, staring straight at a small door of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Action!" The woman waved one hand, and more than a dozen men quickly stepped forward. They climbed on the wall like geckos, one by one, and headed towards the Zhan Xiangxuan of the Prince Regent, challenging to enter the Palace of the Prince Regent for the first time. For them, it was an exciting experience.

The moon in September hangs high like a hook, and the white light penetrates through the layers of fog and through the windows. In the dead of night, the red lanterns of the Prince Regent's Mansion are lit up all over the courtyard, and the guards are patrolling everywhere. Not letting it go, everyone pricked up their ears one by one, and shouldered a major mission.

In front of a bronze mirror with complicated and gorgeous pictures and texts, Yun Feixiang was taking off her makeup. The woman in front of the mirror was peerless, with an alluring appearance.

Although the contact time is not long, Yun Feixiang can feel that the empress is by no means a simple person. She must have endured the empress dowager for so many years, and she must be extremely unhappy in her heart. Coupled with the ruthless and hurtful words said by the empress dowager today, No matter who it is, it would be unbearable for anyone, but she didn't expect that the queen would finally have a heart attack with anger.

The queen treats her very well, and she doesn't want anything to happen to the queen!Yun Feixiang was fascinated by her thoughts, but she didn't miss the subtle movement from outside, the sound of messy footsteps walking around Zhan Xiangxuan, it was obvious that something important had happened.

Suddenly, a stern shout came from outside Zhan Xiangxuan's courtyard: "Who is here?" Afterwards, a large number of guards chased after him, Yun Feixiang frowned, it seemed that someone broke into the Regent's Palace at night and was discovered by the guards .

"There are assassins, protect the princess!" A harsher voice sounded, and a pot exploded in the Regent's Palace.

"General Xiao, the assassin is running over there, let's go after him!"

"Don't all go after the assassin, leave half of the people to protect the princess!" The person who spoke was Xiao Tianyue, it seemed that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already made preparations, and secretly sent Xiao Tianyue to mobilize the army.Under such strict guards, who is it?How dare you trespass into the Prince Regent's Palace?
The bright yellow torches were lit, and the whole courtyard was instantly lit up. Yun Feixiang opened the door, and Wuying and Mingyue were guarding outside nervously. Wake up, I have no sleepiness!

"Princess, you'd better go back to your room and rest!" Seeing Yun Feixiang coming out, Wuying said worriedly.What happened in today's wedding must have affected the mood of my princess, so I can't make any more troubles, so as not to make the princess feel troubled.

"Yes, master, you should have a good rest, no matter what happens outside, don't worry about it!" Mingyue also came to persuade, no matter how noisy outside, Zhan Xiangxuan has many hidden guards led by Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai, There are also many well-trained golden armored guards outside the door.

"I don't have a good rest right now. I'll go and have a look." Yun Feixiang had already changed into her usual clothes. She was still dressed in bright red, but it wasn't as heavy as the bride's wedding dress, and there were a lot less decorations on the clothes, which made people feel uncomfortable. Feel relaxed.

Going out, an orange-red figure on the roof came into view. The woman stood tall, covered her face with a veil, and hid her graceful demeanor in a corner. She just avoided the guards' searching eyes. Yun Feixiang at the door could see the whole woman.

Yun Feixiang was shocked, wasn't this the woman who assassinated her on the way to Nanyue Kingdom that day, but was finally knocked down by her in the canyon?She is not dead yet!

The two lines of sight collided, and the icy and chilly aura surged instantly. Suddenly, the orange-red figure flashed, and then withdrew from Yun Feixiang's sight. Their sights fell into the sky one after another, and Xiao Tianyue leaped across the rockery in the upper courtyard with one stride.

The orange-red woman was already ten steps away in the blink of an eye, she stopped, her back turned to Yun Feixiang, she used herself as the bait, will Yun Feixiang take the bait?

The woman paused for a while, and then flew forward without looking back. She listened quietly to the subtle voice behind her, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.I didn't expect her to be hooked so easily, she is indeed a curious and strong woman!
Yun Feixiang chased after her for a while, but when she saw that the woman still didn't turn her head back, she stopped abruptly and didn't chase forward. If she walked any further, she was about to leave the courtyard of the Prince Regent's Mansion. The Prince Regent's Mansion is very big, but she couldn't go out at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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