The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 381: The Top of the Mountain

Chapter 381: The Top of the Mountain (2)
Slightly high mountains, white clouds in the sky, on top of heavy peaks and high cliffs, two beautiful women stand opposite each other, one is dressed in red, her hair is like a waterfall, and the red hairpin is obliquely inserted, the cherry-sized ruby ​​glows seductively red , the woman's dark eyes were like smooth black gemstones, shining with peerless light.

On the other side, an orange woman's veil covers her face, the skin on her forehead is smooth and white, her big eyes are darkly hidden, the tassels hanging from her hair are gently swaying, the woman is holding a long sword, the dazzling orange red is blowing in the wind, vigilant He looked at the leisurely and frank woman opposite.

"Aren't you afraid?" Rufeng asked.

"Sure enough, I found a good place!" Yun Feixiang closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as if she didn't hear the woman's question, and she was intoxicated with admiration. Although it had been a long time since she flew back to the embrace of nature, she would never You will forget that you were an explorer in your previous life!

There are majestic mountains in the sky, the mountains are rolling and rising into the clouds, Yun Feixiang glanced at the beautiful scenery around him with great interest, as if he didn't know the danger in front of him.

The woman's face was indifferent, but she was making various judgments quickly in her heart. The surrounding environment was surrounded by mountains, but the distance between the mountains was hard to come by. It was a piece of lush trees, but under her feet was a smooth cliff without any weeds.

Under the cliff, there is naturally an abyss!
The purpose of this woman was to lure her to such a place!

It really is a layer-by-layer plan, all kinds of preparations have been made, and painstaking efforts have been made!

Yun Feixiang tightened her waist, and then smiled lightly. At the beginning, this woman named Rufeng was forced into the canyon by her, and she wanted to do the same today to make herself fall into the abyss!It's a good idea, but it depends on whether she has the ability?
The masters of the palace are not fools, they will come after them soon, this woman named Rufeng lost to her last time, this time she definitely did not come alone, Yun Feixiang is very curious, except for those handsome men in white clothes Besides, who else is in this woman's hands?

The reason why Yun Feixiang suspects that Rufeng is a woman from the Western Regions is because Xiangge's intelligence bureaus are all over the world, and any power in any corner will have records, but she has never seen a record of such a power. It can show that this woman is from the Western Regions, and from a remote place in the Western Regions!

In those places, the Intelligence Bureau of Xiangge has not infiltrated for the time being!

"I forgot to tell you, we took a shortcut to come up. I have sent people to ambush the cliff we passed just now, so no one can come up from there!" Rufeng said with a smile on his face.

Yun Feixiang glanced at it, and she could see the distorted taste in the smiling eyes of the woman opposite. There was something in those eyes, which made her smile: "Are you jealous of me?"

A mocking and playful voice floated out of Yun Feixiang's mouth, like a feather flying up from the sky, it was very light, but it landed on the nose of the person, tickling the person's heart.

Immediately, a sharp and murderous look flew towards him, and he roared angrily: "Who is jealous of you? Everything you have now will soon become mine!" His thoughts were seen through The taste is really not very comfortable, and I still think that I hide it deeply but my opponent sees it through.

The face under the veil suddenly became ferocious and sinister, and the sternness and fierceness in the eyebrows and eyes could no longer be concealed. The orange-red woman's voice was passionate, her fists were clenched, and her chest heaved violently. The previous calmness and calmness were long gone. exist!
"This is the real you, who comes and goes like the wind—Miss Rufeng, why bother pretending? Hehe..." An even louder voice of banter came leisurely, as if mocking Rufeng's irritability at the moment.

Rufeng felt resentful in her heart, as if all the high mountains and white clouds were laughing at her, all this made her intolerable, at this moment, she didn't have to bear it anymore!

"I'll kill you!" The long sword pointed directly at the tip of Yun Feixiang's nose, roared hysterically like the wind, and went straight to Yunfeixiang. Then, the sharp edge of the cold sword gleamed with silver light, and in an instant, the two sword edges collided with each other, emitting a gloomy cold light.

Yun Feixiang condensed her internal energy and poured it all into her hands. A powerful air wave blasted into the air, and the opponent's sword was shaken away. Rufeng's figure tilted, and her whole body stepped back a few steps. A sticky liquid rose from her throat, blocking her her entire throat.

"You were not my opponent a few months ago, and you are not my opponent now! It is your luck that you fell into the canyon and survived, but now you are still coming to provoke me, that is your stupidity!"

"The jealous light in your eyes is disgusting, even more disgusting. Killing you makes me feel dirty! I really don't understand what you are jealous of me? Is it jealous that I have a handsome man as my husband, or that I have occupied A high-ranking princess regent, or a man's sincerity?" Yun Fei looked at the half-kneeling woman in orange red, and as a woman, how could she not understand the resentment that she couldn't get it? fierce with hatred.

Yun Feixiang suddenly lost interest, even losing interest in seeing what she looks like in an instant!

"Do you think you have got brother Zhan's sincerity?" Rufeng let out a sharp roar, with blood spurting from the corner of her mouth, she ignored it and shouted angrily, "His heart has already been given to the whole world, and you have become his The entanglement has become the weakness of his road to imperial power and hegemony. For you, he abruptly postponed the time of his western expedition! Do you know how many years he has planned for the world's hegemony? Brother Zhan can't pay any woman! Sincerely, including you!"

Yun Feixiang felt sad for this hysterical woman!Ah Zhan, Ah Zhan, do you know that you have provoked such a peach blossom who thinks she knows you very well, but hates me to the bone? !

Rufeng's call of Brother Zhan made Yun Feixiang think of Ling Feng, and the scene where Ling Feng finally became Long Ruhuo's shield and died under her cold sword. The call of Brother Zhan could only make her drown in jealousy and hatred In the process, let yourself become humble and despicable, regardless of your body and dignity, become stinky, even if you die, you will be cast aside!
"Don't even dare to appear beside him, why do you think you know him well..." Yun Feixiang paused for a moment, then smiled sweetly, "The man who knows me!"

From this woman's many actions, she has already seen clearly that she will only appear when Ah Zhan is not around. All signs show that she will be afraid that Ah Zhan will recognize her, and even more afraid that Ah Zhan will know her sinister intentions!Why should a woman maintain her image in a man's mind?Just because this woman likes him!
Yun Feixiang's words strongly stimulated Rufeng, is she reminding herself that Brother Zhan is her man?

"Yun Feixiang, go to hell! You will never see brother Zhan again!" Rufeng suddenly evoked an evil smile, followed by more and more obvious footsteps, she waved her hands, The men in black all around rushed out, and the sharp sword light came out of the sheath, surrounding the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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