Chapter 384
Even if she dies, she will die vigorously, even if she dies, she will make the enemy pay a heavy price!
"Senior brother promises you!" Long Yuyan swung his sleeves while speaking, and the long sword on the ground jumped up and fell steadily into the man's hand. Long Yuyan narrowed his eyes like flying stars, and his figure instantly entered Among the masters of Fengyimen!
The war horse neighed, the blood was flying, the clear sky suddenly turned dark, and a dark cloud enveloped the earth!

The sword touched, the silver light flew into the sky, the blood-red people merged with the splashed blood, and the whole cliff was filled with a sinister and evil atmosphere. Yun Feixiang's move of "Xiaoyao Tian Jing Hong" only shocked the killer in front of him a few steps away , In the next second, they swarmed over, aiming at the petite woman's throat in an extremely tacit understanding!
With a slash of the cold sword, Yun Feixiang turned around again and jumped out of the attack of the sharp sword. There were already many wounds on her body, and bright red blood remained in each place. Her clothes were torn, but she was not afraid. The blood-colored shawl Swinging in the wind, the cold sword fell into the ground with a muffled sound. Immediately, the woman stood up forcefully and entered again.

Long Yuyan looked anxiously at Yun Feixiang, his heart ached so badly that he couldn't breathe, and then, the man launched a crazy attack like a demon, wherever the sword light went, there were powerful shocking internal forces, and the man in black was shocked by this terrifying Attracted by his momentum, Qi Qi attacked Long Yuyan.

There was a sound of flesh being cut, Long Yuyan snorted, and a burst of anger erupted. The man stood between the sky and the earth, his tired body was instantly shrouded in a faint light of blood, and the blood on his shoulders gurgled out , burning Yun Feixiang's eyes.

Who, despite all protection, led all the enemies to his side?Who is it that waits without complaint or regret, and is always by his company in times of crisis?

Yun Feixiang experienced the most tragic fight in history. She was exhausted, but her mind was clear. Eight of the twenty people in front of her were killed, and there were twelve more. Although three of them were injured, she and Eldest brother is also covered in injuries!
"Eldest brother, let's jump down!" Yun Feixiang tightened her waist, and the instinct to survive suddenly rose in her heart. Although she is tired now, she still has some physical strength. If she continues to fight, she can't guarantee the result. In the same way, these people are real masters, and they have no chance of winning against the remaining 12 people.

Long Yuyan was still thinking about how to die with these twelve people so that Xiang'er could escape, but when he saw the woman looking at him with blood-colored eyes, he felt a pain in his heart, and hugged Yun Feixiang tightly, his heart beat. I made up my mind to fight these twelve people, but——

The soft celestial silk ribbon suddenly wrapped around his wrist, a pair of small red hands moved, Yun Feixiang quickly tied a knot on Long Yuyan's wrist, and then, the woman's petite body pushed him towards the cliff, two Individuals just fell down one after the other!

The blood-clothed men all took a step forward, looking directly at the two people who were getting smaller and blurred under the curling clouds!Rufeng raised the blood jade in his hand, and the other twelve men swung their swords, slashed at each other, and then fell into a pool of blood!
"Young master, quickly change into this dress!" A maid came to Ru Feng with a light green tattered dress, and hurriedly put it on for her. The tattered clothes were stained with blood and had been prepared long ago.

"Don't forget, you have to call me Miss from now on!" Rufeng's whole body was sore and her body seemed to be splitting open, but she patiently reminded the woman.

"Yes, miss!" The maid was stunned for a moment. The young master is really quiet at the moment, so quiet that people think she is just a gentle woman. Can become a cold-blooded and ruthless demon!
Including these people from Fengyimen, they are all dead soldiers picked out by her!
Before she had time to think about it, the maid quickly took off the basket on her body, which contained precious medicinal herbs picked from the forest. The medicinal herbs were scattered on the ground, stained with stinky blood, and then the woman fell to the ground with a grim expression.

Rufeng burst out laughing, Yun Feixiang, you really have fallen into this abyss, no matter how much Brother Zhan loves you, you can’t be together, and I, Mu Rujing, will replace you and become Brother Zhan’s best friend. Beloved person!
Mu Rujing gave an evil smile, and the sound of furious and anxious horseshoes could be heard in the distance. This familiar and crazy rhythm sounded like him. Brother Zhan, what do you think of our encounter like this?Although you don't like it, Rujing likes it very much!
The woman's veil and orange-red clothes have long since disappeared. Although blood was smeared on her beautiful face, she can still see her peerless grace and beauty. When Mu Rujing closed her eyes and opened them again, she was already A pair of big watery eyes filled with tears, the distress and powerlessness in the eyes were so obvious, she fell weakly to the ground, still holding the piece of blood jade tightly in her hand!
No matter how smooth the cliff is, it is made of limestone accumulated over the years. After being washed and baptized by wind and sand, more or less uneven mountains will be formed. Rock climbers rely on the stones and cracks on these cliffs to challenge the limits of life step by step. .

Long Yuyan looked at everything in disbelief. The two of them were hanging high on the cliff, surrounded by white clouds and mist, and above their heads was the petite figure of a woman. The red dress was stained with blood, and the celestial silk brocade belt was tight. Wrapped tightly around the woman's waist, she held the brocade belt around her waist with one hand, and the rope above her head with the other. There were deep cracks in her delicate hands, covered with dust.

Long Yuyan was shocked by Yun Feixiang like this!
Below her was an abyss, and above her was an endless cliff. Yun Feixiang tightly held on to the rope on the hook, looking for the hope of life. Both she and the elder brother were seriously injured, and it was impossible to go on lightly. There is only one way now, and that is to climb down the stone wall.But now the physical exertion is huge, and both bodies need a chance to rest!

"Eldest senior brother, you climb that corner and step on the recess below, that's it, don't move yet!" Yun Feixiang scanned the environment they were in now, and said calmly.

"Eh... oh!" Long Yuyan was still in shock, and suddenly came back to his senses, only to realize that he had been looking at the little junior sister, and he was stupefied.Long Yuyan leaned his body against the cliff, stepped on a recessed place with one foot, and grabbed a slightly convex stone with the other hand. His long black hair covered his face, and his sharp and handsome side profile was as sharp as a knife. Even with blood on his face, he couldn't hide his charm from the inside out.

The strength on Yun Feixiang's waist suddenly loosened a lot, and her body was also released. She looked around and was surprised to find a crack on her side. Seeing Long Yuyan standing still, she freed her hand to grab the brocade belt around her waist, Pulled out a dagger from the calf, and inserted it deeply into the crack.

The woman's bright eyes lit up, as if she had seen the dawn of hope. Although she had experience in rock climbing long ago and possessed light skills in this life, she did not dare to 100% guarantee that she would be able to survive on this cliff, but now , she is 100% sure that she will be able to survive!

(End of this chapter)

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