The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 387 The world is in chaos

Chapter 387 The world is in chaos (2)
God favored, the prince and Princess Nanyue are in love with each other, the prince overcomes all difficulties to marry his most beloved woman, but fate makes people hate at the last moment!Everyone will never forget that grand wedding, let alone that stunningly talented and beautiful woman, the death of the princess is everyone's pain!

"Prime Minister Che, the prince is in a bad mood recently, you still..." Zheng Bo aged ten years in an instant, and his gray hair was completely white. All his blood froze.

He wished to apologize with death, but Wuying said that their lives were saved by the princess, if they really died, they would be even more sorry for the princess.

"Zheng Bo, Zili is here today for important national affairs!" Che Zili also matured a lot in an instant. The 22-year-old young prime minister now looks mature and wise. over here.

The car left and walked on the road, the originally festive palace became gloomy and depressing, clear and cold, lifeless, the maids and guards cleaned it expressionlessly, the whole atmosphere was as cold as ice, without the slightest temperature.

Che Zili happened to meet Qin Mingyue at the gate of Zhanxiangxuan. Hearing that Qin Mingyue had been suffering from grief for the past two months, she had lost a lot of weight. Looking at her today, she was really not in ordinary grief. Presumably, something about the princess should bring her A heavy blow came, and she carried a simple burden, apparently with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's consent to leave the palace.

A shadowless figure appeared behind Mingyue, looking at the woman's back with unmarked and waveless eyes, and said calmly, "Let's go, I'll take you out of the city!"

In just two or three months, everything seems to have changed!

The two left slowly, and the car walked into Zhan Xiangxuan. He stood outside the door, took a deep breath, and with a "squeak", the heavy door was pushed open, and a gust of cold air came towards him. There is no fire in the house, and it is even colder in the cold winter!

The man on the opposite side was dressed in black, with a pair of empty, emotionless eyes. Those eyes were once filled with mountains and rivers, and filled with thousands of miles of rivers. Later, those eyes were filled with love... Now, the car is far away from what can be seen. What I saw was just a pair of calm eyes without any expression other than cold and ruthless!
"My lord, Shengtian is going to war, what are your preparations?"

"Soldiers come to block!"

"Who is handsome?"

"The king personally!"

The room fell into silence, Che Zili was speechless for a while, it seems that this battle must be fought!The man on the opposite side is alienated and indifferent, like the blowing sand of the loess, boundless and boundless, eroded by the years, after all, the traces of carvings are left behind, deeply engraved in people's hearts!
In fact, from Che Zili's point of view, Xuanyuan Tianzhan should be like this, heartless and ruthless, indifferent as ice, the tenderness in those eyes is an accident in life!
Shengtian and Hanhai Kingdom's peaceful coexistence for hundreds of years was finally broken, and a full-scale war broke out. At this moment, the most nervous thing was not Hanhai Kingdom being beaten, but Shengtian who started the war!The princes and nobles, civil and military officials, and the voices of opposition from the court continued, and finally under the threat of the young emperor, the officials fell silent.

Although Shengtian has slowly mothed and left many hidden dangers for hundreds of years, Murong Rui has cultivated a group of young talents and reshuffled the power of the court with superb political methods, and the entire court has taken on a new look.Everything seems to be a matter of course. As far as politics is concerned, Murong Rui has always been experienced, and he handles things unambiguously.

Until Yinwei told him that the regent princess of Hanhai Kingdom was seriously injured and died under the abyss, the teacup in Murong Rui's hand was unsteady and crashed to the ground, everything exploded!
In just three months, Murong Rui lost a lot of weight, his eye sockets were sunken to the point of heartache, and his pale face was no longer warm. He dealt with the affairs of the court every day, and he was never idle for a moment. Yuan Cheng looked at Han The lights of Xiangdian sighed again and again!

The second prince, Murong Ran, had an audience with the emperor under the support and admiration of a group of courtiers. In the imperial study, Murong Rui wrote quickly with the brush in his hand without lifting his head. Finally, he said: "Your Majesty, attacking the Hanhai Kingdom is of great importance, you should think twice!"

"The national letter has been issued, why do you think twice?" Murong Rui still did not look up, one memorial after another was opened, the speed made Murong Ran dumbfounded, for a while, he was a little dumb, but for the future of Sheng Tian , he must say!

"Your Majesty, the northern part of Shengtian is still in chaos. Beixiang King Helianbei is reviving his power in Liaoyuan City. Liaoyuan City is located in the center of the north and is a commercial center. Helianbei is recruiting troops and is expanding his power in an all-round way!"

"Helian Yufeng is now cooperating with Xuanyuan Tianzhan, occupying the Tianmen Pass, with a strong backing. Although the king of Beiqu, Helianlie, surrendered to the imperial court, his heart is unpredictable, and the civil strife is still pending. Why should he provoke a powerful country like Hanhai Kingdom? Besides, the King of Southwest and the princes are doing their own thing, there is hostility, and there are provocations from Nanyue Kingdom and Western countries..."

"Enough! Is it up to me in this palace, or is it up to you, brother?" Murong Rui was furious. He slapped the table with his palm, and the thick black ink was sprinkled on the table. The inkstone was shaken off, and the emperor's majesty Looking at it with his eyes, he exudes a powerful aura!
"Your Majesty, don't be so arbitrary!" Murong Ran never thought that Murong Rui would be so furious in front of him, and seeing Murong Rui's gentleness like wind, he couldn't accept it for a while.

"Second brother, you have worked hard as the acting prime minister, and now I have a suitable candidate in my heart, you can take a rest for a while! Don't be fooled, the second brother still has to help the third brother with the matters handled by the prince!" Murong Rui waved his hand Yuan Chenglai tidied up the table and said calmly, "Come here, invite the second prince out!"

Murong Ran stared in astonishment at the cold wind coming in and blowing in front of him, the emperor was indeed the emperor, and his methods of doing things were also clean and neat, not only dodging his authority, but also ignoring his opinions.

"Brother Huang, please see Yinghua!" Xue Yinghua yelled very hard when he called Brother Huang. In fact, ever since Murong Rui gave her the honorable status of Princess Jinghua, she knew that she would have no hope with him in this life. !This is not only a separation of identity, but also a manifestation of his intention.

"Get out!" The person in the room growled.

"Brother Huang, Yinghua is willing to marry Xuanyuanlie!" Xue Yinghua walked in. She had the demeanor of a well-known general, dignified and elegant but heroic. She had been taught by her father Xue Yang for many years, and naturally she was also tainted with the spirit of a martial artist. breath.If she, Xue Yinghua, were a man, she would definitely contribute to the army and make contributions. But now, she wants to do something for him in the most effective way. If she can't stay with him in this life, she should do her best to fulfill his wish!
"What?" Murong Rui raised his head and said with a gloomy expression, "Do you think my world is built on the basis of women?"

(End of this chapter)

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