Chapter 396
"I thought you were dead." The man's bitter and hoarse voice sounded above his head. He kissed her messy hair delicately and held her firmly in his arms with trembling hands. His heart ached. Pain like never before!

"Aren't I fine?" Yun Feixiang chuckled, her voice did not experience the vicissitudes and helplessness of life and death, but instead carried the joy and hope of the rest of her life.If you are not afraid of death, what are you afraid of?Both she and Ah Zhan are still alive, which is already the best news, but they just experienced some more cruel things.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan let go of the woman in his arms, and stared at her steadfastly. His veins twitched instantly when he saw it. Just now he was only interested in feeling her presence, but he didn't notice the wound on her body.The clothes were torn in many places, blood and lime soil mixed together, covering the wounds, Xuanyuan Tianzhan lifted the sleeves of the woman, there were not only scratches, but also sword wounds, how much Xianger must have suffered, experienced How much distress?It was almost impossible for him to see her.

"Ah Zhan, don't... hurt!" Yun Feixiang frowned a little, because she didn't want him to see too many wounds.Xuanyuan Tianzhan quickly put down her sleeves, picked her up, and flew towards a place...

There is almost no place in the territory of Hanhai Kingdom that he is not familiar with. Although he has not gone deep into this area, he still knows the climate and environment of this area quite well. It is located in the deep mountains of Hanhai Kingdom, so there must be some caves.

Sure enough, they soon heard the sound of dripping water on the ground. Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked up and saw some green plants covering a place the size of a hole. The familiar Luo Bicao grew at the entrance, and it looked exactly the same as the one at the entrance of the cave outside Shengtian Qingshan Temple.

"Xiang'er, I'll go up and dig through the grass to see if it's a cave!"

"Hmm! Be careful!" Judging from her previous exploration experience, that place does look like the entrance of a cave, and there are drops of water falling down. Maybe it is really a good place inside.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan soon came down with a happy expression on his face. It was indeed the place where the master lived, and judging from the situation inside, the master should have lived here for a long time, and he must thank him well when he goes back.

Yun Feixiang was carried into the cave by the man, and the layout inside felt so familiar. After thinking about it carefully, she suddenly realized that she had seen it on the mountain near Qingshan Temple. Master Miaoshou is really a strange person!

"Xiang'er, let me clean your wound!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan put the girl on the stone bed, staring at her wound with dark eyes, feeling very distressed.

"No, there's no need for Azhan, I'll do it myself!"

"It's inconvenient for you to be injured, I will be more careful."

"No, I... I'm sorry." Yun Feixiang's face turned red suddenly, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already wiped off a lot of the blood on her face, revealing her snow-white skin, which was very cute.Xuanyuan Tianzhan struggled several times, but he couldn't hold back the stubbornness of the little woman, and finally gave in to her.

"Okay, okay, Xiang'er come by yourself! There is water in it, I'll carry you there." Xuanyuan Tianzhan couldn't help laughing, Xiang'er would still be embarrassed, it's really a strange thing.

He has slowly calmed down now, as long as Xiang'er is still alive, everything will be fine!He will cherish her well and never let her be in danger again.

"I'll just go there by myself." Yun Feixiang hurriedly raised her hand to stop Xuanyuan Tianzhan's movement. She has a lot of injuries on her body, and she should be heartbroken when he sees her. Besides, she has to be more ruthless when taking medicine herself, and she will soon Some.

The small pool here is really quiet. It looks like it was formed by the melting of natural snow water. Although it is slightly cold, it is very comfortable. Yun Feixiang quietly applied the medicine to herself, but she heard the sound of tidying up things from behind. , She looked back, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was taking apart the quilt on the stone bed, then lit a fire on the ground, put the cotton wool aside to roast, and was about to take the quilt over to wash.

Seeing Xuanyuan Tianzhan walking towards this side, Yun Feixiang panicked suddenly, and hurriedly pulled up his clothes, but it was too late, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened instantly, he threw down the quilt and came towards this side quickly.

"Ah Zhan, I'll do it myself!" Yun Feixiang tried to say something, but found that her voice was a little weak. After thinking about it, that's all, he will see these wounds after all, even if he can't see them today, he will see them tomorrow. .

Xuanyuan Tianzhan sat beside Yun Feixiang without saying a word, carefully wiping her wound, he didn't say a word, his eyes were full of distress, Yun Feixiang lowered his head, and didn't speak anymore, but Suddenly, a drop of warm water dripped on her hand, emitting a crystal clear light.

Ah Zhan is crying!This indomitable man actually felt so sorry for her that he cried. Who said that men in ancient times had three wives and four concubines? Why is her Ah Zhan so affectionate?
Yun Feixiang quietly wiped away the teardrops on the back of her hands, feeling an unexplainable feeling in her heart. This feeling made her sink into his deep affection, and made her love him irresistibly, trust him, and understand him.Leaning her head on the man's body, a gust of warmth gushed out, and her heart felt at ease like never before. Just like that, Yun Feixiang fell asleep.

When Yun Feixiang woke up, the quilt had been cleaned, and it was hanging on a wooden rack beside it. On the blazing fire, two hares were roasting with incense and shining oil. Her head was resting on Xuanyuan. On Tian Zhan's thigh, there was an indescribable tranquility in his heart. When the woman moved a little, the man immediately grabbed her little hand nervously, as if she was afraid that she would slip away from him.

Was Ah Zhan so nervous about her?His panicked and frightened eyes like a small animal made her feel very distressed, yes, no one wants to experience the feeling of losing a dear one once again!
"Xiang'er woke up? Does the wound still hurt? Are you hungry? Is it cold?" Seeing that she woke up, Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked with concern with a sunny smile on his lips.

Yun Feixiang sat up slowly, her eyes suddenly became sour, her tone was a bit complaining and coquettish but she said warmly: "You have asked so many questions, how should I answer?"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan seemed to realize that he had asked too much, so he couldn't help slowing down his tone and said, "Xiang'er, does the wound still hurt?" The man smiled and hugged the little woman into his arms, pressing his forehead against hers, feeling affectionate. looking at her.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, the medicine Ah Zhan always carries is the best." Yun Feixiang smiled lightly, and rubbed Xuanyuan Tianzhan's forehead with his forehead, rubbing together intimately with him.

The cute and mischievous movements of the little woman are like a fire that ignites the man's desire in an instant. Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced down, the cherry red lips are charming and charming, almost without any thought, Xuanyuan Tianzhan Zhan's warm lips stuck to it, with distress, domineering, and indescribable lingering, like a tornado attacking.

(End of this chapter)

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