The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 413 Breaking into the Southwest Palace to Save People

Chapter 413 Breaking into the Southwest Palace to Save People (2)
On the fifth day after Long Ruhuo died, Yun Feixiang dispatched the first army of Nanyue Kingdom, which was composed of [-] surrendered Southwest King soldiers led by Wang Lei and the remaining [-] Nanyue Kingdom troops. army!Yun Feixiang told them to stay in Meizhou City for two hours, no matter what method they used.

After this order, Yun Feixiang disappeared in the Nanyue Kingdom's barracks!Yun Feilong searched everywhere as soon as he got the news, but unfortunately there was no news, and finally had to go back to the army, depressed.

"Brother, it's all right for Xuanyuan Tianzhan to go back to Tianmenguan, but where did Xiang'er go? Why is there no news at all?" Yun Feilong is very depressed now. Since Xiang'er left, everything seems to be going wrong, Xiang'er How about telling him where he went?

What Yun Feilong couldn't understand the most was that Wang Lei's group of more than 6000 people went to attack Meizhou, and there were more than 8000 people left when they came back, but the strange thing was that there were 5000 people left by Wang Lei's men, and they The number of soldiers sent by Nanyue Kingdom was only 3000. This disparity was so huge that he couldn't accept it!

This is simply impossible!
"Feilong, you'll know when you go to the school grounds." Yun Feihong took a sip of his tea lightly, with a smile on his face. The reason why Xiang'er did this was of course her purpose.

He noticed a different atmosphere in the barracks early this morning. After making a round of inspection, he finally realized and understood Xiang'er's good intentions.

Yun Feilong frowned, but didn't ask any more questions. The man strode out of the big tent and headed towards the school grounds. The horse hissed and ran towards the empty school grounds where the most troops were stationed. The military camp is a serious place, and now it is even more burning. Yun Feilong couldn't help but be surprised by the iron-blooded and enthusiastic atmosphere.

The soldiers were no longer happy with the victory of Qingling Mountain and Hengyang City. Ever since Wang Lei brought the rest of the soldiers back, each of them showed a fortitude and arrogance that they had never seen before. The feeling of love arises spontaneously, and the pride of an iron-blooded man is swayed in all directions.

Yun Feilong finally understood that the soldiers Xiang'er sent to fight with Wang Lei must be a weaker army in the Nanyue Kingdom's army. The purpose of Xiang'er's doing this was to let the soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom realize that , Victory is not permanent, glory is mixed with blood and tears. At any time, because of previous victories, you must not always think that God will take care of you, let alone look down on your enemies. The army of the Southwest King is also elite. Can be taken lightly.

"We must not lose to the army of the Southwest King! We must fight for it!" There was a resounding voice on the school field, followed by sonorous and forceful shouts from the soldiers.

"We need to strengthen our training and demand ourselves more!"

"Promote our military might, unite the iron-blooded military soul!" One after another slogans resounded through the sky, and the training under the scorching sun became more difficult. Yun Feilong saw cute faces one by one, as if seeing the dawn of victory.

Yun Feixiang didn't let these soldiers die in vain, but just let Wang Lei who had surrendered do some things to attack the enemy's psychological defense, but death is inevitable in war.

But at this time, she was planning a difficult matter to sneak into the Southwest Palace.Yun Feixiang and his people have already passed through Meizhou and headed for the center of Yancheng - the Southwest Palace.

In the dark night, a woman in a bright red men's attire swiftly shuttled over rows of tall and majestic buildings. Behind her were ten extremely athletic men. These men looked extremely unfamiliar, and they probably didn't show up often.But Yun Feixiang was able to call each of them by name, only because these were all elite experts in her forces who were very powerful in fighting alone. Their team was called Dulong, implying that everyone had a strong ability to fight independently. .

"Master, according to our secret investigation in the Southwest Palace, Miss Dongluo should be locked in an underground dungeon." Qin Mingzhu held a very detailed map of the Southwest Palace in her hand, and her sharp eyes were fixed on a courtyard. , the entrance of the secret prison is in that courtyard, and that courtyard is exactly the courtyard where Murong Qing'er lives.

A total of twelve of them approached Murong Qing'er's courtyard cautiously, not only did not disturb any guards at all, what was even more shocking was that they avoided the hidden guards of the Southwest Palace.

"Princess, didn't you say you want to draw the emperor's?" A maid's voice came from a room, Yun Feixiang waved immediately, and everyone followed.

Why did the lady draw Master Floating Sword?The maid spoke in a very low voice, for fear that she would offend her own lady if she was not careful. You must know that since Mr. Piaojian left the Southwest Palace, the lady's temper has become more and more uncertain.

"Didn't I draw the emperor?" Murong Qing'er asked back, only to realize that the person on the portrait was Dugu Piaojian, she immediately threw away the brush in her hand, feeling melancholy, it shouldn't be like this, she likes it It's Murong Rui, how could he draw Dugu Piaojian?

Since she was a child, she has always liked Murong Rui, the man in Tsing Yi who is as gentle as the wind.

As for Dugu Piaojian, she hates him, she hates him for leaving the Southwest Palace, hates him for being with that woman named Dongluo, doesn't he like her?He has always been hypocritical at all, and now he can't pretend anymore, so he just finds a random woman to be with, what a man without principles!

"Miss Qing'er, let me help you see who you are drawing?" Yun Feixiang's crisp and laughing voice came in, and Murong Qing'er and the maid were shocked, and the next second, the maid had already Someone covered her mouth and dragged her down, and at the same time Murong Qing'er had her acupuncture points pressed and was speechless.

Yun Feixiang walked in through the door swaggeringly with a leisurely expression on her face. She had a smile on her face, her long hair fluttered, and she exuded a lazy and evil aura.But the ten people behind her skillfully opened the mechanism of the secret passage in the room, and went straight to the underground dungeon.

Murong Qing'er was shocked, didn't Yun Feixiang die?How could she suddenly appear here?Although she was wearing men's clothes, Murong Qing'er believed that she would never admit her mistake. She was already familiar with Yun Feixiang's enviously beautiful face, because every time she thought of Murong Rui, she would involuntarily think of Yun Feixiang, the love rival whom Murong Rui misses deeply.

"Isn't this the cold and handsome man who just joined the army of Nanyue Kingdom?" Yun Feixiang said unexpectedly, as if he was talking to Murong Qing'er, or talking to himself.

"What a coincidence! I didn't expect Princess Qing to have his portrait, but it seems to be drawn just now! Mingzhu, I think this painting is pretty good, why don't you take it back and give it to that handsome man? "Yun Feixiang picked up the painting, and carefully admired Dugu Piaojian's handsome face in front of Murong Qinger. It's like floating out of the painting.

(End of this chapter)

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