Chapter 415 Swaggering away (2)
"Mr. Ouyang, why should he give all the credit to the little girl! I know it's not easy for the military master to be in the Southwest Palace, but Long Ruhuo's death is what we all like to see happen, isn't it? It must be because of Long Ruhuo's death." The matter, the military adviser must have spent a lot of effort behind it!" Yun Feixiang intentionally made his words ambiguous, and the meaning of his understanding was completely developed by his own ideas. At first, in order to make the Southwest King not to value Long Ruhuo too much, Ouyang Yifei really spent a lot of effort.

Ouyang Yifei was wondering why Yun Feixiang brought up this matter at this time, but he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps from behind. According to his intuition over the years, he knew that it was the King of Southwest.

What a way to separate people!
He underestimated the enemy!

Unexpectedly, Yun Feixiang was so resourceful at such a young age. The prince probably heard what he said just now. He originally opposed the prince's reuse of Long Ruhuo. Just now he expressed his dissatisfaction with Long Ruhuo. Now he has to How much time it takes to explain clearly to the prince!

Even if the explanation is clear, I'm afraid there will be a rift with the prince!

When Murong Yangxiong arrived, the archers immediately gave way to a one-meter-wide path. The man took a deep breath, and then walked in steadily. The anxiety and confusion just now no longer showed.

Murong Yangxiong saw Murong Qing'er held hostage by Qin Mingzhu at a glance, his face darkened but he didn't speak, but Murong Qing'er seemed to see hope, his eyes lit up suddenly, and his body began to struggle slightly.

"Pearl!" Yun Feixiang raised her eyelids suddenly, and looked at Murong Qing'er's neck indifferently, her eyes were deep and dark.

Almost in an instant, a silver-white cold light flashed, and Qin Mingzhu's sharp dagger had drawn a thin bloodstain between Murong Qing'er's neck and collarbone. Qin Mingzhu had followed Yun Feixiang for two Since she was young, she naturally understood what her master meant.

"Ah!" Murong Qing'er couldn't help but screamed, the sudden pain caused her hairs to stand on end, she had enough reason to believe that Yun Feixiang would be so cruel that she would directly kill her with a knife.

The current Yun Feixiang is no longer the Yunfeixiang she was many years ago. Her sharp eyes and decisive decision made people even more frightened. Murong Qing'er couldn't help crying, and she realized that Qin Mingzhu didn't know when she unsealed her acupuncture points.

This scene, just as Yun Feixiang expected, deeply hurt the heart of the Southwest King.

"Father, save me!" It's good that Murong Qing'er didn't speak, but when he spoke, the Southwest King's face suddenly changed. The daughter he held in his palm had never been hurt like this by anyone.

"Qing'er, don't be afraid, the father is here, and the father will save you!" Murong Yangxiong looked calm, but in fact he was already anxious. He glanced at Ouyang Yifei coldly, and then turned his attention to Yun Feixiang. , and said in a deep voice: "How can Princess Feixiang let the little girl go?"

Ouyang Yifei's heart was instantly chilled by this glance of the Southwest King, but he still tried his best to put on a calm and composed expression!

"It's very simple, let's go!" Yun Feixiang didn't bother to talk much, and simply threw out a nonsense.

Yun Feixiang clearly saw that the Southwest King's heart was in a mess. In fact, it didn't matter even if the Southwest King forcibly refused to let them go. She was confident that she could successfully escape the Southwest Palace with the ten members of the Dulong team. If you dare to come, she will naturally act after careful consideration!
"Military teacher, what do you think we should do?" The Southwest King swept across the scar on Murong Qing'er's neck, and couldn't help feeling more distressed. Although he was dissatisfied with Ouyang Yifei who found out that Yun Feixiang had trespassed in the Southwest Palace without telling him, but on the surface You still have to be respectful to him, after all Ouyang Yifei is his advisor and has been by his side for more than twenty years.

"My lord, since Princess Feixiang has already come, how can you let her go so easily?" Ouyang Yifei definitely did not intend to let Yunfeixiang go.

He has already laid a net, and he is just waiting for Yun Feixiang to take the bait. If he releases Yun Feixiang, he will let the tiger go back to the mountain. He is absolutely unwilling to do such a thing.

"Ah..." Qin Mingzhu slashed Murong Qing'er's neck mercilessly again, the pain made Murong Qing'er burst into tears, crying and shouting: "Qing'er hurts so much, Father, save me, save me!" I!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but" the courtyard was full of the sound of Murong Qing'er weeping, piercing Murong Yangxiong's body like needles.

"Mingzhu, it's better to scratch your face next time, don't always scratch some insignificant places, and remember to scratch harder, don't scratch it like this, it's better to see the bones, and the flesh and blood are flying. Interesting." Yun Feixiang said leisurely.

After speaking, she admired her hands again, and saw that she was looking at her snow-white fingertips, stroking the slender nails with one hand, as if she had forgotten that she was surrounded by more than 300 archers.

And the Dulong warriors behind her couldn't help laughing. They couldn't help admiring Qin Mingzhu. They couldn't guess what her master was thinking, but Mingzhu was different. The master only needed a look, a movement, or even a frown, and Mingzhu knew who she was. What to do is really not easy!
"Yes, master!" The master was evil again, Qin Mingzhu began to gesticulate on Murong Qing'er's face as he spoke, as if to see which direction it would be better to slash.

"Slow down! Slow down! Princess Feixiang, I'll let you go! Let you go immediately!" Murong Yangxiong couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to let Yun Feixiang go.

"Mingzhu, hurry up and do it!" Yun Feixiang didn't even look at the Southwest King, and stared at Qin Mingzhu again. This stare let Ouyang Yifei know that he might not be able to catch Yun Feixiang tonight up.

Qin Mingzhu struck quickly, the blade of the dagger had already pierced Murong Qing'er's face, the pain caused Murong Qing'er to scream terribly.

"Get out of the way!" Murong Yangxiong ordered immediately, Qin Mingzhu let go of his hand a little bit, but still stared at Murong Qing'er's face with interest.

Murong Yangxiong's voice was stern, but the three hundred archers remained motionless. They were still standing neatly inside and outside the courtyard, as if they hadn't heard Murong Yangxiong's words. complexion.

The atmosphere became extremely cold in an instant, and the people in his Southwest Palace did not obey his orders. Is this a rebellion?
Yun Feixiang couldn't help but look at Ouyang Yifei, and then smiled mockingly at the Southwest King: "It turns out that the lord is no better than the military advisor Ouyang in the hearts of the soldiers, and the orders of the lord are just empty words! If this is the case, then the lord's daughter It doesn't seem to be of any value."

Yun Feixiang's eyes darkened, her meaning was obvious, since these archers didn't listen to Murong Yangxiong, then Murong Qing'er could only die.

(End of this chapter)

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