The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 417 Ouyang Yifei's defeat

Chapter 417 Ouyang Yifei's defeat (1)
When Ouyang Yifei received the letter of battle from Nanyue Kingdom, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth. When he was about to fight wits and courage with the little girl, the little girl actually asked him to fight, and she ordered a battle in a regular manner. Book!
Not only has the time and place been set for the battle, but also the rules of victory and defeat have been set!
After meeting for three days, on the plains outside Meizhou, both sides brought 1 horses each to engage in a large-scale battle. The coach of the Southwest Army, Ouyang Yifei, and the coach of the Nanyue Army, Yun Feixiang, both coaches must be present and must fight. Until the last person is killed, the other side wins, otherwise the battle will continue.

"Military division, what does Nanyue Kingdom mean? Could it be that their combat effectiveness can surpass the elite of our Southwest Army?"

"That's right, isn't Nanyue Kingdom just asking for trouble?"

"I think we will win this battle, why be so nervous?"

The generals of the Southwest Army obviously underestimated the enemy. Meizhou was stationed by elites. If they took 1 people casually, they would definitely win. Why did Nanyue Kingdom fight such an uncertain battle?

"Hmph..." Ouyang Yifei gave a rare cold snort, and his face was extremely displeased. It seems that these people have not realized the strength of the Nanyue Kingdom's army, "You have forgotten the fiasco of Qingling Mountain and Hengyang City Did you forget that more than a dozen cities in the southwest have already fallen into the hands of the Nanyue Kingdom?"

"That's not because of Wang Lei's rebellion. When I catch him, I will be the first to kill him!" A major general named Wen Tang said dissatisfied.

They didn't care about the gains and losses of those small cities. As for Hengyang's defeat, they all blamed Wang Lei's surrender.

"You bastard! I didn't reflect on myself after losing the battle. Wang Lei has always been loyal to the prince, why did he take refuge in Nanyue Kingdom in the end? Don't you see the key?" Ouyang Yifei was so angry that his hands trembled, and he stayed in the room. In the Southwest Palace, the soldiers on the front line did not expect the enemy to be so underestimated.

"Military commander, don't get angry! These young generals don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and they still hope that the military commander will be merciful!" Lian Xiaoyi hurriedly stood up, and severely reprimanded the soldiers who were talking about it. Ouyang's military commander has always been very good-natured, and now he has lost momentum. Great, everyone is still talking about the year.

"Could it be that the military division is afraid of that woman Yun Feixiang? Don't you dare to fight?" Wen Tang was eager to make contributions, thinking of inspiring the military division, maybe the military division agreed, but he didn't expect——

"Come here, Wentang's subordinates have committed crimes against the superiors. They have no military advisors, and they will be executed according to the crime!" Ouyang Yifei gave the order, and all the officials were shocked, only then did they realize that the military advisors were really angry.

Ouyang Yifei has always given people the impression that he is calm and gentle, but he did not expect to get angry, but it made people feel more guilty than the Southwest King.

"Military division, please be merciful!" All the soldiers knelt down and begged for Wen Tang's mercy.

"General Wen has a straightforward personality. If he speaks offensively, please give him another chance to make up for his mistakes."

Wen Tang was so frightened that he didn't expect that Military Master Ouyang wanted to execute him!
After all, he is also a strong general in the southwestern army. Although he is young, he has made a lot of military exploits. The military adviser wants to kill him?

"Drag on!" Ouyang Yifei didn't change his words at all, his tone was firm and unshakable, Wentang's legs softened, and he suddenly fell to his knees on the ground, with his head down, not daring to speak again.

"Military division, for the sake of General Wen's youthful vigor and ignorance, please let him go." Lian Xiaoyi also knelt down. If he didn't speak again, this fierce general might really be executed. up.

"Wentang does things alone. I just hope that the military commander will not be afraid of the enemy!" Wentang suddenly mustered up his courage and straightened his back.

"Bastard! Pull it down and hit a hundred army sticks!" Ouyang Yifei was so angry that he almost vomited blood. When was he ever afraid of the enemy, but he didn't want to sacrifice in vain!Soon someone came to drag Wentang down, Ouyang Yifei thought for a while, and said: "Wait! If the hundred military sticks are not dead, I will go to the outskirts of Meizhou with my military division to watch the battle in three days' time!"

Ouyang Yifei's heart ached fiercely, ten thousand elites!Now there is no way to refuse Yun Feixiang's challenge. If he refuses, the army's morale will be in chaos. He must use the loss of [-] elites to awaken the Southwest Army!
Just hope it's not too late!

Three days later, the two armies officially fought. Under the mountains and rivers, there was a rare plain area without any obstacles in the middle. The two armies faced each other from a distance, and slowly walked towards the center of the plain.

The scorching sun is in the sky, the golden streamer is flying down the sky, the horseshoes are trampling, rolling up the glittering dust all over the place, the wind is blowing, the flags are fluttering, the mighty warriors are standing in unison, the shocking slogan annihilates the roar of history, echoed in the sky.

"Mr. Ouyang, long time no see!" Yun Feixiang spoke first.

She is dressed in a red dress, enchanting and evil, her petite body is sitting on a tall steed, her white skin is shining with crystal light, and her eyes are as bright as black gemstones, revealing a dark and deep light.

"It's only a month or so!" Ouyang Yifei wore a purple robe, which was noble, mysterious and full of luxury, which was in stark contrast to the smiling and wanton laziness of the woman opposite.

"Thank you, Military Master Ouyang, for letting the little girl's life go!" Yun Feixiang smiled faintly, with a different kind of teasing tone.

What Yun Feixiang didn't expect was that this sentence made many people black face, Ouyang Yifei black face was because of embarrassment, not because he wanted to let Yun Feixiang go, but because he had to let go.

Long Yuyan and Yun Feilong's black faces were because they were worried. They didn't know what happened to Xiang'er in the Southwest Palace, but they saw that she successfully brought back the woman named Dongluo.

But at this time, one person in the army was full of guilt. Miss Xiang'er took the risk to rescue Dongluo. He was grateful and had nothing to repay him. He could only kill the enemy and make meritorious service, and do something meaningful for her. matter!
"Little girl, your 1 people won't count the two beside you, right?" Ouyang Yifei noticed the two men with strong aura, and couldn't help frowning.

Especially Long Yuyan on the left of Yun Feixiang, I am afraid that one person can fight against hundreds of elites!
"Of course, the eldest brother and the second brother are just here to make soy sauce." Yunfei Xiangyun said calmly.The handsome faces of the two handsome men are dark again, does Xiang'er dare to say that they are jealous?

It doesn't matter if you are making soy sauce or vinegar!
Hearing that Long Yuyan and Yun Feilong would not fight, Ouyang Yifei secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He has hidden many elite experts among the elite of the Southwest Army. After this battle, even if he does not win, at least he can win A tie!
When he saw Long Yuyan just now, he was really worried. As long as Long Yuyan didn't play, he was still very sure, but he also knew that among Yun Feixiang's 1 people, there must be masters!

"Brother, Ouyang Junshi seems to be very afraid of you!" Yun Feixiang gave Long Yuyan a thumbs up without hesitation, looking like a big brother.

(End of this chapter)

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