The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 421 The Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion

Chapter 421 The Mid-Autumn Festival Reunion (1)
Yun Feilong in the dark was so shocked beyond words. It turned out that Xiang'er always made all preparations early, which is why she succeeded again and again.

When he heard that Xiang'er hoped that Long Yuyan would lead Suizhou's [-] troops to sneak into the countries of the Western Regions, he was shocked. Xiang'er not only had two teams of Xiaolong and Dulong, but also secretly raised such a team. Huge army!

And Xiang'er's intelligence network, business empire, what efforts has Xiang'er made over the years?
As early as today, Xiang'er had already buried secret threads in the countries of the Western Regions, just to prepare for the future. Who can match such a deep plan?Yun Feilong has enough reasons to believe that if Xiang'er wants to deal with a person, he will definitely be able to make him die without a place to bury him.

On the second day, Long Yuyan disappeared from Yun Feixiang's side and only followed Qin Mingzhu. All the generals were shocked, but they didn't dare to ask more questions. Princesses are always mysterious, so it's not uncommon for someone to be missing by her side.

Lin Fang was also very shocked, because Yu Mu beside him disappeared. Later, he asked Yun Lin, only to learn that Yu Mu had actually gone to perform a secret mission.

hateful!That brat Yu Mu can go on a secret mission?Why doesn't he know?Does Yu Mu still take him as a senior brother seriously?

On the third day, Wuying appeared in front of Yun Feixiang without anyone noticing, taking on the role of Long Yuyan!

On the fourth day, great news came from Meizhou!

The Southwest Army abandoned the city and retreated!

In the battle of Meizhou, the Southwest King's army lost a full [-] troops. Now it is meaningless to hold on to the city. In desperation, Ouyang Yifei ordered the army to preserve its strength and retreat to the north bank of Henghe River.

Henghe is a natural river outside Yancheng. The river is more than 200 meters wide. When the fog is thick, it is impossible to see the middle of the river, let alone the situation on the other side of the river.

With this natural barrier—Henghe River as the boundary, to the south of Henghe River, the territory of the King of Southwest has been completely occupied by the Nanyue Kingdom, and Meizhou was abandoned. The defeat of Meizhou is a foregone conclusion.

But at this point in the march, Yun Feixiang also felt a little pressure.

If it was said that she was 80.00% sure of winning the battle in the past, now there is only an [-]% chance of winning, because there will be uncertain factors north of Henghe, and that is the intervention of countries in the Western Regions.

The countries in the Western Regions are all barbarians. Their poisonous insects, snakes, poisonous substances and various witchcrafts make the Central Plains people very afraid.

From February of the first year to the present, the battle has been fought for more than half a year, and it is now the middle of August. Three days later, it will be the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival, but Yun Feixiang doesn't seem to have any festive mood.

What's the point of celebrating the holidays when your relatives are not around?
However, the soldiers of the Nanyue Army seemed to be in high spirits, and the barracks was full of festive atmosphere. I don't know if it was because of the victory of the war in the past few days, or because of some major event.

In the past three days, Yun Feilong and Yun Feihong also seemed to have disappeared.Bored and helpless, Yun Feixiang had no choice but to wander around in the barracks. Coincidentally, she met Dugu Piaojian and Dongluo.

"Brother Piaojian, since you don't leave, Dongluo will never leave." The woman's voice came over with stubbornness and firmness.

Yun Feixiang stopped in her tracks, she didn't intend to hear them talking, but now she thinks that little girl Dongluo is very interesting.

"Little girl, the army is full of men, it's inconvenient for you to be here." Dugu Piaojian sighed helplessly, trying to convince the little woman beside him.Now that he has entered the Nanyue Army, he will do what he should do well, and he will never leave for a while.

"I've been in the army for more than two months, and I find it very convenient." The little girl said with a good feeling about herself.

As long as I can see him every day, it's not convenient, it's not important anymore.

"You!" The man seemed to want to say something more, but his deep voice was finally drowned in the woman's pleading.

"As long as I'm with Brother Piaojian, anywhere is fine!" The woman suddenly boldly hugged the man's broad waist, and pressed her head against the man's gentle chest.

When Yun Feixiang saw this, she couldn't help but feel sore in her heart, separated, gathered and scattered, she actually missed that guy Xuanyuan Tianzhan very much.It's almost Mid-Autumn Festival, and she can only look at the bright moon in the sky, and miss him melancholy alone?

Dugu Piaojian couldn't break free, so he had to let the girl's little hand hug him, he was afraid that he would hurt her if he did it, Dong Luo only knew some three-legged kung fu besides light work, and his strength was even more insignificant, but at this moment, The girl's hand holding the man's waist was very tight.

Dugu Piaojian suddenly chuckled, for some reason, this girl couldn't learn martial arts well no matter what, she was like a natural waste.

But now, the feeling of being relied on by others fills my heart warmly, at least my heart is no longer empty.

In the night wind, there seems to be a faint breath...

"Who?" Dugu Piaojian yelled suddenly, his sharp and vigilant eyes swept behind him, and quickly protected the woman in his arms behind him.When the man turned his head, he found the woman standing behind them.

"The young couple is so sweet, we should cherish the time we spend together!" Yun Feixiang smiled lightly, his eyes filled with warm blessings.

Dugu Piaojian may not realize how nervous he was about the girl in his arms just now.

Dong Luo's face blushed, she let go of Dugu Piaojian's waist in embarrassment, looked at Yun Feixiang with her dark eyes, and said falteringly: "Sister Xiang'er, it's's not what you saw!"

"Oh? What's that like?" Yun Feixiang raised her eyebrows, with a teasing smile on her lips, "Or do you mean you don't like your brother Piaojian?"

"No, no, I like Brother Piaojian, I like..." The girl violently shook her head like a rattle, this excessive reaction shocked even Dugu Piaojian.

Yun Feixiang laughed "puchi", the little girl is so innocent and cute!
"Xiang'er, why don't you go to bed so late?" A smile appeared on Dugu Piaojian's lips. Will be forever rejected thousands of miles away.

Since coming to Nanyue Military Camp, he has felt the warmth from a stranger, realized the value of hard work, and seen the bright light of life.

It is no longer boundless darkness and loneliness, but doing meaningful things every day, and life is affirmed.

"The weather is fine tonight, and the moonlight is also beautiful. The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in three days. I'll come out early to see the moon." Yun Feixiang said jokingly.

After that, she looked at the shy and embarrassed girl with a funny face, and blinked towards Dongluo encouragingly: "Little girl has good eyesight! You guys have a good date, and I won't bother you!"

(End of this chapter)

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