Chapter 423
Yun Feixiang suddenly lost his mind, he actually knew that she wanted him to stay!He is always so thoughtful and understanding!


Just want to love him!At this moment, this is the most real thought in Yun Feixiang's heart.

Quickly unbuttoning the button, the man's kiss fell like a storm.

Yun Feixiang tried to push the man away, but she just waved her fists symbolically a few times, and instead slowly wrapped her hands around the man's neck.

The little woman's body was limp and she had no strength at all. Thinking of her initiative, she couldn't help but glared at the man.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw the little girl's coquettish appearance, and his blood boiled even more. Once the mighty and domineering Prince Zhan turns into a wolf, the consequences can be imagined!
The arrival of Emperor Nanyue greatly boosted morale, especially those soldiers who were praised and praised by the emperor were full of enthusiasm, determined to win glory for the country and fight the enemy bravely.

The current situation is that the southwestern army retreats to the north of Henghe, facing Nanyue Kingdom across the river. No matter how they plan, crossing Henghe will have to pay a heavy price.

However, this seemingly extremely difficult battle of crossing the river took a huge turning point after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"What did you say? Murong Rui is going south to wipe out the rebels?!" After showing his edge on the battlefield for half a year, Yun Feixiang stood up unsteadily from the chair for the first time.

All the soldiers were overjoyed at first, with Murong Rui's help, they were more confident in destroying the Southwest King's army, but why was the princess so excited?Could it be that Murong Rui will take back the territory that Nanyue Kingdom has conquered?

However, this is a problem.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, and he couldn't help tightening the hand holding the little woman. He was completely opposite to the thoughts of the soldiers. He had already seen through the man's mind. He would be willing, but it was precisely because of this that he had to be more wary of Murong Rui.

Now, Murong Rui finally knows the truth. In Sheng Tian's situation, he even led his troops to the south for the sake of the little woman by his side?
"Yes, master, Shengtian's army has arrived in Yuanzhou, and it is estimated that they will reach Yancheng in a few days." Mingzhu was also very shocked, the news came so suddenly that she herself couldn't believe it.

But the friendship between the master and the third prince five years ago is still vivid in my memory, and then with the prince, everything changed dramatically.

At the beginning, almost all the people in Xiangge thought that the master and the third prince were a match made in heaven, and thought they would be together, but the facts proved that the prince is the true love in the master's heart.As the master said, love does not distinguish between time and distance, just like herself, she always thinks about the man who pretended to be the prince, no matter how many years have passed, she will always remember.

Hearing Mingzhu's affirmative words, Yun Feixiang's face instantly turned pale, the woman's arms drooped limply, and that gentle man in green clothes appeared in front of her eyes. It's been almost three years, is he okay?

I left so cruelly, without even leaving him any news, he must have forgotten himself, yes, he will definitely not be as stupid as before.

Of course, this is exactly what she wants, to use her fading out and ruthlessness to exchange for his forgetfulness and break his obsession, but he is going south at this time, what does this mean?
It should have been a long time ago to wipe out the traitors, so why wait until now?He must have known the fact that she was still alive, but he just hoped he wouldn't be so stupid again!
Looking at the woman's complicated and tangled expression, Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt mixed feelings in his heart. He was sitting beside the woman, but the woman was standing, her pair of small hands were still in the man's big hands. He deeply felt the worry in the little woman's heart.

Xiang'er has long been unable to tell what kind of feeling she has for Murong Rui. This kind of feeling is not love, but an unforgettable concern. Whether it is the concealment of the truth at the beginning or the worry now, it is Xiang'er who cares about Murong in her own way Rui.

The atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became gloomy and depressing. All the generals were very surprised. Since the princess took action, she has always been extremely calm when encountering problems. What happened today?
Yun Feilong and Yun Feihong were also extremely shocked. Maybe Murong Rui still has weight in Xiang'er's heart. It doesn't mean that if you forget a person, you can forget... The eyes of the two involuntarily looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan beside Yun Feixiang. , the one who is more contradictory than Xiang'er is Xuanyuan Tianzhan, right?
"That's the end of today's discussion." Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up suddenly, and said coldly to the generals. After finishing speaking, regardless of what everyone thought, the man bent his tall body, and hugged the little woman completely horizontally. He strode out of the big tent.

All that was left was following, puzzled, and puzzled eyes...


A gentle breeze blows the man's green robe, the corner of the sleeve reveals a faintly slender wrist, the man's face is handsome, but pale as paper, the man's figure is tall, but thin and slender...

The man stood there, giving people a feeling of heartache!That's right, that's how it feels!
"Your Majesty, my army is progressing smoothly and will reach Yancheng soon." Leng Feng took a slightly thin cloak in his hand and carefully covered Murong Rui. He didn't dare to look at the slender man in front of him. The thin and thin body will fall down at any time.

Although the weather is still in August, but now there is a slight breeze, the emperor's body may not be able to bear it.For some reason, in the past two years, the emperor's body has become thinner and thinner, and he has become more and more afraid of the cold. The imperial doctors are all helpless, but the emperor doesn't care about it, and he doesn't care about his body at all.

"Cough...cough..." Couldn't help coughing a few times, some strange liquid gushed out of Murong Rui's throat, his slender figure stood upright, so thin, but so tall and straight, even for an iron-blooded man like Leng Feng The boy couldn't help but have red eyes and tears.

"Leng Feng, do you think Xiang'er is really okay?" Murong Rui asked softly.

"Your Majesty, the news from the hidden guards says that Princess Feixiang is fine!" Leng Feng felt as uncomfortable as if someone had stabbed him severely.Your majesty, why are you bothering?

Princess Feixiang is so lucky to have the emperor so caring, and God is so ruthless to the emperor, the princess turned a blind eye and avoided the emperor for almost three years.

In the past three years, he saw the emperor unable to eat again and again, saw the emperor staring at the portrait of the princess in a daze again and again, smirked again and again, and then shed tears...

Until now, the man's tall and mighty body turned out to be emaciated, and his face was so pale that no trace of blood could be seen.

Princess, if you knew the emperor's painstaking efforts, would you still be so cruel?

How many times, the lonely figure under the moonlight, how many times, the affectionate eyes staring silently outside the Hanxiang Palace, how many times, I woke up in my sleep, calling the name that penetrated the soul... how many pens and inks, I can't draw your beauty and tenderness Qiao, how many words can't write the love for you!

(End of this chapter)

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