The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 426 Kill first and then grab

Chapter 426 Kill first and then grab (1)
The man's thin lips parted slightly, and there was a hint of sadness and deep pain in his eyes.

"When I was 14 years old, I went to various countries in the Western Regions. In a tribe, I was accidentally attacked by such poisonous insects. Although I killed the poisonous insects later, I was still bitten."

The feeling of being swallowed up quickly is like watching a falling leaf change from spring to winter in an instant, from green to withered yellow, until finally, only bare branches remain.

At that time, he thought that his life was over, but he didn't expect Master to pull him back from the death line of life.

"If it weren't for the master's superb medical skills, Xiang'er would not have a husband today..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan suddenly laughed softly, and then hugged the little woman tightly in his arms, as if he was hugging the most precious treasure.

"No, Ah Zhan will always be fine. We still have a long way to go, we have gone through so many hardships, we will always be fine..." Yun Feixiang hugged him tightly, feeling filled with emotion , this hard-won love, she must take good care of it.

"I won't abandon Xiang'er." The man's voice was firm like an oath, but his eyes were deep and dark, "Master almost exhausted all the energy in his body in order to save me, because the bugs that gnawed on me Not much, so Master can barely save me, but since then, Master has not recovered within a year."

The man's tone is full of gratitude, guilt, helplessness, and admiration for the real Miaoshou!No matter what time it is, Master will always appear at the most critical moment and give him the greatest hope.

However, he owed his master too much!

"Later, I formed a powerful force in the Western Regions, and eradicated many wizards who controlled the poisonous insects. Without the wizards, the poisonous insects gradually died, and I rarely heard about blood-sucking poisonous insects. I thought these poisonous insects hardly existed. , but I didn’t expect to see you here again.”

The air froze in an instant, Yun Feixiang touched the man's face with both hands, her big watery eyes were full of distress, she didn't know what to say to comfort him, she just wanted to hug him tightly and tell herself that stay with him.

The soft lips kissed the man's lips, and she could only pass on her warmth and comfort to him in the most direct way.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was obviously stronger than expected, he kissed the little woman back.The matter was over, he didn't care about it for a long time, but when he thought about it, the painful feeling would emerge, but now with Xiang'er, his life is full of beauty and expectation.

Just when the two kissed tightly——

"Girl, thank you for saving me, I am very grateful!" Suddenly, a drenched person appeared in front of him, and the sweetness of the two was interrupted, Yun Feixiang was surprised, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan was angry.

Don't you see that people are loving each other?

Yun Feixiang looked at the person coming, only then realized that the person standing on the bow of the boat just now was not a woman at all, but a man who looked very much like a woman.

"Are you a man?" Yun Feixiang asked immediately.The faces of the man on the opposite side and Xuanyuan Tianzhan both changed, one turned white, the other turned black... It was obviously the latter who turned black!
"I'm a real man!" Said the man who was as beautiful as a woman and was still dripping wet.

He raised his head up a little amusingly, as if to show that his structure is different from that of a woman, even Yun Feixiang couldn't help laughing.

On the other hand, Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a golden light in his eyes, exuding a strong aura all over his body. This man of unknown origin not only interrupted his love with Xiang'er, but also dared to say that he was a real man?Believe it or not, immediately make him a eunuch?
"Xiao Bai!" The man shouted two words in a low voice, with a very bad tone.

Xiao Mo in the dark almost fell, and the prince was calling Xiao Bai?No way?The prince personally summoned him, what kind of shit luck did this kid have to be summoned by the prince himself?
"What are you doing in a daze? The prince is calling you, don't be so excited that you don't even want to lose your head!" Xiao Mo kept reminding Xiao Bai.

Looking at that silly boy Xiao Bai, he even wondered for a moment that his ears had heard him wrong!Seeing that no one appeared immediately, Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned, and called again: "Xiao Mo".

"Subordinates are here!" Xiao Mo's whole body trembled, and he quickly jumped out.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's complexion improved a little now, and chasing souls and returning souls are still easy to use, and they have been following him for more than ten years. These two fledgling boys still have a lot to hone.

Only then did Xiao Bai belatedly realize that the lord was indeed calling him, and jumped out quickly, but it was obvious that the lord looked at him with unkind eyes, to be exact, it wasn't unkind, it was ice-cold, it was cold, and he wanted to The feeling that killed him.

Xiao Bai trembled all over, he didn't dare to be careless anymore!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan cast a sideways glance at the man opposite, and said in a cold voice: "Check this thing that claims to be genuine but looks neither male nor female."

Yun Feixiang's eyebrows trembled, is she male or female?thing?Check it out?Can Ah Zhan say something more shocking?

Xiao Bai suddenly felt that his brain was short-circuited, and his thoughts were a little chaotic.My lord, this is... how do I ask them to check it?Wouldn't it be true to strip naked for inspection?

"Yes, my lord!" Without waiting for Xiao Bai to react, he only listened to Xiao Mo's already dedicated answer. Sometimes, the master's mind needs to be guessed, and this is the time to test their hidden guard's IQ.

It's not easy to be a high-level hidden guard, and it's even harder to be the head of a hidden guard who is called by the prince's side at any time!
Xiao Mo immediately admired Lord Zhuihun. Fortunately, he had been seriously waiting for the order of the prince. Naturally, he could roughly guess what the prince meant at this time. Didn't he check it again?Instead... let him become a eunuch directly!
There was the sound of a sword coming out of its sheath. It sounded extremely sharp and made of excellent material. With a sword like this, if you cut it down, I'm afraid...

The beautiful man's face suddenly turned pale. It seems that the man in front of him is not easy to mess with!However, how shrewd is he, no matter how powerful a man is, he is obedient to the women around him?

A woman's heart has always been the softest, and the best to speak.

The man put away the chest-high and raised-headed look just now, his blurred eyes turned, and he looked at Yun Feixiang with a pitiful gaze: "Girl, I'm going to He Lanyu to do business between countries. Today the merchant ship was killed. It's not the girl who reminded me to dive, I'm afraid I've already been devoured by those poisonous insects, I came here just to thank the girl for saving my life, but I never wanted to be misunderstood by the girl as a woman."

The man's voice was soft and thin, but Yun Feixiang remained motionless. No matter what the man said, his origin was unknown, and it was a sensitive period when the two sides were fighting, let alone trust anyone easily.Besides, she understands Ah Zhan's temper. Although Ah Zhan listens to her very much, he is still extremely stubborn on some issues of principle, such as: Someone messed with him!
(End of this chapter)

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