The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 428 His Different Kind of Tenderness

Chapter 428 His Different Kind of Tenderness (2)
Just dance with him like this, let go of all defenses and burdens in front of the most beloved person, and only follow the most primitive reaction of the body...

In an old house on the outskirts of Meizhou, a man and a woman.

"Are you sure that woman is the woman in the portrait?" Ji Lan said excitedly.

This kind of excitement is not due to Yun Feixiang is still alive, but because this huge news can be used to persuade Mu Rujing to let her give up her obsession with Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan doesn't have her in his heart at all, so why bother to wrong himself for Xuanyuan Tianzhan?

"That's right, although she is wearing men's clothing, but that alluring face is something that people can't forget after seeing her once. I won't admit it." He Lanyu said with certainty.

Moreover, Yun Feixiang in reality is far more beautiful than the woman in this portrait, just imagining it makes people feel appetizing, so he would take the risk to get close to Yun Feixiang, but the girl next to her Man, it's just too scary.

"Stunning beauty? You can't forget it once you see it?" Ji Lan suddenly shot out a gleam in his eyes, and said in a gloomy and weird tone, "I'm afraid that even your soul will be hooked?"

He Lanyu was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Ji Lan was angry, and quickly approached with a smile: "In my heart, He Lanyu, only Lan'er is the most beautiful. Lan'er has an elegant posture, pure and clean, just like the melting snow in the mountains , nourish my heart and lungs..."

"Okay, don't say those nasty love words." Although Ji Lan's mouth is still unforgiving, her heart is full of joy. There is no woman who does not want to be praised by others, and there is no woman who does not like to listen to men's sweet talk .

"As long as Lan'er doesn't get angry." Does He Lanyu know Ji Lan yet?A woman's mind is just a little bit, she can figure it out as soon as she guesses, she enjoys herself when she praises her, and she is as gentle as water when she is seduced.

However, it seemed that Yun Feixiang was very different. Xuanyuan Tianzhan listened to Yun Feixiang's words very much, but the woman pretended to plead for him. In fact, she really refused to help him. After all, it was to test him.

"He Lan, I'm going to Tianmenguan to look for Rujing, and I've been away from you for a while." Ji Lan suddenly felt a sense of reluctance. This man would always say nice words to coax himself. , he will also enlighten himself, only with him can he feel the joy of life.

"Lan'er..." He Lanyu put his arms around the woman's slender waist, kissed her between the brows, and said considerately with a look of reluctance: "How about I go with you?"

"No." Although Ji Lan was very happy with what he said, He Lan also had her own things to do, so he couldn't waste his time, "I'll go by myself, and I should be back soon."

Reluctantly hugging He Lanyu, Ji Lan finally turned around and left without looking back.

He Lanyu looked at the woman in blue who disappeared at the door, and a big smile bloomed on his lips. He can finally go to Piaohong Courtyard. The top card there is a newcomer. Today is her first night, and she has enough money. He Lanyu Then go out.

The sun is gradually rising, and now it is time for the sun to rise.Everything in the Nanyue barracks is normal, except that their respected Princess Feixiang has not been out of the big tent yet.

Blossoming purple tulips covered the whole body, from the neck to the ankles, it was Xuanyuan Tianzhan's masterpiece, the man was very satisfied, but the little woman was annoyed, would he dare to kiss her face so messily?
Not only is her whole body covered in the coquettish purple color of tulips, but she also has a sore waist and bones that are almost falling apart, "Hiss..." Yun Feixiang just opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth hurt a little, it must have been red and swollen from his kiss.

It seems that she is going to wear high-necked men's clothing today!
But the weather in August is still hot!It's all the fault of this endless man, as soon as he thought about it, he glared at Xuanyuan Tianzhan again!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan embraced the little girl again, rubbed her hair fondly, and said with a light smile: "Xiang'er has traces of being a husband all over her body, the baby will definitely love her when he sees his father love her so much." It'll be out soon."

Yun Feixiang couldn't help but rolled her eyes, can the baby see this thing?She wouldn't let the baby see it even if she killed her. Before the baby came out, his father started doing all kinds of mischief in the name of the baby. He said that he had to work hard to make the baby come out. In the end, he really worked hard. Just trying too hard!
Now I pull the baby out as a shield, oh, poor baby... But, if there is a baby, Ah Zhan will love him very much, right?
Ah Zhan is looking forward to the baby so much, he will love him very much!Yun Feixiang thought so.

"Xiang'er is hungry, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you for my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan hugged the little woman well, and got up to dress her again. The man was busy and in a great mood.

Seeing him being so gentle and considerate, Yun Feixiang's complaints disappeared in an instant.

The feeling of being loved by the man you love is always so wonderful, from the high-ranking, powerful and powerful regent king who does not touch the sun, to dressing and cooking for you, endless care and love, what else can you say? What?
Except for the occasional over-exuberant sex demand of men, I really can't find any unsatisfactory places!It's hard to find a man who is good-looking, rich, and talented even with a lantern!

"I just want to drink some light porridge, and add some fresh game, vegetables, and fruits are enough." Under the influence of the top doctor, Yun Feixiang naturally understood when and what is the most suitable to eat. If you supplement too much, it is good to eat something appetizing.

"Xiang'er is waiting, your husband will be ready soon." Xuanyuan Tianzhan quickly left the big tent and entered the kitchen.

Of course, the kitchens in the barracks are also temporarily built, most of them are in the open air, and only a shed to keep out the rain is built. The Prince Regent himself went down to the kitchen.

Everyone seemed to have forgotten to eat, staring blankly at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's noble fingers, washing rice, cooking porridge, washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, adding seasonings, all in one go...

On the contrary, the chef of the Huo Tou Army was calmer, because he had gotten used to it in the past few days. Not only would the prince come to cook breakfast for the princess in the morning, but he might also come at noon, evening, or even late at night.

Especially in the middle of the night the night before yesterday, when he saw the prince getting up to make supper for the princess, he was so surprised that he couldn't even speak!Later, he told the other members of the Huotou Army that the others didn't believe it, and now everyone was so shocked that their eyeballs fell out, right? !

For some reason today, Yun Feixiang wanted to come over to watch Xuanyuan Tianzhan cook for her by accident, but imagining it was one thing, actually seeing it was another.

When she saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan preparing lunch for her in front of everyone without hesitation, tears just fell down, blurring her vision.In modern times, she always looked forward to having a man who could work with her in the kitchen, wash and cook with her, but she never expected that in ancient times, this man with power over the world would do it for her.

(End of this chapter)

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