The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 436 Killing Father and Enemy

Chapter 436 Killing Father and Enemy (1)
"Get out of the way, let Murong Qing'er go." Yun Tianxiang ordered immediately without any hesitation.

Murong Qing'er is just a weak woman, so she will be released if she is released, but if something happens to Bing'er, he will never forgive herself for the rest of her life.

Only then did Murong Yangxiong heave a sigh of relief, and ordered the few personal guards to carry Murong Qing'er away. He had already arranged for Qing'er to go, but he didn't know why she came back?

Now is the only chance to send Qing'er away. After all, she is the only daughter of the Southwest King, and she will not let her die like this.

"I won't go, I won't go." Murong Qing'er resisted vigorously, watching the guards forcibly drag her away.

"Yun Tianxiang, you are different from me, Murong Yangxiong. I believe you will do what you say, and you won't intercept Qing'er halfway, right? Huh?" Although he thought he knew Yun Tianxiang very well, Murong Yangxiong still didn't agree. Feel free to ask back.

"Hmph, do you think everyone is as despicable and shameless as you?" Yun Tianxiang snorted disdainfully, his voice coldly swept around, "Everyone obeys the order, it is strictly forbidden to chase and kill Murong Qing'er."

Time passed by every minute and every second, and everyone's eyes were focused on Murong Yangxiong's hand holding Han Bingxue's throat. Yun Feixiang thought about asking Xuanyuan Tianzhan to save Han Bingxue, but Murong Yangxiong's hand held tightly Her neck couldn't escape safely at all, so she had to waste time helplessly.

After a long time, the man whose palm was already bright red said, "Can you let go of Binger now?"

"I want to talk to Bing'er alone." Murong Yangxiong loosened his hands, but trembled violently.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help sneering, maybe the King of the Southwest really loved his mother and concubine, but this kind of love is too cheap!
"I have nothing to talk to you about." Han Bingxue's voice turned cold for the first time, and her heart also turned cold.

She has always known Murong Yangxiong's methods, but she never thought that he would hijack her. She originally wanted to plead with Brother Tian to let him let Murong Yangxiong and his daughter go, but she didn't expect him to be so disappointing.

Murong Yangxiong looked at his hand on Han Bingxue's neck, and felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. Then, he suddenly laughed wildly, and looked at Yun Tianxiang mockingly: "We really have something in common, at least we all have something in common." A daughter, perhaps, the future of Nanyue Kingdom can be entrusted to your son-in-law, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is a capable person."

Murong Yangxiong's words caused an uproar in the crowd, how could Emperor Nanyue only have one daughter?In addition to Princess Feixiang, there is also the first prince Yun Feihong and the second prince Yun Feilong!
Although there are not many descendants, the two sons are outstanding. What is there to worry about in the future of Nanyue Kingdom?
Murong Yangxiong is jumping over the wall in a hurry, biting people indiscriminately?

Everyone looked at Yun Tianxiang, waiting for his denial, but——

"You're right. I'm planning to hand over the future of Nanyue Kingdom to my daughter and son-in-law! I won't mind Nanyue Kingdom having a female emperor." Yun Tianxiang frankly shocked everyone. People, including Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

Does the father mean that neither the elder brother nor the second elder brother are his biological sons?How is this possible?

Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong froze in place for an instant, aren't they the father's biological sons?Otherwise, why did the emperor say that?They don't care whether the country of Nanyue Kingdom is in the hands of the three brothers and sisters, but what did the father mean when he said "you are right" to the Southwest King?
"Brother Tian, ​​are you confused? How can you talk nonsense in front of Hong'er and Long'er?" Han Bingxue ignored the restraint on her neck, and her tone was full of anger.

Why tell the kids this fact now that they're all grown up?How cruel should this be to them?
Although Hong'er and Long'er were not her biological sons, she had long regarded them as her own. Wouldn't it be nice for the family to live happily like this?Why do you want to uncover the scars from more than [-] years ago, and hurt the two children bloody again?
Yun Tianxiang looked at his wife's anger and resentment, and just smiled back. Bing'er has always been soft-hearted, and she loves her children very much, but this matter cannot be solved by feeling sorry for her.

Looking at her father's expression, Yun Feixiang felt the seriousness of the situation more and more. What secrets are hidden in it?Or in other words, what kind of handle did the Southwest King seize on his father to make his father have to say it?
"Bing'er, it's time to let the two children know their background." Even if he didn't say it, Murong Yangxiong would.Since Murong Yangxiong said it in front of everyone, there must be evidence, so it is better for him to say it.

Having been their father for more than 20 years, it is better for him to say this matter. He has watched the two children grow up and believes that they will be able to figure it out!
"Father, my brother and I are really not your biological sons?" Yun Feilong approached Yun Tianxiang step by step, looking at the man he admired the most since childhood.

His eyes were as frightened as a wounded deer, so he hoped that the person in front of him would be his biological father, Yun Feixiang's heart tightened, but he looked at Yun Tianxiang with burning eyes.

"No, you are all the sons of my father, but you are not born of my father and your concubine mother. From the moment I decided to raise you, my father has always treated you as my own sons, and this has never changed." Yun Tianxiang Word by word, very clearly.

In the past, it didn't matter who belonged to the Nanyue Kingdom. Long'er and Hong'er were also the blood of the Nanyue royal family, but now the trend of unification of the world is so obvious, this country can only be relieved if it is handed over to Xiang'er and Zhan'er.

As for Long'er and Hong'er, they are the kings of one side, assisting Xuanyuan Tianzhan in governing the country and establishing a prosperous dynasty!
The man still looked at Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong with kindness in his eyes, which made everyone have an illusion, as if the First Prince and the Second Prince were still the Emperor's biological sons and had never changed at all.

It's just that the emperor's words are very clear, the eldest prince and the second prince are not born of him and the concubine Bing, once the secrets of the Nanyue royal family are revealed to the public, everyone will be horrified!

Everyone's heart is full of sadness, once the truth is revealed, it will be so cruel!

Yun Feilong suddenly felt dizzy and couldn't accept it for a while, he frowned in pain, his eyes were full of confusion and sadness, compared to Yun Feilong's fierceness, Yun Feihong looked extremely calm, so calm that people even doubted the eldest prince Did you already know this fact?

However, only a few people who know him know how calm he is on the surface, but how entangled and painful he is inside? !

"Children, you were young before, and my father was afraid that you would not be able to bear it, but now that you have grown up, you have the right to know the truth of the matter. You are still the sons of my father, and my father will love you as before. Our family We will live together well." Yun Tianxiang spoke again, with a sincere tone that made no one doubt the emperor's words.

(End of this chapter)

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