The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 442 Ending the Curtain

Chapter 442 Ending the Curtain (2)
"Ah..." Everyone felt that it was too weird for a moment, but they were more surprised.

"My lord finally woke up. I knew that my lord would not abandon us so easily." It was Wu Ying who spoke, his heart had been up and down many times, and he was almost scared out of a heart attack.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's amber eyes shot out, and the first time he saw the little woman's tearful face, in just a short while, her eyes were swollen from crying.

The man was so distressed that he quickly put his hands on the ground to prop up his body, and looked at her deeply with his eyes.

Yun Feixiang was a little dazed, Ah Zhan seemed to be the same Ah Zhan, but there seemed to be a change, ah... Ah Zhan became younger, and his aura seemed to become stronger.

"Xiang'er." The man put his arms around the little woman and held her tightly in his arms. This feeling of lost and found is like seeing her figure in the middle of a pack of wolves. It was a terrible surprise, but I am also terribly afraid, fearing that this is an illusion.

"Ah Zhan, I knew you wouldn't leave me. I knew it, I knew it..." Yun Feixiang was stunned for a long time, and then she kept talking like a repeater, as if only in this way could she get rid of the pain in her heart. Fear and worry.

"Fool, I promised you that I will love you forever. We still have a long way to go." Xuanyuan Tianzhan tried his best to comfort the little woman in his arms.At the same time, a golden light in his hand shot in the direction of Han Bingxue, silently infusing his spiritual power, if his mother-in-law died, Xiang'er would be very sad.

He could only do his best to see if he could bring the dead back to life with the Dragon Gathering Spirit.

With just a light hug, Yun Feixiang was convinced that the man was really by her side. As soon as her throat choked up, she felt the urge to cry, and hugged his waist tightly, and she was still thinking about her concubine, After hugging for a while, he couldn't help but gently pushed the man away, and ran towards the direction of the ice and snow.

But after only taking one step, she was shocked in an instant, father... Father father turned gray for a moment?The silver-white hair hung down, covering his entire back.

Yun Tianxiang's face was ashen, and he no longer had any hope. He was immersed in his own deep thinking, with a faint smile on his mouth, and the body of the woman in his arms had no warmth.

The woman's face was still peaceful, if they didn't know the truth, everyone would think she was just asleep.

"Azhan, can you save my concubine?" Yun Feixiang looked at the man next to her expectantly, her eyes were a little tentative, but she was more cautious, she was afraid of hearing the news she didn't want to hear from the man. .

"Xiang'er, I'll go take a look." Xuanyuan Tianzhan had just walked around Han Bingxue's body with spiritual power, and already felt that the woman was lifeless.

He couldn't bear to tell Xiang'er, so he had to bite the bullet and walk over.

In fact, Yun Feixiang already had a bad premonition, but she was stubborn and refused to give up the last hope. Her eyes were full of deep pain, and she fell into the cold ice and snow in an instant from the joy of Xuanyuan Tianzhan waking up. pain of.

She frowned, her little face almost wrinkled together.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan took Han Bingxue's pulse, but there was no sign of beating... But he unexpectedly discovered that there was a bead in her body. In order to find out what the bead was, a golden thread as thin as a thread flew into Han Bingxue in the man's hand. Inside the body, after exploring it again and again, it turned out to be the Thousand Turns Back Lingzhu.

"Xiang'er, mother is not dead, but..." the man spoke slowly, not knowing how to describe but the following words.

"Mother isn't dead?" Yun Feixiang grabbed the front part in surprise, ignoring the back part.Yun Tianxiang also seemed to have heard good news, and there was a little light in his lax eyes.

"Father, did you hear that? Ah Zhan said that the concubine mother is not dead, and the concubine mother is not dead." As if she had seized the last hope, the little woman was very pleasantly surprised, as long as the mother did not leave them.

All the people looked happy again, but they noticed the word "but" in Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words, and they didn't dare to be too surprised.

The man pondered for a while, and then said: "Mother should not be dead, but she couldn't wake up."

This news instantly pushed everyone's hearts to the bottom, unable to wake up?This is how the same thing?If you can't wake up, isn't it like a living dead?

"Why?" The little woman asked directly with pain in her eyes.

Seeing the disappointment and pain in her eyes, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was also very heartbroken, but there was really nothing he could do.If Master hadn't told him about Qianzhuan Lingzhu and another world, he wouldn't have known that Han Bingxue wasn't dead, but even if she wasn't dead, there was no way to wake her up unless she was sent back to another world. world.

"Niangqin has a thousand-turn back spirit bead in her body, which was planted in her body since she was a child. It is said that she can live for thousands of years, but she is not from our world, and we cannot wake her up!"

Listening to the man's words, Yun Feixiang was startled suddenly, could it be that mother also came from time travel?This... this is impossible!Niangqin's thinking and personality are not quite like those who came from time travel.

"Mother is from the same world as your master." Xuanyuan Tianzhan already knew that Yun Feixiang came to this world as a ghost, so he naturally knew what the little girl was thinking, so he couldn't help explaining further.

"Master Xiaoyao?"

"Well, mother can only wake up if she enters your master's world." Xuanyuan Tianzhan put his arms around the little woman's waist, and could clearly feel the shock in her heart.

Indeed, Yun Feixiang was shocked. She thought of the three old men who appeared in the snowy waves and blue sea, Master Xiaoyao, Master Longyang, and Master Miaoshou. Their strength has far surpassed this world.

Is it true that time and space are interlaced, and there are multiple spaces in this world?
Before Yun Feixiang had time to think more, she heard a hoarse and heavy voice: "I'll take Bing'er there, although I'm not from that world, but a celestial master once predicted that I would have to go to another world to hone my skills." After some practice, I didn’t expect it to be so meaningful.”

Has a celestial astrologer predicted it?Who is the astrologer?A series of questions and unexplainable things came flooding in, which made Yunfeixiang suddenly feel that his mind was very big.

"Royal father..." Yun Feihong and Yun Feilong were stunned at the same time, they didn't know how deep their feelings for royal father and concubine mother were until now.

Did the royal father mean to leave with the concubine mother?When will we see them again?

"Good boy, for your mother and concubine, father must go... Besides, you don't want your mother to wake up forever. As long as there is any glimmer of hope, father can't give up. It's father who didn't protect your mother. Concubine, father is sorry for her." Seeing his beloved wife's pale face, the man was filled with guilt.

The atmosphere fell into silence, as if everyone was thinking about this extremely important matter, but at this moment——

(End of this chapter)

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