Chapter 455
If you suddenly hear footsteps at the door with small movements, then it must be Murong Rui.However, if you suddenly find a man behind you giggling, it must be Xuanyuan Tianzhan!

There is a great contrast between these two big men!
There is also a difference in the style of acting!

Under the superficial calm, there was actually a huge wave. This time, everyone decided to stop with silence.

Ever since the eradication of the crown prince Murong Xiang, the second prince Murong Ran has made great achievements and suppressed the rebels with iron and blood, he has received extremely high treatment.What made everyone even more envious was that the second prince moved out of the former second prince's mansion and lived in the palace, which was only ten steps away from Murong Rui's Longyin Palace.

Even if they are brothers, there is absolutely no such precedent in history. What a great honor and gift this is!
However, on this day, many ministers secretly gathered in the old mansion of the Second Prince's Mansion, which had been empty for a long time. In a top-secret upper room, many people whispered to each other and discussed in low voices.

The atmosphere in the room was low and depressing, almost breathless. Everyone was waiting for Murong Ran to speak, but the man remained silent. I don't know when it started, but everyone couldn't figure out what the second prince was thinking.

"Second prince, the territory of the Southwest King originally belonged to our Shengtian Dynasty, but now, except for Yancheng, all of it has fallen into the hands of the Nanyue Kingdom. This really angered the officials." The minister opened his mouth.

"Yes!" Someone attached.

"According to the old minister, the emperor only has beauties in his eyes but no country..."

"Presumptuous, who allowed you to slander the emperor?" Murong Ran suddenly angrily reprimanded, his sharp eyes shot at him, as if he wanted to shoot him through.

Before the man had finished speaking, he was interrupted by a sharp voice. He couldn't help shrinking his neck in fright, and immediately shut up and stopped speaking.

"Cough...cough cough...don't forget, everyone, we are discussing how to deal with Yun Feixiang today, not for you to tell me about the emperor." A person with knowledge brings back the topic.

Everyone is very strange, has the second prince never thought of rebelling?Even if it's not the emperor's, can't it?That being the case, why did the second prince secretly cultivate his power?The thoughts of those in power are really unpredictable!
"Yun Feixiang is a woman, just kill her!" One person said cruelly.

"Do you think it's that easy? Yun Feixiang is highly skilled in martial arts, and is protected by Xuanyuan Tianzhan's behind-the-scenes forces. Now she lives in the palace, and the emperor can watch her all day. How do you think you can kill her?"

"Is it necessary to use a knife to kill?" You can use rumors, threats, or despicable means.

"..." There was silence in the room, everyone carefully looked at the superior Murong Ran, here, the second prince's words carry the most weight, and everyone only obeys his order.

Of course, apart from Xue Yang, the general who protects the country, Qin Tianyi, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Liu Weihai, the minister of the book, and Li Tianyou, the servant of the household department, and other diehards who are very loyal to Murong Rui.However, these people did not come to participate in today's conspiracy!

"Second prince, what do you think? If you don't get rid of Yun Feixiang, the demon girl, I'm afraid the emperor will be fascinated by her one day. At that time, my Dashengtian's country will be in danger!"

Murong Ran had some headaches, he subconsciously felt that Yun Feixiang was innocent, but the emperor seemed to be fascinated by her, he was really worried about Sheng Tian's country.

Judging from the current situation, the emperor has the idea of ​​handing over his ancestor's foundation to others, and he will absolutely not allow Shengtian Jiangshan to fall into the hands of people with foreign surnames.

"Do you have any good ideas?" The second prince took a sip of tea, and said a few words lightly.

"Lure Yun Feixiang out of the palace, then poison him, and then..." An old official described his insidious method cruelly, without realizing that he was an official of the imperial court, such a reckless disregard for human life is really an arrogance.

The originally furious room gradually quieted down, only the sound of nodding could be heard hesitantly...

On this day, Yun Feixiang was looking at the power distribution map and topographical map of Shengtian North, but heard a pleasant voice outside the door.

"Miss Xiang'er, guess who's here?" The eunuch Yuan Cheng spoke, and it's not difficult to hear the excitement in his voice.

"Who?" Yun Feixiang asked curiously.

"Master Nalan!"

"Ruofei?" Isn't he far away in Xuanyuan City, Hanhai Kingdom?Could it be that he has returned to Shengjing?

"Yes!" Yuan Cheng nodded fiercely.

When Yun Feixiang galloped to the side of the carriage, the whole person was stunned instantly. Nalan Ruofei got out of the carriage first, wearing a white robe against the background of his slender figure. He smiled, then turned to lead the people in the carriage.

It was Leng Yishuang who walked out next, Yun Feixiang was not surprised by Leng Yishuang's arrival, but what surprised her was that Leng Yishuang was actually holding a cute child in his arms.

How does this picture look like a family?

"Xiang'er!" The two walked slowly, but their eyes couldn't help being excited. They all thought that Xiang'er was gone, but they didn't expect that she was still alive. That's enough, it's good to be alive!

"Are you... married?" Yun Feixiang asked speculatively with her eyes widened.

"Xiang'er, am I good? My son is already this old, come on, baby son, call me auntie!" Nalan Ruofei had a proud smile on his face, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied.

"Hey... babble!" The little guy is not very good at calling people yet!However, he didn't admit that he was born. Yun Feixiang held him in his arms, and had a vague expectation that her and A Zhan's baby son should be so cute too!
Nalan Yuxuan grabbed a strand of the little woman's hair, giggled, and the three of them teased and chatted with the child, all the way into the palace. It's autumn now, and the weather is very refreshing.

Yun Feixiang held the little guy in his arms, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. While talking, he arrived at Hanxiang Hall.Murong Rui was reviewing the memorial in Longyin Palace, when he heard laughter, he just smiled and didn't look up.

In fact, Murong Rui was also very surprised about Nalan Ruofei's arrival. He didn't pay attention to Nalan Ruofei, but Nalan Ruofei was a good friend of the second brother, and the second brother knew more about him.

During the conversation last night, the second brother told him that Nalan Ruofei had returned to Shengjing, and that they were very sad about Xiang'er. In the end, for some reason, Murong Rui agreed to let Nalan Ruofei enter the palace to visit Xiang'er.

He faintly felt that something was wrong, but it was just a feeling, and he couldn't tell why.

"Shuang'er, you are more beautiful and mature than before." Mothers are different, they are much more careful when doing things.The current Leng Yishuang has undergone tremendous changes compared to before. Sure enough, people are constantly growing.

(End of this chapter)

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