The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 457 Trust Becomes a Sharp Sword

Chapter 457 Trust Becomes a Sharp Sword (2)
However, when Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw this letter, he didn't react at all, which made Wuying feel strange. The kidnappers let the princess go alone. Doesn't the prince worry about the safety of the princess at all?
At the same time, when Murong Rui finished reading the letter, he turned around and left...

In the darkness, Nalan Ruofei felt blindfolded. He was tied with thick ropes all over his body and couldn't move. He could only feel the desolation around him and the cold air. This place turned out to be the suburbs.

Nalan Ruofei was still thinking about how to escape, but heard noisy footsteps coming!
They were talking softly, the voice was so low that he couldn't hear it clearly, and then someone left in a hurry, and the eager steps brought a gust of wind, Nalan Ruofei took a sniff, and smelled a faint fragrance.

Nalan Ruofei was overjoyed, did Brother Ran find him?He came out today to meet Brother Ran, but he was kidnapped halfway. It must be Brother Ran who came.

He just wanted to open his mouth, but he felt that something was wrong. If Brother Ran came to save him, why didn't he call him out?He was still thinking, the faint fragrance was gone, the footsteps of that person were walking far away, that is to say, he was leaving!

Nalan Ruofei's mind suddenly "boomed", and he realized something belatedly.Brother Ran didn't come to rescue him, but he was caught by someone?This scene is all his carefully planned conspiracy!
Nalan Ruofei suddenly felt a little suffocated, why did he do this?
They are good friends who grew up together. They have suffered together, helped each other, and experienced a lot. He doesn't quite believe that the person who arrested him was Murong Ran, but the unique fragrance of Jiangnan smoke is not Murong Ran. who is it?

Is this a coincidence?Nalan Ruofei struggled over and over again, maybe it's just that someone likes the same kind of incense as he does.However, this fragrance is really rare...

"Cousin, who do you think captured Ruofei?" Leng Yishuang resisted the urge to cry and asked in a trembling voice.Xiao Yuxuan seemed to feel something, and cried with a wow.

"Whoever asked Nalan Ruofei to go out today is who..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's words clearly showed that he had guessed who did it, and when Murong Rui left, it was obvious that he had already guessed Arrived.

"Yes, it's the second prince. But, it's impossible! The second prince and Ruofei have been good friends since childhood, and he wouldn't treat Ruofei like this! Even if it was him, if he asked Ruofei out today, he would Aren't you afraid of revealing your identity?"

"He just wants to expose his identity...he wants to awaken someone's consciousness." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said in a low voice.

Leng Yishuang's eyes were blurred, she couldn't understand what her cousin was saying.However, Yun Feixiang already understood, but the shock in her heart was beyond words.The most important thing now is not to guess the thoughts of the people behind the scenes, but to save Nalan Ruofei.

"Shuang'er, calm down first, I'll see what's going on."

"No, Xiang'er, let me go, I can't let you take risks."

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it will be fine, you see the child is scared, and the other party called me to go, it means that it is for me, even if you go, it will be useless, just wait at home obediently let's go."

"Xiang'er, eat this." Xuanyuan Tianzhan added a pill between his fingers, and fed it to the little woman's mouth. Seeing his eyes, Yun Feixiang felt inexplicably at ease.

"En." Yun Feixiang took the pill, then turned and left. What she didn't know was that not long after she left, the man also left.How could Xuanyuan Tianzhan let Xiang'er go to risk alone?
Yun Feixiang searched all the way according to the address given by the kidnappers, but she didn't expect that the destination turned out to be a wasteland. Are these kidnappers out of their minds?Instead of choosing a remote and dark place, I chose a wide wasteland.

Looking from a distance, Yun Feixiang saw Nalan Ruofei hanging from a big tree. He was caught in a huge net and was hung on the tree. His whole body was tightly tied up with ropes. The expression looked painful, as if he had been hurt.

But Yun Feixiang didn't find any traces of blood or torture on Nalan Ruofei's body. Could it be that he suffered internal injuries?

"Why hasn't that woman come?" a kidnapper asked gruffly.

"Yes, did the second prince guess wrong? That woman is not willing to take risks for Nalan Ruofei at all?" The man whispered when he saw that Nalan Ruofei seemed to be asleep.

"You don't want to die, don't talk nonsense!"

"What are you afraid of? Everyone has rumored that the second prince will rebel, and it will be a matter of time before he confronts Murong Rui."

"You say again that I will kill you with one knife." An angry voice.

"..." The man stopped talking.

Sure enough, it was him, Nalan Ruofei only felt a pain in his heart, just like when Xiang'er was gone, it was so painful!
After careful observation, Yun Feixiang finally understood why they chose this open space, because there were hidden weapons buried in the open space, as long as one stepped on it, the hidden weapons would pop out and shoot people into hedgehogs, and she went to Nalan Ruo Looking closely in the direction where Fei was, he found that there were a lot of combustible materials such as wood and sulfur placed under the tree.

The moment they saw Yun Feixiang, the kidnappers became nervous and put their knives on Nalan Ruofei's neck. At this moment, Nalan Ruofei's mask was also taken off.

In the glare of the light, he saw Yun Feixiang standing across from her alone, still dressed in dazzling red, with a calm look on her face.

"Xiang'er, don't come here." As soon as Nalan Ruofei opened his mouth, he was stabbed with a sharp knife, and a blood hole appeared in his chest, and blood flowed down.

"Don't hurt him, or I won't come here." Yun Feixiang's face remained unchanged, but he was heartbroken. Nalan Ruofei is a businessman, and naturally his martial arts are not high. How could he have suffered such an injury?
"Okay!" The kidnapper agreed without hesitation, and smiled triumphantly, "Now you go twenty steps to the right and drink that bowl of food."

Yun Feixiang flew over with ease, and drank the bowl of black stuff in one gulp, it really was a drug!So Ah Zhan is smart and gave her pills in advance.

What the little girl didn't know was that Xuanyuan Tianzhan had already checked the bowl of medicine when the kidnappers were not paying attention.

"Okay, then!" Yun Feixiang shouted at the kidnappers.

Seeing that Yun Feixiang drank the drug, the kidnappers were overjoyed, but at the same time they ignited the wood under Nalan Ruofei, and the fire ignited immediately.

Yun Feixiang couldn't help being shocked, didn't they ever think of letting Nalan Ruofei go?Can't tell, that person's heart is so vicious, it's surprising!

Ah Zhan said that the person behind the scenes is Murong Ran, is it really him?Based on his relationship with Nalan Ruofei, would he kill Nalan Ruofei?
(End of this chapter)

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