The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 459 Inquiring about news like this

Chapter 459 Inquiring about news like this (1)
The spiritual power exerted by the man seemed to have eyes, and he chased the kidnappers away. At a glance, all the kidnappers on the wasteland were spared, and they were reduced to charred bones in an instant.

Yun Feixiang landed on the ground, with a bit of luck, his breath returned to normal, Nalan Ruofei was not burned, but he was poked a bloody hole earlier, and his heart was obviously hit, and his condition is not very good.

"Why did he do this?" The man sat on the ground in a daze and despair, his eyes were red. If someone else took advantage of him, he could still figure it out, but it was Murong Ran!
They are good buddies and good friends from childhood to adulthood!

In the empty room, Murong Ran opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything after all. He would not be Xuanyuan Tianzhan's opponent, he knew his weight.

"If Xiang'er can forgive you, all of us will forgive you!" Murong Rui finished speaking, turned and left.

With a sound of "噗嗤", there was the sound of blood gushing from behind. Murong Rui turned his head and saw that Murong Ran had already collapsed on the ground. He went to hell together."

"You have thought about dying a long time ago? So even if you use your own death to provoke me, don't you regret it?" Murong Rui was stunned, and he grabbed the man on the ground, why did the second brother bother?
"Third brother, thank you for telling me so many words. Second brother finally doesn't feel lonely. Second brother wanted to use this incident to awaken your consciousness, but you see it much more clearly than second brother." Murong Ran His breath gradually weakened, his face was painful, and he could feel the loss of his life.

"For the Shengtian Jiangshan in your mind, you are willing to sacrifice yourself? Well, if you want this Jiangshan, get up and fight hard. When you can provoke the leader and beat Xuanyuan Tianzhan, everything will be fine." It's yours." Murong Rui roared, exuding a low, gloomy air from his whole body.

"Second brother doesn't want anything anymore. Second brother doesn't want anything anymore. Second brother only hopes that you can live well."

"Second brother, don't leave me! Father has already left, I don't want you to leave me too, we can live a good life together..."

"Promise me, be good!" After Murong Ran finished speaking, her neck tilted away.

In the empty courtyard, a cold wind suddenly blew, and Murong Rui didn't know how long he stayed there, until the cold wind came, and he regained his thoughts.

Murong Ran's death, the most painful people are Nalan Ruofei and Murong Rui, but the most puzzled is Yun Feixiang... It was not until many years later that she realized that there are always some people in this world who are extreme or radical. When he gets into his own horns, he will only have that one thought in his heart, and other objective factors will be ignored.

This is the case with Murong Ran. He blamed himself for all the crimes, but he never thought that the world would not be changed just because of a woman. Sheng Tian's victory requires not only a wise emperor, but also an army and strength , as well as various factors such as the strategy of governing the country.

It is impossible for a person to stop other people's thoughts forever, and therefore, it is impossible to prevent all disasters from happening.

Time does not allow people to have too much sadness. Considering that they are about to go north, Yun Feixiang made an excuse and drove away Nalan Ruofei and Leng Yishuang. The two also knew that this was a special period of war, so they dared not give They add to the chaos.

It's just that Xiao Yuxuan kept crying when she was leaving, which made Yun Feixiang a little uncomfortable. The little guy liked her and had already developed feelings for her in the past few days, and she cried very hard when they parted.

In mid-October, the army finally made all preparations to unite to the north and officially started the journey to crusade against Helianbei.

On Murong Rui's side, 20 troops were mobilized, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan mobilized 30 troops. Needless to say, Han Hai Guo's troops are strong and strong.

Of course, Xuanyuan Tianzhan would not do such a loss-making business. Thanks to the wind in the ears of the little girl all day long, our King Zhan couldn't find the north. Finally, when he was passionate and selfless, he finally spit out One word "good".

This time, Shengtian Emperor Murong Rui and Hanhai Kingdom Regent Xuanyuan Tianzhan joined hands for the first time, which directly caused a sensation in the entire continent.Everyone will never forget that two months ago, these two countries were still fighting in dire straits.

The common people secretly speculated how long these two incompatible love rivals could work together?But what no one expected was that their cooperation would last forever. Until a thousand years later, this major event became a mystery that no one in the history circle could solve.

North of Shengtian, Beiqu Palace.

Autumn is high in October, and the breeze is refreshing. In the huge backyard of Beiqu Wangfu, the autumn atmosphere is strong... Looking from the long corridor, surrounded by flowing water and green trees, a courtyard called Jinghua Mingyuan is extremely conspicuous. .

Excellent location, extremely beautiful scenery, naturally living in extremely noble people.The outsiders didn't know, and they all said: It's just a woman bestowed by the emperor, and the king of Beiqu let her live in Mingyuan, just to give an explanation to the court, so of course he has to save face!

The people inside were familiar with the details, and they all said: I have never seen the prince dote on a woman so much, it is no wonder that the prince's concubine is jealous.

This rumored woman is the daughter of General Xue Yang who voluntarily married Beiqu King Helianlie for the sake of peace—Xue Yinghua.

Time is rushing like flowing water, spring flowers and autumn moon are only for a moment, three autumns are transformed, and the girl becomes a beautiful woman.

Ever since this favored lady moved into Jinghua Mingyuan, it has become a lively paradise.

No, many maids and nurses are surrounding a little boy, laughing and amusing like a moon, smiling and smiling.

The little boy was playing with a piece of jade pendant in his hand, his eyes were as nimble as black grapes soaked in water, and the crystal water droplets shone brightly in the sun.He uttered vague words, babbling...

Next to it, a woman in purple clothes stood leaning against a tree. Her jet-black hair was tied up high into a bun, and a few red hairpins were embedded in her hair, making her even more noble and dignified. The woman smiled softly, and her eyes fell softly on On the little boy.

Suddenly, the little boy uttered two words clearly. Everyone was stunned for a moment. Afterwards, the surroundings burst into cheers, and the entire courtyard was filled with a warm and excited atmosphere.

"Ma'am, look at how smart the young master is, he can already call you the prince's father!" An older maid took the lead in admiring, and everyone followed suit, making the little boy laugh.

Xue Yinghua shook her head, just smiled and didn't speak, Ye'er would have been called Daddy long ago, these maids really spoiled him too much.

"Yes, yes, the young master is really smart!"

"The young master was born to the madam and the prince, how can he not be smart?"

The mothers and maids were all smiling, and their hearts were full of flowers. The prince came to his wife's place every day, and the faces of these servants were also stained with a lot of glory.

(End of this chapter)

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