The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 467: The Dead Without a Burial Place

Chapter 467: The Dead Without a Burial Place (2)
Sure enough, she is still not suitable for cruel killings. She had planned to take revenge on Frost Jade, torture her well, and watch her fall from heaven to hell, but now, Frost Jade was in pain, but she didn't A little bit of happiness.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan took a step to the right, calmly took the little girl into his arms, his broad chest was pressed against her back, silently comforting, maybe others don't know, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan who loves Yun Feixiang deeply and Murong Rui, who knew her well, could clearly feel the softness in the little woman's heart.

Yun Feixiang shook her head, and let go of the sudden feeling in her heart, so what if Han Bingyu repented, nothing can go back, Han Bingyu hurt her concubine, it will be forever It is an indelible fact that she has done many things that destroy her conscience, and it is impossible for people to pretend that they did not happen.

Han Bingyu laughed wildly. I don't know if it was self-deprecation or remorse. Everyone thought she was crazy, but at this moment, she uttered two words clearly: "Xiang'er!"

The surroundings instantly quieted down, it turned out that Han Bingyu wasn't crazy yet!
Yun Feixiang felt weird, she didn't think she would forgive Han Bingyu, let alone let her go, maybe, she just wanted to know what Han Bingyu was going to do, at least at this moment, she was willing to listen to Han Bingyu Jade wants to say something.

"Yeah!" The woman hummed softly.

"Xiang'er, I'm sorry for you, and I'm even more sorry for your mother. I know that I have committed a lot of crimes. I just beg you, don't let me die by Helianbei's side. I can't leave him alive. I don't want to be under his control when I die. "Han Bingyu looked at Yun Feixiang imploringly, with regret on her face.

He Lianbei looked at the embarrassed woman with disdain, did she think he rarely controlled her?Who the hell wanted to post it?Who desperately took the means to climb onto his bed and lie by his side?
"I can promise you, you will die as far as you go!" Helianbei Xianyun Feixiang opened his mouth one step at a time.He doesn't care for such a dirty woman!
Of course Han Bingyu understood the disgust in the man's eyes, her heart was still so aching, and she clearly understood what the man was thinking after just a little probing.

Although she has figured out everything in the past, if she lives again, she will still fall in love with him desperately like a moth to a flame. Perhaps, this is fate!

Yun Feixiang couldn't help sneering, and looked at Han Bingyu coldly, it turned out that Han Bingyu was using her as a temptation, she thought she would repent and say something moving, but it turned out that it was just after some pity , Still holding wishful thinking to verify whether the man really cares about her?

"Okay, death will not let you stay by Prince Helian's side, those hidden guards and bodyguards who were restless behind the back just now, come out to me!" The little woman's complexion darkened, and she said in a deep voice.

With Yun Feixiang's sound, not only Xuanyuan Tianzhan's people came out, but Murong Rui's people also came out.

The tall and mighty man flew out from the hidden area of ​​the plateau, landed gracefully on the ground, and stood firmly in a row. This momentum was really unreal. Frost Jade's pupils shrank, and he felt an overwhelming coldness, but at this moment , she has no way out.

On Xuanyuan Tianzhan's side, Wuying, Xiao Mo, Xiao Bai and others stood up, and on Murong Rui's side, Leng Feng and Chu Yun stood up.

"Chu Yun?" Yun Feixiang recognized him. When Helianbei rebelled, he fought hard to protect Murong Rui and her outstanding armored guards. He was there. At that time, Leng Feng called Chu Yun's name, Yun Feixiang Take it to heart.

"Your subordinate is here." Chu Yun stood up, somewhat surprised that Princess Xiang'er remembered him.

"How is Ling Luo?" Yun Feixiang asked without thinking.

"She's fine." Chu Yun didn't have time to think, and opened his mouth to reveal his secrets. After he realized that, Chu Yun realized that he had been tricked by the princess, and couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

At the beginning, Ling Luo came to Shengjing to look for the emperor, but the emperor and Leng Feng pushed Ling Luo to take care of him. Who knew that after taking care of him, the girl actually became dependent on him, and Brother Chu pestered him all day long. To find the emperor, he tried his best to find an excuse.

Later, there was really no other way, so he told her bluntly that the emperor didn't like her at all, that girl was crying so sadly!Feeling soft for a moment, Chu Yun gave the little woman a comforting hug as soon as his machismo came up.

It was this hug that tightly entangled the two of them, and also started a lingering love.Seeing Chu Yun's blushing ears, Wuying inexplicably thought of the green gauze, Mingyue, are you okay in Suizhou?
In the blink of an eye, it has been three years, and I am no longer young at the beginning, and now I only hope that the people around me can be safe.

"Talk about it another day." Yun Feixiang smiled faintly at Chu Yun, and stopped asking, but it's just that we had a better chat another day, which made Chu Yun blush.

Yun Feixiang glanced at Murong Rui with some regret. He didn't know how to cherish so many good girls around him. Four or five years have passed in a flash, and the girls are getting married and leaving, and the daylily is cold.

Sensing the little woman's regretful and resentful eyes, Murong Rui raised his head and chest, and his handsome face was magnified in front of his eyes. Would he be worried about not having a woman?Just don't care.

However, Yun Feixiang wondered, where did Che Zimei go?Yun Feixiang thought about it and felt a little headache, so let's deal with the matter of the Frost Jade first.

"You guys, go and catch a goshawk each." Yun Feixiang said lightly, and they disappeared like the wind.

After disappearing, several of them were crying bitterly. There were indeed goshawks on the plateau, but most of them were hovering high in the sky, so it was not easy to catch them!
To catch the goshawk, one must use the goshawk's food as bait, the princess really doesn't make a move, it's scary if she makes a move!
"I let Goshawk take you to where you want to go, are you satisfied? Hehe..." Yun Feixiang felt that it was ridiculous. Han Bingyu cried for so long and went crazy for so long, but she still didn't see through it at all.

Some people are doomed to be sad for a lifetime, until they die, they will not be able to get what they want!
At this moment, Han Bingyu rushed out suddenly, and as soon as she rushed, she felt a huge pulling force, and then she remembered that this area was covered by a formation formed by Yunfeixiang.

As soon as the ice jade moved, it disturbed the flow of breath, and the originally calm formation suddenly became tense, and everyone inside felt threatened, except Helianbei!
He Lianbei has profound skills and strong self-control ability. He has found the formation now, but he can't go out. Once he goes out, he will stand opposite Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui, and he can't take Yun Feixiang away.

The man carefully calculated the time and location in his heart, letting Han Bingyu go crazy.

However, unexpectedly, Han Bingyu pulled out a sword from a guard's waist fiercely, and slashed at Helianbei with a shining silver light. Helianbei couldn't catch it, and grabbed the sword front.

(End of this chapter)

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