The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 472 The Invincible Sword Points Directly

Chapter 472 The Invincible Sword Points Directly (1)
"The concubine has her right to choose, why must she choose you?" Yun Feixiang said disdainfully.She felt that her father was very good, and she treated her mother and concubine wholeheartedly. Even though her mother and concubine had been missing for so long, she never had another woman.

"So, your mother and concubine have never entered this secret room." Helianbei's eyes darkened, and a trace of unknown light flew out of them.

"I don't love you at all, but you brought me in, don't you feel conflicted?"

"Little girl, am I forced to be helpless?"

"..." Yun Feixiang wanted to get angry, who forced you!
"Who set up the formation to trap me? Originally, I could break through the formation and go away, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui came. If the two of them join hands, I will definitely not be able to defeat them. Apart from doing this, what else can I do?" s Choice?"

"You can choose to come down by yourself."

"If you said that you can take you away, you will follow me! I can't let you girl look down on me."

"..." The corners of Yun Feixiang's mouth twitched, what did he mean that she caused all of this?
"Don't you want to know about me and your concubine mother?" After pondering for a while, He Lianbei said.

Yun Feixiang's curious eyes widened immediately, she really wanted to know.It is said that the father, the Southwest King, and Helianbei all like the mother concubine, and the Southwest king is dead, so there is no need to talk about it, but Yun Feixiang knows very little about Helianbei and the mother concubine, and the mother concubine never mentions it.

"Do you know how your mother and concubine made the choice?"


"God's choice!" He Lianbei laughed at himself, and the events of more than [-] years ago appeared in his mind.


"Your mother and concubine said that tomorrow's weather shall prevail. If tomorrow is sunny, marry me as my wife, and if it rains, marry Yun Tianxiang!"

"As a result, it rained!"

"No, the sky is sunny!" He Lianbei clearly remembered that day, the sun was shining brightly, the sun was scorching like fire, and the sky was so clear that not a trace of dark clouds could be seen...

"..." Why did the concubine choose her father instead of Helianbei?Although Yun Feixiang didn't understand why Concubine Mu made such a decision at the beginning, Concubine Mu didn't seem like a person who didn't mean anything.

"But Yun Tianxiang brought your mother and concubine to a forest. He mobilized the royal army and poured water on the forest. On that day, under the scorching sun, the entire forest was drenched, and the leaves were covered with water. It's dripping water!" Helian Bei paused, and spit out the thoughts that had been buried in his heart for many years, and suddenly, he didn't really care that much.

"Hahaha, father is quite romantic!" Yun Feixiang laughed without hesitation.

When she thinks of such a grand scene, she feels very excited. Think about it, there is a man who changes the sky for you, can you not keep your heart?There is nothing wrong with the mother and concubine choosing the father. Women generally tend to their own wishes.

What Yun Feixiang didn't know was that the world outside hadn't changed, but it had changed. That Wuhe plateau was disappearing step by step!

He Lianbei was a little helpless about the little girl's joy, and after a long silence, he said: "I designed this underground secret room for your mother and concubine, which leads directly to the Wuhe Plateau, and that is where we met."

Yun Feixiang couldn't laugh suddenly, was everything in the secret room really prepared for the mother and concubine?

I really can't see that Helian Bei would be so intentional!The Southwest King said that he loves his mother and concubine, but at the last moment when his life was hanging by a thread, he did not hesitate to use his mother's concubine's life to force him. , already lost his life.

The love of the Southwest King is cheap and ridiculous, but, is Helianbei who designed this secret room for his mother and concubine sincere?

Everything here has a peaceful and soft feeling, including all the decorations are elegant and clean, with warm and fresh colors, and even the clothes she wears are also the size of the mother and concubine back then. Although it has been a long time, Yun Feixiang But you can still feel the silky smoothness of the high-quality soft material... It can be seen that it has been done with care.

"Sometimes, when I see you, I will think of when I was young. Everyone will have the most unforgettable time. In fact, I didn't fall in love with your mother and concubine because of her song 'Bright Water and Green as a Picture'. We We met a long time ago." Fate is a very wonderful thing, so wonderful that it is impossible to predict the future.

"Maybe you are very good, but you may not be suitable for the concubine mother, or maybe there is God's will in the dark!" Yun Feixiang said with a confused expression, not knowing whether it was emotion or something.

She thought of Murong Rui, who had been delayed for her for so many years. The man was always alone. When she thought of his thin figure, pale face, and the many things he had done for her, she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart!

Is this also the will of God in the dark?But why is God's will so tricky?

"Maybe!" He Lianbei replied lightly, no matter how you say it, more than 20 years have passed.Whether he loves it or not, he can't tell himself!

"Let's not talk about this, let's discuss how to get out? Aren't you going to discuss cooperation with He Lianlie? Is there no way to stay here?" Yun Feixiang feels that the most important thing at present is to get out from here out here.

"So you understand everything!" He Lianbei glanced at the little woman appreciatively, his brows were slightly soft, but he still didn't intend to find an exit.

The outside situation is naturally under his control, but with the little woman in his hands, any success of Xuanyuan Tianzhan will be in vain!That man's ambition is above everything else, but now, he has something he cares about more, and that is the little woman in front of him!
Yun Feixiang's body trembled suddenly, she seemed to see the flash of light in Helianbei's eyes!She almost forgot that the man beside her was an old fox, how could she take it lightly when she was in his palm?

The Wuhe plateau was gradually being razed to the ground by hundreds of thousands of troops bit by bit. When this incident spread to Helianlie's headquarters, the city was instantly full of storms and commotion!
This time, He Lianlie had to make a choice, and the emergency meeting of Beiqu Palace was held again.

"My lord, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is too deceitful. The Wuhe Plateau has always been the territory of our Helian family. The middle part belongs to Helianbei to the west, and belongs to us to the east. But now? The army was razed to the ground!"

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the Hanhai Kingdom's million-strong army is marching westward. Helian Yufeng who is at Tianmen Pass has been completely wiped out by Xuanyuan Wangyue and Ganlu. They have been fighting with them all the time. The cooperating Helian Yufeng will not let go, let alone let us go!"

"My lord, we have to take action!"

(End of this chapter)

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