The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 474 Live and Die Together

Chapter 474 Live and Die Together
At the end of October, after staying in the secret room for a full ten days, Yun Feixiang finally noticed something strange, she suddenly raised her head, and met Helianbei's smiling eyes.

It turned out that He Lianbei was not as profound as she imagined, he just adopted the most classical and old-fashioned method, but it could hit Xuanyuan Tianzhan the most deeply.

"Did you finally find out? After all, you are still a little inexperienced, and you discovered it later than me. You said that if Xuanyuan Tianzhan found out, would you want to hit the wall? Or, want to die?" Helian When the north lip curved, a successful smile bloomed.

Yun Feixiang recalled what Han Bingyu said before she died, that Helianbei is a truly formidable opponent!

Yun Feixiang's hand resting on her own pulse was trembling uncontrollably, she verified it over and over again, and finally became convinced of a surprising thing, she was actually pregnant!

The baby she and Ah Zhan have been looking forward to for so long has finally arrived, and she is going to be a mother!Although it's only over a month, but it's a real happy pulse, Ah Zhan, do you know?You are going to be a father!

The little girl almost jumped up with joy, the sudden good news made every cell in her body tremble!

Imagining the man's happy expression, Yun Feixiang felt extremely happy, and really wanted to tell Ah Zhan the good news immediately, and really wanted to leave here immediately...

Thinking of Helianbei's words just now, the little girl immediately lowered her face and stared at Helianbei with displeasure.

"Don't worry, Ah Zhan won't die!" Yun Feixiang said coldly.Damn it is Helianbei!

He Lianbei was slightly taken aback, and raised her eyes to look at her beautiful face, with a look of happiness and expectation on her face, she did not hide her inner excitement and joy.

Especially the smile on the corner of the little woman's mouth was extremely dazzling. She didn't show the worry that Helianbei imagined, but a look of surprise. From the moment she knew the news, she was very happy at first, and then she was always excited , the whole person can't stop at all.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll kill you? One dead body and two lives?" He Lianbei put away his usual good face and asked coldly.

"If you want to kill me, kill me early, why keep me for so long? Isn't it just to trade me and the child in my stomach for your country? You haven't seen Ah Zhan yet, how could you kill me?" Yun Fei Xiang stared at He Lianbei, feeling that this man was really hypocritical, he was kind to her inexplicably before, but he didn't expect it to be able to use her!

"It's true that I won't kill you, but I can abuse you!" Helianbei said viciously.

For some reason, when he saw Yun Feixiang so happy, he felt inexplicably irritated. When Helian Zhongyu and Helian Yufeng were there, he didn't have any joy of being a father at all. Why could the little woman in front of him be so happy? So excited?

"Do you think you can beat me?" Yun Feixiang said in a deep voice with a cold face.

This man hid it deep enough. First he tried his best to treat her so that she couldn't figure it out, and then he told her about him and his concubine mother. Only now did he realize that he wanted to threaten Ah Zhan with the lives of himself and his child!
She just said, she is obviously an enemy, how could she be so kind to you!

"Of course!" He Lianbei was taken aback for a moment, and then said.He never believed that he couldn't even beat Yun Feixiang, if that was the case, he would be ashamed of a man.

"Helianbei, don't think too highly of yourself!" She has said long ago that she can live well without the protection of any man. Although Helianbei's martial arts are unfathomable, if Helianbei wants to If she wanted to hurt her child, she would be desperate!
He Lianbei felt a little headache, he just didn't want to see the little woman so excited because of having Xuanyuan Tianzhan's child, she really didn't need to treat him as an enemy.

Seeing this face every day, he didn't know whether it was hatred or what, if she wasn't Binger's daughter, maybe he would have other thoughts, but if he really wasn't Binger's daughter, he would still be like this Pay attention to her?

She is very unusual, as smart and sharp as a fox, but sometimes as docile as a kitten, and knows how to control her sharp claws, but now, she is like an eagle, watching his every move vigilantly, such as at this moment , she looked at him without any relaxation.

On the Wuhe plateau, the little girl could not be found. Xuanyuan Tianzhan rode a flying horse and stepped into the northern land. King Zhan personally led the army to flatten the Wuhe plateau and headed straight to the north.

Everyone was very surprised that Murong Rui, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui attacked He Lianlie together among the commanders of the Hanhai Kingdom's million-strong army riding on horses. This is a very shocking thing. The rhetoric that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers collapsed in front of the two men.

In less than five days, Helianlie's army was defeated. Almost all the generals defending the city were at a loss when they saw the golden mask. When they looked next to the golden mask, they were dressed in gentle The emperor in green shirt, with a face like snow!
Needless to say, it was a fiasco!
"My lord, the city of Hao has been broken, and General Gan has led an army into the city. He Lianlie's Beiqu palace can be surrounded within a stick of incense!"

"Let the nectar stop, the army forms a formation!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan raised his brows, and said in a cold voice, he was like an iceberg in the polar region, unusually cold.

"Uh...yes!" The guard was startled, and immediately rushed to deliver the prince's order.

The way Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui get along is very strange. When there was Yun Feixiang, the two were always at odds, either you were targeting me, or I thought you were not pleasing to the eye, but after the little girl had an accident, the two never got along There was a tacit understanding, Murong Rui didn't even care who owned this land, Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't even care who led his army.

When Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked over, Murong Rui just nodded slightly, and said lightly: "Go to Liaoyuan City first, maybe Xiang'er will appear there, and leave everything here to me!"

"Here is the gold medal, no one dares to disobey your order." Xuanyuan Tianzhan stretched out his hand, and the gold medal in his sleeve glowed with dazzling golden light.

Murong Rui was startled, then nodded, took the gold medal from Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hand, looked at it carefully, and said quite seriously: "Aren't you afraid that I will cheat your army?"

"Whatever you want." Xuanyuan Tianzhan threw down three words and rode his horse forward. The horse left arrogantly like its own master.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan knew that Murong Rui was never lacking in resourcefulness, and it was not easy for him to clean up such a mess like Sheng Tian's mess time and time again, and it was not something ordinary people could do.

He Xuanyuan Tianzhan would not trust people easily, once he believed, he would never doubt it.

The black and cold breath gradually disappeared, and many guards behind Murong Rui secretly breathed a sigh of relief. King Zhan's pressure was too high, and they could hardly bear it. Every day, they would feel the heart's compression and endured the limit.

(End of this chapter)

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