The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 476 The real show begins

Chapter 476 The real show begins (2)
At the same time, the sound of the hidden weapon flicking the sword was unusually crisp, and the two sounds mixed together, which made people feel extremely strange. The emerald green jade pendant fell to the ground and shattered into pieces one after another.

Murong Rui and Gan Lu strode into the room, and saw He Lianlie's sword being wiped on their necks, while Xue Yinghua's closed eyes suddenly opened, and on the crib next to them, a cute little boy with eyebrows and eyes similar to Xue Yinghua was cry.

Tears flowed all over the little boy's face. He cried so hard that he could hardly breathe. He didn't stop crying because of the stranger's entry. On the contrary, he felt even more wronged and sad, and he tried his best to release the fear and fear in his heart. .

He Lianlie and Xue Yinghua were shocked when they saw Murong Rui, shouldn't it be Xuanyuan Tianzhan?How could it be the emperor?

"Bold, don't kneel down when you see the emperor!" The guards beside Murong Rui scolded, He Lianlie and Xue Yinghua's hearts trembled, and they knelt down.

"Get up!" Murong Rui said lightly, his eyes fell on He Lianye, he was crying so sadly, it made people feel very distressed.

As soon as Murong Rui's heart softened, he asked Leng Feng to find some candy and tease the children beside him.Gan Lu stood aside calmly, extremely calm, never thought that the emperor of Sheng Tian would still like children so much.

"What's his name?" Murong Rui asked, needless to say, it was naturally Xue Yinghua who asked.

"Your Majesty, he..." Xue Yinghua was about to speak when a gentle voice interrupted her. It was also these words that gave her infinite strength.

"Brother Huang." Murong Rui raised his head and glanced at Xue Yinghua lightly. His tone was as calm as a lake in deep winter, "Or the elder brother is fine!"

Both of them were stunned, the emperor is...

"Brother Huang, his name is Ye'er!" Xue Yinghua replied in surprise.Murong Rui nodded, his gaze was always on the little boy. After all, the child is innocent, and he started giggling when he had candy. The room that was gloomy just now was instantly warmed by the man's actions.

He Lianlie was never shocked before. He always thought that Xue Yinghua's title of Princess Jinghua was just a reward for Murong Rui to praise Xue Yang's high status, but he didn't expect Murong Rui to be so benevolent and generous.

Not only did he not blame Yinghua for his own reasons, but he also treated him like an elder brother, put down his emperor airs, and made fun of his children. Such an honor is unprecedented!

He Lianye's laughter echoed in the room for a long time, as if the owner of this house hadn't changed in any way, Helian Lie suddenly realized one thing, was it Murong Rui who saved him just now? !

What reason does the emperor have to save himself?Helianlie was just thinking about it, when a cold voice that was not the same as the gentleness just now sounded: "Helianlie, what should you do?"

"Your majesty, I... I really don't know it's the emperor, I think it's Xuanyuan Tianzhan." He Lianlie said with some frustration.

"The army united to go north earlier, don't you know the news?" Murong Rui's eyes darkened, and the sharpness in his eyes swept towards the man opposite.

He Lianlie panicked when Murong Rui saw it, and said quickly: "I know that the army united to go north, but the army of the Hanhai Kingdom has millions of people, and I am also worried that Shengtian's land will be occupied by foreigners..." He Lianlie His words are sincere, making it difficult to doubt his sincerity.

"Brother Huang, Helian also told me that Haocheng was originally the land of Shengtian, and he was discussing surrender with the generals, but Brother Huang should also know that the Helian family has a complicated form, and a lot of military power is divided among various families. In the hands of the elders, Helian has no choice."

"Later, I heard that Hanhai Kingdom's million-strong army entered Shengtian. Helian was worried that Shengtian's land would fall into the hands of Hanhai Kingdom, so he resisted desperately. Helian never had any intention of treason from the beginning to the end. Emperor brother, Ying If Hua Ruo has half a false statement, she is willing to be struck by lightning." Xue Yinghua knelt down with a "plop", with infinite pleading in her eyes.

Murong Rui waved his hand and signaled her to get up. The age difference between Xue Yinghua and He Lianlie was too great, although in the past three years she has greatly restrained Helian Bei's actions for the sake of Shengtian's peace with the north, and has made great contributions to Shengtian's stability. A lot of contributions, but Murong Rui will have his own judgment on whether Helian Lie still has the heart.

"Helian Lie, now, do you know what to do?"

"The minister should announce to the world that he is willing to be loyal to the emperor, and comfort the princes to be absolutely loyal to the imperial court." He Lianlie swore with conviction.

"Well... that's good!" Murong Rui peeled off the candy in his hand, and fed one to He Lianye. He Lianye looked at him blankly, as if smelling the aroma of candy, and put the candy in his mouth , giggled.

Murong Rui faintly desires to have such a child in his heart, but he will never have one, his heart has long been lost, even though she has married and become a wife, she still does not forget her back then.

In fact, this is good, love doesn't have to be possessed, let alone possessed, if you love her, she will always be in your heart and fill up your whole heart.

He Lianlie quickly wrote his report, Murong Rui handed it to Ganlu without even looking at it, Ganlu glanced at it carefully, nodded in satisfaction, as expected of an old prince, it was written in great detail.

Once this report is released, everyone will know that the army of the Hanhai Kingdom and the army of Shengtian are actually a family!family?These three words made Ganlu's heart skip a beat. Could they really be a family?So, in this family, who calls the shots?

He didn't dare to think, and walked out quickly.

Ganlu walked all the way, and unexpectedly met Dugu Piaojian, who was accompanied by a petite woman with a beautiful face, giving off the feeling of an innocent girl.

Dugu Piaojian was followed by ten guards. Could this be the legendary Dulong team of the princess?It is really heroic and extraordinary, and the momentum is compelling!If it weren't for Dugu Piaojian's cold temperament and the number of people, Ganlu might not know that this is the mythical Dulong team!

In fact, the name of Dulong is not as good as that of Xiaolong. Jiang Chuan, the leader of the Xiaolong team, is also well known in the army of the Hanhai Kingdom. Everyone wants to see the demeanor of Xiaolong and Dulong. not easy.

But, who are these people being detained by the Dulong team?Could it be someone who escaped from Beiqu Palace?Ganlu thought for a while, then walked out with puzzled eyes.

The man in black walked into the room awe-inspiringly, his eyes swept casually, and then fixed on Murong Rui unexpectedly.

"Brother Rui, Xiang'er confess, these people will be handed over to those who invaded Beiqu Palace." Dugu Piaojian also thought it would be a general of Xuanyuan Tianzhan or Hanhai Kingdom, because Xiang'er was standing on Xuanyuan Tianzhan's side after all. Surprisingly, the person here turned out to be Murong Rui, so those who tried to escape from Beiqu Palace were naturally handed over to Murong Rui.

(End of this chapter)

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