The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 483 The concern behind the scenes

Chapter 483 The concern behind the scenes (1)
"Xiang'er, are you tired these days, let's go back and rest first!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan gently embraced the little woman's waist, and handed over everything to Xuanyuan Wangyue and Ganlu.

Not far from Liaoyuan City was the base camp where the Hanhai National Army was stationed. As soon as Yun Feixiang returned to the camp, her lazy and calm expression dimmed.

The days spent with Helian Bei these days are like photos, each one is frozen in my mind.

Back in the secret room, Helianbei seemed to want to hurt her, but in fact he was very kind to her. She still remembered that she touched the mechanism and almost fell into the smelly pool underground. In the end, Helianbei held her back.

And those strange feelings of men!
At that time, she thought that Helianbei thought of his mother because he saw her, after all, he loved her mother, but now that she thought about it carefully, if she was really his daughter, then it would make sense.

But, how dare he be so sure that she is his daughter?Is it just because he was the one who detoxified the night when the mother and concubine fell in love with poison?
"Xiang'er, the poison on your body is gone." Xuanyuan Tianzhan frowned slightly while being pleasantly surprised. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation. The toxin in Xiang'er's skin seemed to disappear with the circulation of air. Just like blood will be purified over time.

Yun Feixiang was also very surprised. Could it be that what He Lianbei said was true?He said that he was poisoned and needed an antidote, but he just wanted to test how good Ah Zhan was to him?

"Ah Zhan, Helianbei can't really be the father of this body, right?" Yun Feixiang felt that this was a bit bloody. If it was true, what about the father?Does the father know what happened between the mother and the concubine and He Lianbei back then?

If the royal father knew, then the pain mixed with the deep love of the royal father for the concubine mother would be enough to drive a person crazy!
It was hard for her to imagine how heavy a man's heart must be after knowing that his woman has been poisoned by love, and has had a relationship with another man as himself!
A big question mark flew out of Yun Feixiang's mind, did the emperor know about it?Or, all of this is Helianbei's conspiracy!
No, this is too unlike Helian Bei's style!Yun Feixiang felt that her mind was a little confused. While she believed that blood relationship was not important, she was also very curious about the ins and outs of the matter.

There is a truth in all things, maybe cruel, maybe joyful, but the truth always exists!
"Xiang'er, these are not important, the important thing is that we have a baby, and he is still safe and sound." The man's gentle words sounded in his ears, extremely soft, he kissed his ears, and the familiar fragrance spread all over his body .

The body fell into a wide embrace, the little woman raised her head, and the man's handsome face was close at hand, she could even see the clean and delicate pores, and the snowy skin was smooth, making women envious.

Just looking at him, I suddenly feel at ease!
Yes, they have a baby, this is the most important thing, life always has to experience a lot of unexpected suffering, some things are not as tangled as imagined, just follow the main line of life, all the way That's fine.

"En!" The little woman nodded, and snuggled into the man's broad chest. At this moment, all the heaviness was lifted, and she was relaxed like never before. Yun Feixiang remembered that sentence again, with him, everything will be sunny.

The big tent is still as luxurious as ever, just like Yunfeixiang before it disappeared on the Wuhe Plateau. There are red carpets, tea and incense tables, and thick scrolls piled up on the side, with medical books on one side and military books on marching and fighting on the other. .

Next to the scroll, besides the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, is a large map on the table, and a green lamp beside the table glows faintly, which is incompatible with this luxurious atmosphere, but only the little woman knows that this is a man meditating late at night. only companion.

No one can guide the world with his innate intelligence, and no one can go straight to the top without improving himself.

All success and glory are piled up with countless unknown hard work and sweat. All envy and honor are based on numerous meritorious deeds. No one will admire you just because you are born noble. Only When the precipitated brilliance shines in the world, it will truly convince people from the inside out.

Yun Feixiang's eyes fell in front of the volume of books, and found that these books were a little strange, she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Ah Zhan, these books..."

"It was sent by the master. The master will send a batch every six months. He collected it from all over the place." Thinking of the seemingly heartless old man with the white hair and youthful face who actually regarded him as more important than life, Xuanyuan Tian Zhan was infinitely grateful.

In his life, other than his parents, other than the little girl, the first person he wants to be grateful to is his master, the master of the master, the master of the world!

I am grateful to my parents for raising him, doting on him, giving him unlimited room for development, never complaining, and thanking the little woman for loving him regardless of everything, believing in him, warming him, and giving him the deepest comfort in my heart, but also thanking Master for always being silent behind my back Silent support, never words of cultivation and love.

"Where's Master's family?" Yun Feixiang still misses that old urchin, he is obviously of such an old age, and he still runs around all day long, and he hasn't seen anyone for a year or so.

And his face, which does not change with the increase of skill, is really enviable. Although he has white hair, he has to admit that his face is still around 20 years old!

Sometimes Yun Feixiang even wondered, is Master Miaoshou a monster?How can you look so young in your 70s?But, will there be such a good monster?

"Master, the old man always comes and goes without a trace." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said with a smile.

Yun Feixiang nodded in agreement. She still remembered the first time she followed Ah Zhan to Qingshan Temple to look for Master Miaoshou.

"My lord, our army has lost 5 horses. General Xuanyuan Wangyue has ordered the army to stop attacking. Now all the generals are helpless!" An anxious voice of guards suddenly came from outside the tent.

Xuanyuan Wangyue and Yun Feixiang were both startled. Did the fifty thousand army lose in just one hour?In such a short period of time, this is equivalent to a huge number.

"Give me the details one by one." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's expression darkened, and he said in a deep voice.

He would like to see what kind of method Helianbei used?It actually caused the army of the Hanhai Kingdom to suffer such heavy losses!

The army of the Hanhai Kingdom is known as an army of one million, but it is actually divided into three batches. One group is the 40 army that came along with Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Xuanyuan Wangyue. Hurry up, now Murong Rui still has 40 troops in Beiqu Palace to clean up the noble forces from all sides.

(End of this chapter)

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