The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 485 Out of 1 round, into another round

Chapter 485 Out of a round, into another round
"What? Could it be that you really think Yun Feixiang is your daughter?" Sure enough, these words revealed her true purpose, and that girl was her goal.

"Whether she is, only this king knows, and it has nothing to do with you!" He Lianbei said coldly with his face downcast.

"What a father and son love each other deeply, but it's a pity that she will never appreciate it, because she will never admit you at all. In her heart, she only thinks that Yun Tianxiang, who is very good to her, is her father, and you will always be her enemy. The enemy should be killed!" Mu Rujing boldly approached Helianbei, the orange-red veil was blown by the wind, and a strange smile appeared on her beautiful face.

He Lianbei also hooked his lips into a smile, his domineering brows flew into his temples, and he actually had a very evil look, who is he?Fighting with him, although the woman in front of her is more scheming, she is still less moral.

"Come on, take her down!" A stern command commanded, the surroundings were instantly silent, and the next second, the guards all rushed up and surrounded Mu Rujing.

At the same time, on both sides of the street, a group of white-clothed women jumped out of thin air, with sharp eyebrows and quick movements, and the sound of swords being unsheathed was extremely ear-piercing and shocking.

The two groups of people looked at each other hostilely, and the streets of Liaoyuan City exuded a strong smell of gunpowder.

Mu Rujing was taken aback for a moment, then a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he said in a teasing and mocking tone: "I never thought that the shrewd and experienced Prince of Beixiang would dare not cooperate with the little girl. Could it be that the little girl is really so scary?"

He Lianbei's eyes darkened, and a sharper light glowed from the deep pupils. The man stepped forward, looked at Mu Rujing without blinking, and said in a strange tone: "Saints of the Western Regions, we are not cooperating." ever?"

Not only have they cooperated, but the Xigan tribe has also tore up the contract time and time again. After they have gained benefits, they refuse to accept their account. It is really hard to believe their sincerity.

Mu Rujing is the daughter of the head of the Xigan tribe, can he trust her?Besides, this time he was going to fight that girl, he would not use such despicable methods.

"Have you cooperated with father?" Mu Rujing frowned, her face was a little ugly, she didn't expect that woman's hands to be so long, she actually hit Helian Bei's head.

Mu Rujing had the urge to kill the witch who wanted to be a witch. His father was always wise, so how could he be fascinated by such a woman?

"Do you still need this king to state your relationship with the Xigan clan?" He Lianbei sneered, his secret guards were not vegetarians, especially about the news about various tribes in western countries.

It is impossible for Helianbei not to know the strong rise of the Xigan clan, and it is impossible not to know that the daughter of the patriarch of the Xigan clan is the saint of the Western Regions with high prestige in the Western Regions!

In fact, the news about the Saintess of the Western Regions has always been hidden. Under Mu Rujing's various disguises, almost no one knows that she has great power in the Western Regions, and no one knows that the latest rising power in the Western Regions is her. The Xigan tribe behind him.

The development of the Xigan clan has been rapidly expanding its power and strengthening itself according to Mu Rujing's ideas, but Mu Rujing's only headache is that his father has fallen in love with a seductive little demon girl.

It would be fine if she was really an An Anfen little demon girl, the blame is that the little demon girl never knew how to write the word "An Fen", and repeatedly bewitched her father to do things that annoyed her.

However, the strangest thing about Mu Rujing was that the little demon girl had a deep hatred for Yun Feixiang, which surprised her very much.

"Whether you believe it or not, as long as it is not something that is personally acknowledged and promised by the saint, it will not go through the hands of the saint. I am afraid that Prince Helian believed in the wrong person. As long as the prince is willing to cooperate with me, those things will never happen. Breaking the contract!" Mu Rujing spoke earnestly, her firm eyes shot over, and she had the urge to make people believe her in an instant.

However, He Lianbei is an old man who has gone through hardships after all, and Mu Rujing's tricks to cover up are tantamount to humiliating himself.

Everyone has their own goals, and Mu Rujing's goal is to kill that girl, which is definitely not his ultimate goal, and some people, in order to achieve their goals, take some unavoidable means, and even have to compromise. When the goal is achieved, kick off the partner again, and redistribute the benefits when necessary.

This is how people from the Western Regions cooperate!
There is no integrity, only interests!

However, there is an exception in the Western Regions, and that is the Xiyue Kingdom. The eldest prince of the Xiyue Kingdom, Xi Yuewei, is Xuanyuan Tianzhan's absolute vassal. , absolutely not daring to challenge Xuanyuan Tianzhan's authority, this has become a mystery of the entire Shengtian Continent.

Naturally, Helianbei wouldn't believe a word of Mu Rujing's words!
"King Beixiang, how are you thinking?" Seeing that Helianbei remained silent for a long time, Mu Rujing raised his lips and smiled, under the vaguely transparent orange veil, there was a smile that was sure to win.However, in the next second, her smile froze.

"Didn't you hear my king's order? Take this woman down!" He Lianbei ordered in a deep voice, the cold voice froze the whole body for ten feet, and the guards didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and swung their knives forward.

A strong internal force shook the ground, and Wood Rujing's sleeves fluttered. He stepped back ten steps, the ground cracked into cracks, and dust rose high, blurring people's vision.

"Helianbei, don't be ignorant of good and bad! Without the help of this saint, do you think you can deal with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's army of millions? Why don't you trust me?" Mu Rujing really didn't expect that He Lian Bei didn't believe her so much? !

What did that demon girl in the family do to make an ambitious man like He Lianbei not even have any desire to cooperate with her.

He Lianbei stood with his hands behind his back, his mighty and tall body becoming more and more slender, the guard behind him was only stunned for a second, broke through the dust, rushed over, and handed over to the wooden maid in white.

Sen Han's sword fluttered in the air, and blood flowed down the tip of the sword, drop by drop, transforming into enchanting snow plums, filled with fishy smell, patches of red, a strong visual impact washed over Mu Rujing's eyes, embellishing the whole area. street.

Desolation, sorrow, death for the Lord, life and death, and destruction, only in a moment.

The white-clothed maid was able to deal with the enemy at first, but soon, she was extremely disadvantaged. Only then did Mu Rujing realize that these guards were not ordinary masters at all, but masters of masters.

From when the sword is drawn to where it strikes, it is unpredictable and full of weirdness, the move is fatal, the sword pierces the vital point, Mu Rujing's face changes, and the orange figure has already flown out.

Seeing this, He Lianbei flew up into the air, chasing him all the way, a maid in white grabbed He Lianbei's feet and hugged her tightly, her tone mixed with blood: "Girl, go! Leave us alone!"

(End of this chapter)

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