The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 487 The Pink Confrontation

Chapter 487 The Pink Confrontation (2)
Xuanyuan Tianzhan's golden eyes swept across, indifferent and absolutely unfamiliar, a murderous aura enveloped the whole world, as if to freeze the thick towers of Liaoyuan City.

Mu Rujing panicked, her slender nails scratched her skin without knowing it, her aggrieved eyes finally swept towards Yun Feixiang sharply.All of this was because of the existence of Yun Feixiang, if Yun Feixiang died, then everything would be gone.

Ridiculous women always have ridiculous ideas, and are always immersed in the beautiful fantasies they weave. When the fantasies are shattered, all the hatred and jealousy, like wild weeds, grow over the entire earth inch by inch.

Yun Feixiang has been watching Mu Rujing's expression all the time, now that she sees her looking over, she ignores her instead, the little woman turns her head and shows a big smile to Xuanyuan Tianzhan, her white teeth are shining silver The luster of the lips, the lip line is slightly mischievous and ambiguous, and the voice softens, and the same voice: "Brother Zhan!"

Gently parting the delicate red lips is tantamount to a great temptation for a man. The long-awaited fragrance is delivered like nectar, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan's heart is rippling.

Her voice is very soft, thin, and sincere. The almost clear trust and cleanliness in her eyes make people deeply sink. Xuanyuan Tianzhan only felt his voice go hoarse. He uncontrollably raised the woman's chin, leaned over and kissed her soft lips.

Behind Xuanyuan Tianzhan, Dugu Piaojian's hand holding the sword froze. He thought that his little progress had already been enlightened, but when he saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan's movements, he was hit hard.

The members of the Dulong team were all stunned, and their whole bodies were as stiff as zombies.The hermit guards of the Hanhai Kingdom's royal family behind them have long been familiar with the strange things. It is not unusual to have seen the prince's domineering kiss, and heard the prince's roar that he can't eat grapes.

"The lord's posture is so handsome!" Xiao Bai stared at his lord with admiration!
"Don't talk, the commander of chasing souls is back, be careful of being demerited." Xiao Mobai glanced at Xiao Bai, and he didn't know when it started, Xiao Bai talked more and more, and he had to feel emotional when he saw everything.

Now even the prince's handsome and heroic appearance has started to be discussed.As soon as Xiao Mo finished speaking, a gust of wind blew past, and a ghostly voice sounded behind him: "Xiao Mo, the two rules of Yinwei No. 30, it is strictly forbidden to speak in hidden places, have you forgotten? You will be fined to enter." Rest in the cold pool for one night."

"Uh... Commander, I..." Before Xiao Mo could finish his sentence, there was no chasing soul behind him, he was slightly stunned? !It's late autumn and early winter!Moreover, is there a cold pond on the outskirts of Liaoyuan City?

Xiao Mo looked at Xiao Bai sadly, but saw Xiao Bai lowering his head, as if he knew he was wrong, Xiao Bai looked around in a daze, finally couldn't stand Xiao Mo's gaze, and asked tentatively: " How about I go with you?"

"There is one hidden guard, and those who have not made mistakes will not be punished!" Xiao Mohei said with a sullen face.

"..." Xiao Bai was dumbfounded.

He Lianbei had already caught up to the top of the city. He looked at the situation below the tower strangely, a sharp light shot out from his deep eyes, and the pair of embracing and kissing figures were reflected in his pupils, and complicated emotions surged in his heart.

Yun Feixiang only wanted to stimulate Mu Rujing, but she didn't consider that Xuanyuan Tianzhan seemed to have not seen him for more than [-] days. According to his domineering and fiery desire, he must not be able to withstand such a temptation.

"Hmm..." She gently pushed the man's chest, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body was like steel, and he couldn't push it.

This uncontrollable deep kiss made Xuanyuan Tianzhan seem to have returned to the lake tour in early spring five years ago. She winked at him mischievously, and kissed him provocatively and playfully.

At that time, she tried a little bit of temptation, was it a 30 transaction, or affection?

Mu Rujing's face was livid, and the hatred in her eyes could no longer be concealed. Xuanyuan Tianzhan's strong contrast of differential treatment hit her hard. When she was a child, Brother Zhan would stand by her side, like a flower guardian, The aura is so strong that no one dares to bully her.

Although that time was only less than two years, when exactly did the way of getting along between them become so weird?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan chased after him closely, and Yun Feixiang bit him speechless.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan let out a muffled snort, let go of the little woman reluctantly, looked at her softly, and touched her belly with his big hand, and his dumbfounding words came from his ear: "I will kiss him for the baby." Mother!"

Just as Yun Feixiang was about to confront him, she heard a cold and stern voice: "Grab her!"

Mu Rujing wants to escape?
Led by Dugu Piaojian, they have changed their formation 360 degrees without any dead ends. Mu Rujing turned his eyes around, planning to break through from one corner.

Mu Rujing closed her eyes, her body swirled out of the air, her whole body exuded an orange-red light, which was extremely dazzling, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's eyes darkened, and he pulled the little woman into his arms, at the same time, a golden spiritual force flew in his hand. out.

The orange-red light exuded scorching energy, collided with Xuanyuan Tianzhan's golden spiritual power, and a large spark was knocked out. Yun Feixiang was stunned for a moment, what was the knife-like thing around Mu Rujing's body? ?
No one answered her, Xuanyuan Tianzhan was fighting against the enemy with peace of mind, and the others didn't know what was going on.

The air waves strongly impacted to all directions, sending out pieces of orange-red light one after another.

Someone from the Dulong team snorted, a stream of blood flowed out from the place attacked by the sword light, and the orange-red knife-like light pierced into the blood like a real flying knife.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's spiritual power became stronger and stronger, and the flying knives coming towards them stopped in the air as if frozen. This scene made Yun Feixiang feel very strange. After the phenomenon explained by science, she can accept it calmly.

This world, after all, is not the 21st century. It has its own spatial characteristics and its own magic, but fortunately, these strange things only happen to a few people or things.

With a loud "boom", all the surrounding Dulong teams covered their chests without exception, except for Dugu Piaojian. A lot of internal strength.

"Xiang'er, she has supernatural powers!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said calmly, looking in the direction where the last trace of orange color disappeared.

"What? Supernatural power!" Yun Feixiang was surprised, how few people possessed supernatural powers, but what people didn't expect was that Mu Rujing possessed supernatural powers.

"Mu Rujing is born with supernatural powers, and can emit powerful energy without any skill!" Just now, it was Mu Rujing's luck.

Only with the use of supernatural powers was he able to escape successfully.

"Since it's so miraculous, why didn't she use supernatural powers to deal with me before?" Yun Feixiang asked casually.

The little woman had no intention, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a pain in his heart, and hugged the little woman deeper into his arms. He would not let Xiang'er suffer any harm. He wanted to protect her all the time, see her all the time, without Anyone can take her away from him again.

(End of this chapter)

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