The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 493 Controlling the Heart and Bewitching

Chapter 493 Controlling the Heart and Bewitching (1)
"There is a baby, don't move around!" Why hasn't Mingzhu come back yet, what happened to Helianbei?

"Xiang'er, my husband didn't move anything, just kissed. It was kissing Xiang'er just now, but now it's kissing the baby!" The man spoke righteously, and his fiery lips fell down again.

Yun Feixiang was speechless, this guy is simply a robber!And so many reasons!Yun Feixiang looked in the direction of the big tent, feeling uneasy in her heart, she always felt that something big would happen today.

"Master, Mingzhu is back!" Outside the big tent, Qin Mingzhu struggled for an hour, and finally mustered up the courage to shout inside.

In the tent, Xuanyuan Tianzhan kissed the little girl's mouth as if she had never heard of it, not letting her speak.There was no reply from inside, Qin Mingzhu was in a dilemma, just happened to meet Lin Fang who was strolling leisurely along the way.

"Miss Mingzhu, are you looking for Junior Sister?" With a ruffian tone and a gesture of looking around, it was obvious that he was an opportunistic person.

Qin Mingzhu didn't speak, and cast a sideways glance at Lin Fang. This person always swaggered around, saying that the master was his little junior sister, which made people feel uncomfortable.

How could the master have such a senior brother?The master's brother should be a stalwart man like Mr. Long Yuyan!It shouldn't be an opportunistic villain like Lin Fang!

"I have a way to get the princess out!" Lin Fang said with a mysterious smile.

Hearing this sentence, Qin Mingzhu couldn't help but glance at Lin Fang, she suddenly remembered, isn't Lin Fang in the Nanyue Army?How could it appear in the Hanhai National Army?
"Why are you here?" Qin Mingzhu asked.

"Little Junior Sister is not in Nanyue Kingdom, I also felt bored, so I ran over quietly." Yu Mu still said indifferently.

If Qin Mingzhu remembered correctly, Lin Fang had been promoted to join the army by his master in the Nanyue National Army. Would he be willing to take that position?And judging by his current clothes, here he is at most just an ordinary soldier.

"What can you do?" Qin Mingzhu asked tentatively without any hope.

"You just said that the sky is about to change, please come out to deal with important military affairs! There will naturally be an echo from inside."

"The sky is about to change, how is it possible? In this winter, the weather is dry and bright. No matter how you look at it, the sky will not change. Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Mingzhu's tone turned cold, and his eyes flicked towards Lin Fang.

"Miss Mingzhu, don't believe it, it can be said that the situation is unpredictable, and the weather may change!" Lin Fang said calmly without changing his expression.

Qin Mingzhu looked suspiciously at Lin Fang in front of him. He was still twitching, with his tail raised to the sky. How could such a wicked person believe what he said?Qin Mingzhu couldn't help but gave Lin Fang a hard look, and then ignored him.

Lin Fang felt bored, and walked away on his own, with his hands behind his back, like a big cock, a proud big cock!Qin Mingzhu snorted and looked at Lin Fang with a stinking expression.

"Mingzhu, come in!" Yun Feixiang's faint voice came from inside, Mingzhu was overjoyed and hurried in.

The moment the big tent was just opened, there was a rumbling thunder outside, and the lightning from the sky whizzed to her, which made her stunned for a moment. She looked in Lin Fang's direction again, and there was no one there. figure.

As far as the eye can see, there are only guards shuttling through the army chaotically, taking a posture to guard against the heavy rain.what the hell is it?Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up and kissed the face of the little woman beside him, and quickly walked out of the big tent, unexpectedly, today is really a different day!

"Mingzhu, what are you standing there for? Why don't you come in?" Yun Feixiang glanced at the frozen footsteps at the door of the big tent, and heard a slightly angry voice.

Qin Mingzhu was still immersed in the shock just now, she couldn't help opening her mouth, she suddenly realized a fact.

When Lin Fang was talking to her just now, did the master hear it?
It stands to reason that both the master and the prince are top martial arts masters, so they naturally have sharp eyes and ears. It is easy to inquire about the news within a hundred meters around them. It is impossible not to hear it, but she feels that the master seems to have not heard it at all!

Is this the heck?

"Boom..." The sky-shattering sound exploded, as if the sky and the earth were about to be torn apart, Qin Mingzhu's heart tightened, and she hurried into the big tent.

"What's the situation in Liaoyuan City?" Seeing the woman's unnatural expression, Yun Feixiang asked in a deep voice.

Mingzhu has been lurking in Liaoyuan City to inquire about the situation, and will not come back until she gets definite news!Now that she is back, she must be able to give her a satisfactory answer.

"Master, a strange thing happened just now!" Qin Mingzhu frowned, but decided to speak out the doubts in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Looking at the troubled little face in front of her, Yun Feixiang couldn't help lowering her tone. Mingzhu has always been steady, so something else must have happened to her gaffe today.

"I met Lin Fang in the army, and he told me to change the sky, and it turned out that after he left, the sky changed immediately. I think this is very strange." Qin Mingzhu couldn't figure it out What is going on?

"..." Yun Feixiang was a little surprised, is there such a thing?Lin Fang was in the Nanyue National Army, how did he come to the Hanhai National Army?
The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, feeling that there was something strange in it!Does it have anything to do with the news from the elder brother?
"How is Helianbei?" Suddenly, Yun Feixiang changed the subject.

"I don't know his situation!" Qin Mingzhu shook his head and said truthfully.They also didn't expect that Helianbei had made so many preparations, which fascinated everyone.

Yun Feixiang's eyes sank, and she asked again: "Did our people see him being bitten by poisonous insects?"

"I saw it. But at that time, Helianbei didn't react at all. It was not until later that it was reported that he was bitten by a poisonous insect!"

"However, the Beixiang Prince's Mansion is in chaos, but when we sneaked in, we didn't find any figure of Helian Bei!"

"It's natural!" Yun Feixiang understood.

There is a secret room under Helianbei's palace, how could he not hide in the secret room?Besides, not all the people in Beixiang Palace can be trusted by him, so the best thing he can do is to create chaos so that people can't figure out his situation and hide in the secret room.

"Master, what should we do now?"

"Resign yourself to fate! Stop with silence!" Ah Zhan has already gone to deal with major military affairs, and now he can only wait to see if there is any more news. Just seeing Ah Zhan leave so eagerly, presumably the matter is not simple.

Qin Mingzhu was stunned, this day, which day is it?As soon as she thought about it, there were overwhelming crackling sounds above her head.

"Is it raining?" It was just thunder and thunder, lightning and thunder, but now it really started to rain.

(End of this chapter)

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