The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 495 I will do it for you later

Chapter 495 I will do it for you later
Before the guard could finish speaking, Murong Rui's tall figure had already stepped in, his green robe was drenched and his face was pale.

"Brother Zhan, we must retreat immediately, the snowstorm will stop soon." Murong Rui's eyes first fell on Yun Feixiang, took a deep look at her, and then turned to look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Isn't there still three hours?"

"It's too late, there's only one hour left!" Murong Rui said solemnly.

Yun Feixiang was a little confused, wouldn't it be better if the storm stopped?Why are they still so nervous?

"Ahem..." With the drenched clothes sticking to his body, a chill came over him, and Murong Rui couldn't help covering his lips and coughing.

Yun Feixiang stared at the soaked clothes on the man's body, and frowned slightly. Without thinking about it, she went straight to the box beside her, and began to rummage through the box to find clothes.

Murong Rui got caught in the rain, if he didn't change his clothes, he might catch a cold!
"Time is running out now, you should put on Ah Zhan's clothes first, and then take a hot bath after the matter is settled!" Yun Feixiang handed Murong Rui a set of Xuanyuan Tianzhan's clothes, and There is a cotton towel, and the woman's movements are flowing, as natural as a wife at home preparing a change of clothes for her husband.

This dress looks brand new!
Murong Rui's hands trembling as he picked up the clothes, his eyes fell on the hands of the little woman holding the clothes, a warm feeling surged in the man's heart, as if he had returned to many years ago.

He knew that Xiang'er would always care about him as before!

Yun Feixiang carefully took out a brand new set for Murong Rui, from the underwear to the trousers, the outer robe, and the belt.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan had a lot of clothes, and no matter where he was, there were several sets of unworn clothes. Murong Rui was completely soaked, so there were extra clothes for him to wear.

"Xiang'er, this is mine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan pouted with gusto, his golden eyes fell on a pair of underwear. This was one of the few underwear that Xiang'er made for him. He always kept some. He was reluctant to wear the new one, but he didn't expect to wear it for Murong Rui now.

Yun Feixiang saw that the man kept looking at his underwear, so he couldn't help but lower his voice, and gently coaxed: "Be good, be good, I'll do it for you later!"

How could Xuanyuan Tianzhan listen to it? Xiang'er made it for him with great difficulty. How could he let Murong Rui wear it?
The so-called brothers settle accounts clearly, even if the relationship between him and Murong Rui has been greatly eased, it doesn't mean that Murong Rui can wear the underwear Xiang'er made for him!

"Brother Rui, you can't wear that thing, you can just wear something else." The man fixed his eyes on the piece of fabric, and he was unwilling to let Murong Rui wear it even if he killed him.

But Murong Rui held Xiao Nei tightly in his hands when he heard the little woman say that she made it with her own hands.

"Brother Zhan, Xiang'er said you still have a lot of them, so give this one to me." Although he has never seen this thing before, if he thinks about it for a while, he knows that it is worn close to the body to cover hidden places. objects.

"If you're not used to it, you can just wear obscene trousers." Xuanyuan Tianzhan was smiling, but his fists were clucking.

Seeing the man's posture, Yun Feixiang immediately knew that he was going to solve it violently, and couldn't help saying to Murong Rui: "Rui, you give it back to him, and I'll make you some better ones someday."

Once the little girl speaks out, the effect is great!
"Xiang'er, is it true?" Murong Rui squeezed the soft cloth in his hand, imagining that he could have many beautiful scenes.

"Well, brother Rui, you'd better wear this! You're all wet now, hurry up and change in the inner room." Xuanyuan Tianzhan cleared his throat and said "considerately".

"Go!" Seeing the man let go, Yun Feixiang couldn't help being amused, sometimes Ah Zhan is like a child, he always has to be so provocative before he can cooperate successfully.

Murong Rui didn't say anything, he took his clothes and walked into the inner room. This vinegar jar is really extravagant, not to mention the luxurious red carpet all over the floor, the big tent is actually in the form of a suite, and there can be several extensions from the central big tent. Small suite.

When Murong Rui heard Xuanyuan Tianzhan's coquettish voice outside, he couldn't help but get goosebumps all over the place.Who would have thought that a man who is supreme, invincible, and arrogant and arrogant would act like a baby?

He took a closer look at Xuanyuan Tianzhan's clothes, and found that the clothes were even more exquisitely embroidered than his dragon robe. Murong Rui seldom wore black clothes, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan's clothes in the closet were all black .

Murong Rui quickly took off his clothes, dried himself, then carefully picked up the hard-won underwear, studied it a little, and then put it on beautifully.

The panties fit perfectly, they fit just right!
When a man dressed in black came out, both Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang were stunned for a moment. They were used to seeing his green robe as gentle as the wind and his expression as elegant as the moon. He was exposed, only to realize that the emperor always has the demeanor of the emperor, he is not without sharpness, he is not always on the side, in Shengtian, he is the emperor that everyone is looking forward to, just like a few years ago, he was supported by the people The third prince is average.

For whom is he always gentle? !
For whom do you hide yourself in the dust? !

"Well... tell me now, what happened?" Yun Feixiang spoke first, breaking the silence.Xuanyuan Tianzhan also withdrew his eyes and looked at one place casually.

"Xiang'er, do you remember what is above Liaoyuan City?" Murong Rui changed into dry clothes and felt relaxed all over his body, which was much more comfortable than directly drying clothes with internal force.

"Above Liaoyuan City?" Yun Feixiang repeated, as if a detailed topographical map flew in his mind.

She pondered for a while, and suddenly discovered an earth-shattering secret, and the little girl was shocked. Could it be that someone would take advantage of such natural dangers to cause disasters for all the people?

"The Liaohe River is located directly above the Liaoyuan City. Normally, the embankment is used to store water, and the water in the river is calm, but when there is a heavy rainstorm, the Liaohe River will swell and flood!"

If the Liaohe River floods, Liaoyuan City will be affected. If it is just a natural flood, Liaoyuan City will have no problem at all.This is also the reason why Liaoyuan City has lived in peace for hundreds of years!
But Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Murong Rui were instructed by an expert at the same time, saying that when the sky changes, it is time to withdraw their troops.

The two didn't believe it at first, but they found that the sky had become too weird, and they didn't dare to be careless.

"I understand. Someone wants to wait for the upper reaches of the Liaohe River to be filled with water, and then blow up the dam." Yun Feixiang's eyes turned cold. She never expected that such a vicious person would want to flood the army.

He Lianbei would never do this, he would die together with the army of the Hanhai Kingdom.

So, this person is the Xigan Guoshi mentioned in the elder brother's mind?
(End of this chapter)

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