Chapter 498 How sad is it (1)
Who on earth was able to dive underwater and destroy the dam? !
"Commander, what should we do?" Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, and their minds seemed to freeze for a while, and they couldn't react.

"Intercept from all sides, arrest people if you live, and see corpses if you die!" Since you heard the screams, someone must be under the water!

The members of the Xiaolong team immediately divided the work, and each guarded the important place.

Mu Rujing's spying was not good, she didn't dare to raise her head underwater, she must never fall into Yun Feixiang's hands again.

Gradually running out of breath, Mu Rujing knew that she would not be able to last long underwater, she gritted her teeth, and followed the mighty river down the dam mouth!

"Ah Zhan, the flood came so fast, I'm afraid the soldiers haven't finished withdrawing yet?" On the high mountain far away, Yun Feixiang couldn't help frowning as she watched the flood running forward like a beast.

"Don't worry, Murong Rui is here." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said indifferently.

"You trust him?!" Yun Feixiang rolled his eyes at the man, and began to worry about the lives of the soldiers.

Suddenly, Yun Feixiang glanced at the place washed by the flood, and a figure crawled out from the middle of the river in embarrassment!At the same time, Gu Youzhi's eyes also fell on the orange figure.

Several figures flew down at the same time, Mu Rujing raised his head in astonishment, only then realized that he had been exposed.

A purple ribbon flew towards her, and Mu Rujing saw Gu Youzhi's handsome face, and at the same time, a black ribbon flew towards her at an even faster speed, and she saw Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face, which was as beautiful as an exiled immortal but as cold as ice!

By coincidence, Mu Rujing raised his head and called out to Xuanyuan Tianzhan.

"Brother Zhan!" The woman who got up from the water looked up at the black brocade expectantly. The man's handsome face appeared in a dream. disappears.

She will always remember that when he was a child, he stood by her side and gave her the greatest protection. She would never believe that he would ignore her, no, he made a move!

Gu Youzhi had the urge to die, but he didn't expect that at this moment, Mu Rujing still had Xuanyuan Tianzhan in his heart.

He curled up the corners of his lips mockingly, and finally understood what it means to be "a lowly person is hated by others"!
The purple and black brocades are intertwined, and the two powerful internal forces are secretly competing. The golden light flies out from the palm of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and the Liao River water beside him continuously flies to the side, easily turning into internal forces.

The dark purple light on Gu Youzhi's body carried an ancient and vicissitudes of life, powerful and oppressive, as if from ancient times.

During the fight between the two men, a chuckle that Mu Rujing was familiar with but hated floated in. Immediately afterwards, a bright red cloud flew over the river!

That's not Yun Duo, it's Yun Feixiang's clothes!
The pure red flaming Firefox shawl, the dazzling celestial silk gauze, the corners of the clothes are flying, and they come from the sky!

Yun Feixiang was followed by the Dulong team, Dugu Piaojian held his sword in both hands, staring coldly, he stood in the air like a god, looked at Mu Rujing coldly, and the ten people behind him also stared at Mu Rujing unkindly. Like a mirror.

They may not mind Mu Rujing's fight with them in front of the Liaoyuan City Tower, and they may not mind Mu Rujing's despicable besieging them with poisonous insects, but the sense of justice in their hearts does not allow them to see the flood of drinking water rushing towards innocent people!

"Yun Feixiang, you are so lingering, I, Mu Rujing, can meet you anywhere!" Before Yun Feixiang could speak, Mu Rujing said viciously.

"You also forgot to say, I'm lucky and fateful, so I can't be killed? Is that so?" Yun Feixiang landed on a stone, looking down at Mu Rujing who was covered in sewage, staggering and embarrassed.

Her face no longer had the peerless radiance, but only new wrinkles and ferocity.

"..." Yun Feixiang was talking about Mu Rujing's sore spot, and Mu Rujing tried his best to deal with her, but tossed herself into a ghost.

"Mu Rujing, don't you think you need a mirror? Do you want to see your ugly face?" Yun Feixiang shook the shiny bronze mirror in his hand, and threw it at Mu Rujing without hesitation.

As soon as Mu Rujing raised her eyes, she raised her sleeves and wanted to wave the mirror away. She just used her supernatural ability, and the situation is definitely not going to get any better now, so it's better for her not to look at it!
There is even self-knowledge!How old should Mu Rujing be if she used her abilities three times?How much should her life be reduced?

"Hahahaha..." Yun Feixiang laughed wantonly, her delicate and sarcastic laughter seemed to penetrate people's hearts, blowing into the bottom of her heart along with the fierce cold wind.

Mu Rujing's heart is especially cold, Yun Feixiang's smile is like a flower, her delicate white skin is slightly rosy, and her red dress makes her more beautiful and radiant.

Hate, slowly becoming hatred, Mu Rujing lowered her head, saw her aging hands, and then looked at Yun Feixiang, she immediately wanted to chop off those hands and put them on her body.

"Is a woman who dare not even look in the mirror worthy of being called a woman? Mu Rujing, you used to think that you were unparalleled in beauty, and any man would be impressed by your beauty, but now you dare not even look at your own face. What do you say?" , how pathetic are you?" Yun Feixiang's words pierced into Mu Rujing's heart like needles.

What a woman cares most about is her own beauty, followed by martial arts, talent, and wisdom. She will never admit that she is ugly now in front of Yun Feixiang!
"You're talking nonsense, I'm just very familiar with my own appearance, I just don't want to look at it." She didn't know her own face to the bone!
"Hahahaha..." The voice of laughter came again, but it was not from Yun Feixiang, but from the Dulong team behind her!

Dugu Piaojian also let out a smirk, never heard a person so hypnotized when he was ugly!
Embarrassed, Mu Rujing immediately grabbed the mirror in front of her. She originally wanted to prove her courage, but she didn't look at the mirror when she picked it up, but when she picked up the bronze mirror, she seemed to be possessed by a demon. , He looked into the mirror by some strange coincidence.

At the same time, Gu Youzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, and lost to Xuanyuan Tianzhan because of his restlessness!
He distractedly controlled Mu Rujing's consciousness just now, just to give her a fatal blow, so that she will remember more deeply, so that next time, she will not go against her plan without authorization.

"Ah..." The pig-killing roar was instantly deafening, and then Mu Rujing stepped on the bronze mirror, covered his face with his hands, and muttered: "Brother Zhan, this is definitely not me! It's not me!" Me! You know, I am very beautiful, absolutely impossible to be this ugly!"

Xuanyuan Tianzhan looked at Yun Feixiang's face and saw that there was nothing unusual about her, so he was relieved, and was about to say something when he heard a cruel and heartless sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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