The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 500 The Intact Liaoyuan City

Chapter 500 The Intact Liaoyuan City
However, what made her wonder was how could Helianbei guarantee that Liaoyuan City would not be looted by the flood at all?
Liaoyuan City, as Huihun said, has not changed at all. It has been exactly three days since the Liaohe River broke its embankment. Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible to recover so quickly. The bustling and lively streets in the past are still bustling and lively now!
In Beixiang Prince's Mansion, a celebration banquet is being held in the spacious and bright hall.A group of aristocrats and rulers toasted Helianbei in a fawning manner. It seemed that Helianbei had put a lot of effort into this flood invasion!

"My lord, this time we were able to escape the catastrophe, thanks to his careful planning, in the future, we will definitely follow my lord's lead!" The nobles were full of smiles and raised their glasses to Helian Beijiu.

"Your loyalty, the King knows of course!" He Lianbei held up the wine glass, smiled faintly, and drank it absent-mindedly!
He actually worried about that girl? !With Xuanyuan Tianzhan, there must be no danger!
Helian Zhongyu sat next to Helianbei, his face was full of radiance, he looked at his father with some admiration, and some disdain at the toasting nobles!
The man is only in his early 20s, his handsome face is as delicate as a knife, every minute and every inch is so decent, but Helian Zhongyu is compared with Helianbei's Fengshen jade bone, charming and flamboyant, except for the raised nose Except for the corners of the lips that are smiling, there is no resemblance at all!
Outside the main hall, behind a certain hill, Helian Yufeng narrowed his eyes coldly, is that person really his father?Why are you so heartless towards him?

Helian Zhongyu had already been convinced by him that brothers should help each other, but as soon as this man came back, he immediately shattered his dream. No matter how much he begged him, he would ruthlessly drive him away. Out of the palace!
In the end, under the persuasion of everyone, he was spared, but he was no longer allowed to control any real power.

Helian Yufeng sometimes always thinks that maybe that man didn't treat him as his own son at all!

He has liked his second brother since he was a child, and he sees that he doesn't like anything, and he has already decided to hand over the power of Beixiang Prince's Mansion to Helian Zhongyu, how can he deal with himself?
So later, he chose to betray, and thus took refuge in Xuanyuan Tianzhan, and secretly negotiated some deals with Murong Rui.

He thought that he would succeed, but in the end he realized that neither Xuanyuan Tianzhan nor Murong Rui was someone he could afford.

"Eldest son, don't be discouraged, the prince will remember you." The soldiers around Helian Yufeng said comfortingly.

"Definitely!" Helian Yufeng insisted that as long as he worked hard, he would definitely be able to be reused again.

After the back and forth with those old guys, Helianbei returned to the room a little tired. As soon as the man stepped in with long legs, he felt a little strange.

There is the sound of unabashed breathing!
It has a fresh and unique scent of snow lotus!

"Little girl?" He Lianbei looked up in surprise, and looked at the little woman who turned around slowly in disbelief.

Is she here for him?Unexpectedly, she would take the initiative to come to him, Helianbei thought that since he took her to the secret room, she would never talk to him again.

Seeing her again now, an uncontrollable excitement welled up in my heart.

"It turns out that the underground of Beixiang Prince's Mansion is not only a secret room, but also a drainage channel! I said how could there be water in it? Now that I think about it, I finally understand." Yun Feixiang's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and a pair of eyes that were as bright as pearls Eyes, locked tightly on Helian Bei's expression.

"Girl, you are really smart!" The man smiled heartily and walked over cordially.

"Compared to you, I'm just a rookie!" He Lianbei has lived in Liaoyuan City for so long, and he knows the terrain here like the palm of his hand, and even tried his best to prevent possible disasters. Such a man , It is really admirable.

Why did you build this secret room for your mother and concubine? It was simply a matter of passing. The real function of the secret room is probably far more than that!

"Don't you want to see me standing in front of you safely?" Seeing that the little girl didn't show much joy, Helian Bei couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Hope!" Yun Feixiang still remembered that when the guards came to report that day, she felt a deep worry in her heart, but she didn't expect that her worry was for nothing.

Helianbei has already made all preparations!so good!

"Xiang'er, you still have a father in your heart, don't you?" He Lianbei suddenly took a step closer in surprise, and excitedly grabbed Yun Feixiang's hand!

Yun Feixiang took a step back suddenly, and looked at the man with fluttering eyes!

"If you were my biological father, why didn't you pick me up back then? Why did you have to force me in the Shengtian tower again?" Yun Feixiang would never forget that the huge internal force poured into that long spear, if she hadn't been quick-witted , I'm afraid he would have died long ago.

Helian Bei's handsome and charming face suddenly darkened, is she blaming him?He could feel that the little woman no longer had the initial hostility towards him, but she definitely did not have any love for her father either.

He owed her, owed her too much!
"I believe you can break that spear!" He Lianbei opened his mouth and said such a sentence.

In fact, at that time, he was not convinced that she was his daughter, and he did not know that the detoxification for Binger actually made Binger pregnant with a child!

It wasn't until he was in the secret room that the girl touched the mechanism and almost fell into the foul-smelling underground pool. He grabbed her and saw the pale white Big Dipper pearl on her elbow. He didn't know that he still had a daughter. !
"Hmph... You might as well say that it was the Frost Jade who encouraged you!" Yun Feixiang snorted and looked at the man with some dissatisfaction.

At that time, she clearly saw Han Bingyu say something in Helianbei's ear, and then Helianbei shot at her.

"..." The man was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyelids, and looked at the little woman with burning eyes.

"What are you looking at, I'm not wrong!" Yun Feixiang stared back, and then sighed softly: "Forget it, I also shot you with a silver needle, so let's forget about it."

When He Lianbei heard this, knowing that the little woman no longer blamed him, he could not help but take a step closer and looked at her with a smile on his face.

Yun Feixiang was a little uncomfortable being seen, so she couldn't help moving away.

"But I'm curious, why are you so sure that I'm your daughter?" All of this is groundless and unreasonable.

"Why should I tell you?" He Lianbei acted like a fool, which was quite similar to Yun Feixiang's arrogant and shameless appearance.

However, the old man's aura dropped when he met the little woman.

"I think you don't want my daughter anymore!" Yun Feixiang said angrily, puffing her cheeks.

"..." He Lianbei's eyes widened. He was just joking, and didn't expect her to accept him so quickly, but he didn't expect Xiang'er to be...willing to admit him? !
(End of this chapter)

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