Chapter 518 The Last Step

"This..." The guard broke out in cold sweat, as if he didn't know where to start.

"Tell the truth, don't be nervous!" Yun Feixiang reminded at the right time, she thought this man was going to explode again.

"General Mochizuki was... stabbed in the chest by Miss Mingzhu!"

Yun Feixiang frowned, the thing she was most worried about really happened!
The vague news from Xiao Bai and Xiao Mo, as well as the information mentioned in the senior brother's letter, just thinking about it makes people feel horrified.

"I'll go and have a look." Murong Rui turned around and stopped suddenly. He had already discovered the difference between Qin Mingzhu, but Qin Mingzhu was someone Xiang'er trusted and valued very much, so naturally he couldn't deal with it casually.

Besides, Xiang'er may have her own considerations for leaving her in the army to deal with things.

When he left, he had told Xuanyuan Wangyue to be careful and pay attention to Qin Mingzhu, but he did not expect such a thing to happen.

"I'll go see it myself!" The little woman turned her eyes to look at her palm, where Xuanyuan Tianzhan was seriously putting on the last layer of bow.

The snow-white gauze wrapped her little hands delicately, only some fingers were exposed, and the shiny and smooth nails were glowing with a faint white light.

The palm is not messy and thick like rice dumplings, but is like a sweet glove embroidered with a bow, which is enough to show the intention of the wrapper.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan saw that the bow was tied awkwardly, and seemed dissatisfied, but after he let go, the little woman withdrew her hand and nodded in satisfaction!
Looking at the sleeves that were brushed away in a hurry, the man couldn't help but sighed, and silently followed behind the little woman.

"My lord, my concubine is pregnant, she needs to rest more, I can't make such a fuss..." Wu Ying hurriedly followed, reminding her in a low voice.

The prince asked Wuyuelou to collect things that pregnant women should pay attention to. He even wrote a letter to ask Aunt Qing for advice. Everything that the princess does now seems to be extremely unacceptable!

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face darkened again, he didn't speak, and seemed to be thinking about what Wuying said.

Seeing his lord hesitated, Wuying knew that he could not take the concubine, so he immediately reminded: "My lord, I think Sheng Tian's matter has been dealt with roughly, are we going to go back to China?"

As for the rest, just leave it to Gan Lu and other veterans.

"It's been too long since I came out." However, the matter is not over yet!Xuanyuan Tianzhan only said a word, and then stopped talking, so that Wuying couldn't figure out what his prince was thinking.

When the few people came out, there were already doctors treating Xuanyuan Wangyue's wounds. His chest was pierced by a sharp sword, and he was seriously injured. If the sword's edge was a little more to the left, he would not be able to survive today!
Not far from Xuanyuan Wangyue, Qin Mingzhu was already surrounded by a group of people. She stood alone in the center, the long sword in her hand was still dripping with blood.

The cold weather almost froze everything, but the woman had a few strands of wet hair on her forehead, and the light green figure stood like a solitary pine, which made people feel a little distressed.

Everyone carefully stared at the extremely calm woman in the center, not daring to act rashly. This is the famous person next to the princess. If she didn't handle it properly, she would lose her head. However, she must be an unforgivable sin for hurting the general!

However, when the prince and concubine came, they would take care of it, they just had to obey orders.

"How are you?" Murong Rui walked towards Xuanyuan Wangyue and asked with concern.

"It's nothing!" Xuanyuan Wangyue raised the corners of his lips slightly, revealing a difficult smile.

He was just a little weak, and the wound was too deep. It was necessary to suffer a little, and it was not a serious problem.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan was a little surprised. Wangyue's character is so high that most people don't pay attention to him. It seems that after getting along with him for a while, he has discovered the strength of Murong Rui, and he regards Murong Rui as his own. !

That's great!

"What's going on..." Xuanyuan Tianzhan walked over and said, already taking Xuanyuan Wangyue's pulse.

Yun Feixiang just glanced at Xuanyuan Wangyue, and seeing that he was fine and Xuanyuan Tianzhan was taking care of him, she felt relieved, and stared at Qin Mingzhu with her dark eyes.

Xuanyuan Wangyue's pulse was weak, which was a sign of a serious injury, but his life was no longer in danger!However, what makes Xuanyuan Tianzhan feel strange is...

"Who treated the wound?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked suddenly.

Everyone was a little surprised, is it important who treated the wound?But Xuanyuan Wangyue took the initiative to explain when he saw the man frowning.

"Brother Huang, don't get angry, because the army was mobilized urgently this time, so most of the military doctors are still dealing with typhoid and plague caused by the flood, and many military doctors have also gone to various places in Shengtian to treat the people, so General Pei and the others randomly found one People who can heal wounds. Anyway, it’s a sword wound, just stop the bleeding, it’s the same for anyone who heals.” Xuanyuan Wangyue explained with great effort, but Xuanyuan Tianzhan shook his head.

Xuanyuan Wangyue was taken aback for a moment, was it not because the wound was not treated well enough that Brother Huang was about to get angry?

"What about others?" Xuanyuan Wangyue continued to ask.

With such methods and drug configuration, apart from him and the master, there is only one person in the world - Ouyang Ren, the big brother who was expelled by the master!
"General Pei, where is the person who treated my wound just now?" Xuanyuan Wangyue looked around, only to realize why the person disappeared after a while?

Pei You hurried over and explained patiently.

"He has already left. The man said it was strange that he didn't want to give a reward. However, I think he was in a trance, as if he had been stimulated by something. According to his subordinates, our people put the money in a room in the Beixiang Palace. He was rescued, as if he had been imprisoned here before!"

Xuanyuan Wangyue's expression became more solemn, which further verified his conjecture.

"Brother Huang, what's the matter? Do you want to chase him back?" The man should not have gone far!
"No need!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan said flatly.It is useless to chase it back, because the cold ice jade is dead, and this matter cannot be pursued.

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Tianzhan once again thought of the information sent back from Wuyue Tower.

At the beginning, in the outskirts of Yundu in Nanyue Kingdom, they failed to burn Long Ruhuo and Han Bingyu to death, but they burned them beyond recognition. Just by looking at Long Ruhuo's appearance of being neither human nor ghost, one can tell that Han Bingyu is still alive. Bingyu's situation is not much better.

Long Ruhuo could not care about his appearance and concentrate on cultivating his evil skills, but Han Bingyu couldn't.

How could Han Bingyu be reconciled when her proud appearance was destroyed by the fire?

In the whole world, people with excellent medical skills are mostly reclusive experts, she is absolutely untouchable!

So, Han Bingyu had no choice but to expand the range to more famous people in the Jianghu. After thinking about it, she thought of Ouyang Ren. .

(End of this chapter)

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