The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 520: Underground Trap

Chapter 520: Underground Trap (2)
Those charming girls on Mu Rujing's body disappeared like the wind.

Master said at the beginning that there are advantages and disadvantages in everything, just like Mu Rujing's supernatural ability, which will shorten his life by ten years every time he uses it, and he will also grow old, just like his mind control technique, which consumes a strong internal force every time and mental strength.

Therefore, no matter what you do, you must consider the consequences.But he never imagined that the failure in the end was due to Mu Rujing's restlessness.

Gu Youzhi didn't speak, but the cold breath lowered the temperature of the whole space.

"Brother You, if you had told me earlier, I wouldn't be indifferent..."

snort!Did I tell you earlier that you should not be disturbed by outsiders when you perform the mind control technique?
Isn't that telling you the biggest flaw in mind control?He is sick to tell others about his own flaws!
"Okay, I'm fine." Gu Youzhi quickly regained his composure, grabbed Mu Rujing into his arms with one hand, "You've recovered for so long, how is your body feeling?"

Gu Youzhi's tone was slightly caring, and he forced himself not to think about what happened just now. The matter has already been like this, and he can't always treat Mu Rujing badly, it won't do him any good.

"That's it, I really shouldn't use my abilities." Mu Rujing lowered her head, and moved closer to Gu Youzhi's chest calmly.

She believes that she is still attractive!
Gu Youzhi felt a little stuffy in his chest, how could it be impossible for the current Mu Rujing to let him return to the original feeling?At that time, he liked her so much, but she turned a blind eye to her. Now that her face is getting old, and she comes to her door in person, it really makes him feel a little disgusted.

"I'm going out to get some air." The man said, turned sideways, and hurried out.

Mu Rujing's expression changed suddenly, did she start to dislike her?Sure enough, men are all perverts, seeing her now is not as tender and beautiful as when she was young, and avoiding her like the plague.

Although she has lost nothing in her power at the moment, but when she returns to Xigan Country, she will feel like a fish in water. At that time, she must show Gu Youzhi some color.

Even if she is old, so what, there will still be wave after wave of men in Xigan country who are willing to hook her up and curry favor with her.

She has no shortage of men to help her!
"Master Commander, the target has come out." Seeing Gu Youzhi's purple clothes, a hidden guard immediately stared at the door of the room, and sent a voice transmission to Xiao Mo.

"According to the original plan, go!" Xiao Mo waved his hand, and the hidden guard behind him immediately followed.

At the same time, Xiao Bai, who was guarding behind the window, also ordered the hidden guards to set up their bows and arrows, aiming their black arrows at the window.

Gu Youzhi was extremely depressed, and almost forgot that he was in the dangerous Liaoyuan City.

As soon as he went out, he felt a strong strange atmosphere. People who practice martial arts have always had a strong ability to perceive the surrounding environment. His eyes narrowed slightly and his ears moved quickly.

"Damn it, the inn is actually surrounded by people!" He cursed in a low voice, his expression suddenly darkened.

"Master Commander, shall we wait for the prince to come and then deal with it, or go in first?" a hidden guard asked in a low voice.

Yinwei's eyes flashed with a brilliant light, as if he was extremely excited.

"Gu Youzhi is old and cunning, let's wait for the prince to deal with it." Xiao Mo knew that although his martial arts were not bad, it was still difficult to take down Gu Youzhi and Mu Rujing.

Ah!Wait for Xuanyuan Tianzhan to come!That's right, I'm afraid you won't wait for Xuanyuan Tianzhan to come!

The basement of Liaoyuan City is full of secret rooms. He has already seen many secrets of the Helian family, but now these people dare not move without authorization, which happened to give him a great opportunity.

"Like a mirror, we are surrounded by people." Gu Youzhi turned back and had to face this face that disgusted him from the inside out.

"Oh." Mu Rujing just responded lightly.

She is not stupid, she has already read what is in Gu Youzhi's eyes, the reason why he can tolerate him now is because he knows that he still has a lot of influence in Xigan country, and he just wants to get his help in the future.

The father has no sons, so after a hundred years from the father, who should manage the Xigan Kingdom, which has just been established?
"Aren't you worried about our safety?" Gu Youzhi's expression changed, and Mu Rujing seemed too calm.

Could it be that after experiencing these major changes, he looked down on life and death?

"Brother You is here, Ru Jing is not afraid of anything! Besides, just now I have sent a letter to my father, and my father will definitely send experts to meet us." Mu Rujing said expressionlessly.

"What, the emperor knows that we are together?" The corner of Gu Youzhi's mouth twitched, he thought that this woman was nothing more than a woman with a simple mind, but he did not expect that she had such a plan.

Now that Emperor Xigan already knew that they were together, he naturally couldn't leave Mu Rujing alone, and he couldn't excuse that he didn't find Mu Rujing at all. That is to say, he had to take Mu Rujing safely with him Go back to Xigan, otherwise you will be dereliction of duty.

The national teacher's dereliction of duty and failure to protect the saints of the Western Regions will greatly affect the prestige of the national teacher, and even shake the status of the national teacher.

"What? Didn't the father send the national teacher to pick up the saint? Doesn't Master You want the father to know that you have received me? This is a great achievement!" Mu Rujing's voice suddenly became sharp , the gaze became deeper and deeper.

"Sister Rujing, what's the matter, we will return to Xigan safe and sound!" Gu Youzhi coughed unnaturally, and turned his eyes away.

"Brother You, let's think about how we can get out of the danger from the hidden guards of the Hanhai Kingdom!"

"This trivial matter can't trouble my national teacher!"

"That's good!" Mu Rujing raised her eyebrows.Don't think that she is a little white rabbit, and if she can become a saint of the Western Regions, she will naturally be useless. If she hadn't met the powerful Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan, she would not be desperate, let alone become what she is now.

As long as she is still alive, there is still a chance. She will remember all the hatred and hatred, and wait until she recovers her strength to make a comeback.

It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years, and she will definitely make a comeback!

Gu Youzhi pondered for a while, then suddenly shot at a wall.

Mu Rujing was taken aback, as if he didn't understand what Gu Youzhi was going to do, if he didn't deal with the experts outside, how would they go?
A strong breath pierced out instantly and hit a mechanism on the wall. A square opening was opened in the wall, and a wooden box was placed inside.

"What is this?" Mu Rujing was startled, it turned out that there was a mechanism.


"..." Mu Rujing was dumbfounded for a moment. After staying in the room for so many days, she didn't know anything.

On the other hand, Gu Youzhi's proficient movements are like performing his most proficient martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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