The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 522 Wood Rujing's Fate

Chapter 522 Wood Rujing's Fate (2)
"Everyone will grow old, do you think you can be young and beautiful forever?" Mu Rujing growled frantically.

In fact, she used to think that she would always be so beautiful, and would always be envied by others, but after all, she was getting old quickly.

"Of course! Everyone will grow old, and everyone will become more mature, charming, and radiant with the washing of time. Even if the years pass by, they will retain their inner beauty." The little woman said here, suddenly The topic changed, "And you, in the process of aging rapidly, become even uglier, sharper, and hideous!"

After Yun Feixiang finished speaking, she saw that Mu Rujing's face had turned blue and purple.

"Even if I am no longer as beautiful as when I was young, I can't deny my stunning appearance. Besides, Brother Zhan once said when he was a child that he would protect me for the rest of his life!" Mu Rujing suddenly looked at Xuanyuan Tianzhan, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally. mentioned.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan's body was suddenly icy cold. Mu Rujing was really embarrassed. At that time, it was pitiful to see Mu Rujing being bullied. He did say that he would protect her, but he would never protect her for the rest of his life. Might say it!
She said it so openly now that she just wanted to arouse Xiang'er's jealousy and sow discord.

Yun Feixiang felt that Mu Rujing was a bit ridiculous, even Gu Youzhi beside him could see that her words would not have any effect at all, and she could still hold her head proudly, I really don't know where she got so proud feel?
"Oh? Protect you for the rest of your life? Not bad! Just here is an opportunity to see if Brother Zhan will protect you for the rest of your life?" Yun Feixiang would not believe Mu Rujing's words, even if Xuanyuan Tianzhan said it, it was nothing more than Just a childhood joke.

However, this does not mean that she is willing to hear other women deliberately involving his man together!
The little woman raised her arm and waved forward with one hand, her domineering crimson sleeve raised a brilliant arc, behind her, the Dulong team quickly surrounded her.

The space in the secret room is very large, and it looks very open. Gu Youzhi knew that there were other paths behind every small door, but the aura he heard just now told him that all the paths had been sealed by Xuanyuan Tianzhan up!
He has long heard that Xuanyuan Tianzhan has a deep research on various formation mechanisms. Before he is fully sure, he really dare not challenge his authority at will!

"Go!" A soft shout sounded in the secret room, the voice was as cold as ice.

After receiving the order, the Dulong team entangled in an instant, the soft silver sword flew up and down, the chill moved, and the air waves intertwined. The 11 people headed by Dugu Piaojian were shaped like barbs, and Gu Youzhi and the wood were like mirrors. Get stuck in the hook!
"Hooked Dragon Formation?" Gu Youzhi's expression darkened, and he asked in astonishment.The long-lost hook dragon formation, I didn't expect to see it today!
"Wrong! It's just a snake formation!" Yun Feixiang corrected.How can the two of them be regarded as dragons?
"..." Gu Youzhi frowned, no matter whether he was a hooked dragon formation or a hooked snake formation, in short, it was beyond his imagination!
Dugu Piaojian took the lead and slashed towards Gu Youzhi. Gu Youzhi backed up again and again, avoiding the soft sword that was swimming like a snake.

Unexpectedly, when he dodged, he forced himself onto the tip of the hook, where a cold knife was waiting for him!
At the same time, Mu Rujing was about to rush out of the range of the arc-shaped hook, the swords were shining, and in the shadow of the lamp, countless hooks appeared in her eyes, extending from all directions, coming straight towards her .

"Brother You, save me!" Mu Rujing was terrified and shouted in panic.

"Ah..." The cold sword with the tip of the hook sliced ​​through Gu Youzhi's purple brocade robe, penetrating three points to the bone, and he couldn't take care of himself.

This damn formation can actually spy on a person's state of mind. The members of the Dulong team seem to know his mind, and they have already prepared for it!

"Ru Jing, now is the time of last resort, use supernatural powers!" He used the mind control technique before, but his mind has not yet recovered, and his internal energy has been consumed a lot, and now he is trapped in such a strange formation, there is no way at all .

"Brother You, save me!" Mu Rujing was still shouting, she couldn't hear anything at all, only the countless sharp hooks in her eyes were coming towards her, and they were going to pierce her through in the next second!
"Use the power!" Gu Youzhi shouted almost crazily.Are they really going to die under Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hands today?How could he be willing?
"Ah..." A powerful force was released, violently impacting the air current in the air.

"Pfft..." Mu Rujing spat out a mouthful of blood.

With a "puchi", Yun Feixiang laughed.

Afterwards, the little woman felt a little mocking again. In fact, what Mu Rujing saw just now was just an illusion, not real at all.

Everyone in the Dulong team concentrated their energy on dealing with Gu Youzhi, so how could everyone point their swords at Mu Rujing?

Gu Youzhi looked up in astonishment, and had a panoramic view of the surrounding scene.He was stabbed in the chest, and it was real, but there was nothing beside Mu Rujing, only her, her blue hair mixed with a lot of white hair in an instant!Xuanyuan Tianzhan's hidden guards, because they were far away from Mu Rujing, were unscathed!
It was a waste of a power!
A small door opened, and a light green figure came out, even Wu Ying was startled, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Mingzhu, you've learned well!" Yun Feixiang said with a smile.

"I still have to thank the master for his trust and the guidance of the prince." She never expected that the master would trust her so much in times of crisis, and under the guidance of the prince, she would be able to learn the illusion technique!
"In the final analysis, I still want to thank Master Xigan for his hard work!" Yun Feixiang smiled like a flower, with the corners of her lips fluttering, and she got her wish when she saw Gu Youzhi's weird expression.

In fact, she had known something was wrong with Qin Mingzhu for a long time, so she secretly sent someone to follow her, and finally discovered the scene of Gu Youzhi bewitching Mingyue.

Yun Feixiang told Xuanyuan Tianzhan about this matter, and the man told her not to worry, saying that he would handle it himself.

As a result, Qin Mingzhu did not expect that Qin Mingzhu actually learned the mind illusion technique. Those who learn the mind illusion technique must have the experience of mind control technique. Coincidentally, Gu Youzhi pretended to be Yu Mu, controlled Qin Mingzhu, and planted the seeds of mind control in Qin Mingzhu's body.

However, Xuanyuan Tianzhan taught Qin Mingzhu the illusion and fascination techniques that are often used in formations!Although he couldn't get rid of Gu Youzhi's control all at once, he could gradually strengthen his illusion technique, and finally get rid of the mind control technique completely.

Psychic illusion can't confuse anyone in normal times, but in the formation, it has great power. In the worst case, it can even directly make people get lost in the formation, go mad and die.

(End of this chapter)

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