Chapter 533 The Envious Love (2)
She didn't forget that there was a mistress outside!
The softness on her back was quickly touched, and Yun Feixiang subconsciously stepped back immediately, but no matter how fast she was, how could she be as fast as Xuanyuan Tianzhan?
The man's tall and fiery body was tightly pressed against her skin, and his scorching breath sprayed in his ears, and soft and tender words sounded: "Xiang'er, you started a fire, and you are responsible for extinguishing it!"

"It's you who can't control yourself, how can you blame me?" The little woman gloated a little, and looked up at the man's handsome face.

Seeing this, she felt a little distressed. Looking at the man's expression, she could tell how much he was suffering. It was no wonder that he kissed her forgetfully in the living room regardless of the presence of so many people.

She thought he was just trying to bully her domineeringly, but after seeing his extremely forbearing sweat and tangled expression, she really felt distressed.

"Xiang'er, forget it, I'm going to take a cold shower!" The man looked at the little woman's stomach, then suddenly got up again, leaving the little woman's soft body.

Yun Feixiang was stunned for a while, he changed a little too fast, didn't he?What did he say, take a cold shower? !
this man...

"Don't, take a cold shower in this winter, what should I do if I'm freezing?" The little woman raised her eyes, staring at him tenderly, a pair of small hands had already hooked the man's big hands, not letting him go.

"Xiang'er." Xuanyuan Tianzhan called out in a low voice, with an uncontrollable urge, he closed his eyes tightly, as if he was about to endure it to the limit.

The little woman pulled him down and sat on the soft couch.

"You have to be gentle, just like last time, very gentle!" The little woman's voice was magical, making people intoxicated and fascinated.Ah Zhan knows how to control himself, and he hasn't touched her for a whole month!However, she couldn't bear to torture him like that!
Time seemed to stand still, stopping at the thoughtful and gentle words of the little woman!

As the dim light fell, the atmosphere in the room became even more profound. The man turned his head and saw the little woman's face flushed from his violent kiss. Those black and bright eyes could see his heart clearly. Frenzied.

The little woman lay lightly on the soft couch, her small hands hooked the man's big hands, silently inviting... She couldn't bear him to be too abstinent, she missed him too!
The cook's eyes were fixed on the closed door. The prince drove the maids out and closed the door again. Anyone with a little brain would know what they were going to do!
Yun Feixiang was already pregnant, how could they still do it?Well, maybe if she was not careful, the child in her stomach would be gone!
The Empress Dowager has long disliked Yun Feixiang, and when Yun Feixiang doesn't have the royal blood as a bargaining chip, the Empress Dowager will not have to worry so much, and can even drive Yun Feixiang out of Hanhai Kingdom directly. At that time, she will be The mistress of the Prince Regent's Mansion, after a hundred years from the emperor, the prince ascends the throne, she will be the queen, just thinking about it makes her blood boil!

"Hurry up and change your clothes, and then make the broken soup again!" Wuying's curse-like voice came to her ears again, interrupting the beautiful fantasy of the woman.

The cook cursed secretly, thinking that it would not be too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, so she lifted her skirt, put on the dropped shoes with a look of disgust, and was about to go back and change.

"Well, don't! Don't kiss..." The voice of the little woman in the room suddenly came out uncontrollably.

The cook's back suddenly froze when she left, and her eyes were fixed on the ground. The bluestone was slightly cold, and it was hard against the soles of her feet, and she actually felt pain in the soles of her feet.

How much she wanted to be the woman in the house, loved by the man she was thinking of.Everyone likes the prince, why does Yun Feixiang monopolize the favor?
The cook's beautiful and pure face gradually turned hideous, and her delicate skin was suddenly covered with ugly cracks.

Wuying covered his mouth and screamed strangely, jumped up immediately, and ordered the hidden guard to retreat a certain distance, the impenetrable guard!
Wang Ye, you old man is really powerful. Hearing the voice of Wang Hao repeatedly screaming and begging to be let go, he was really terrified!
With a "boom", a hidden guard suddenly fell down the wall, screamed, and rolled around with his stomach hurting.

Oh, it's been a long time since something new like this happened.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly winked and stared, gloating at that brat rolling all over the floor!How dare you blatantly eavesdrop on her, what a courteous death!

As soon as the prince's internal energy is released, he will grasp the situation outside. As long as anyone pricks up his ears to eavesdrop, the prince will take action after a while.

"Does it sound good?" Wuying strode over and asked amusedly, but his face was a little cold.

Dare to listen to the love between the prince and the princess?

The hidden guard who was rolling on the ground blushed suddenly, why didn't he know that the hidden guard of the Prince Regent's Mansion still had this broken rule?

"Commander, it seems like we haven't seen him before?" Someone frowned and asked in doubt.

"What?" Wuying was startled, and immediately put the sword on the neck of the man on the ground, and snapped, "Who are you? What are you doing pretending to be the hidden guard of the royal family?"

"My lord, I am wronged! I am also a hidden guard of the royal family, how can you say that I am pretending? You must be responsible for every word you say!" The man protested, and took out a gold medal from his pocket !
Wuying's face darkened, and he immediately concluded that this person was not a hidden guard of the Prince Regent's Mansion, but he didn't know where his gold medal came from?
"Catch it! Wait for the prince to deal with it!" After the prince's good deed is over, he will deal with it!At this time, he didn't dare to disturb the prince's beautiful affairs!

"Xiang'er, you are so beautiful!" Xuanyuan Tian's lips were like a gentle breeze, slowly kissing every part of the little woman's body, sincerely praising her.

He has admired every part of her body, and every time he worships it, he dare not desecrate her. She is his most precious treasure, and he wants to give her all his tenderness and love!
"Ah Zhan..." The little woman looked at the man with distressed eyes, and a thousand emotions surged in her heart.

He kissed her body like a spring breeze, but at the last moment, he controlled himself with strong self-control. He clearly wanted to, he was clearly on the verge of collapse, but he recovered in his life.

She said that the moment she helped him release him, he pressed her hand, saying that he didn't want her to be too tired, he served her heartily, sent her into the clouds, and watched her bloom like a flower under his lips, he said She is beautiful, she is very distressed!

"Xiang'er, don't think about getting away with it again. When the baby is born, it will be paid to the husband. I think about how many times I have not made up for it. Well, the wedding night is one time, Nanyue Kingdom Time was delayed once, during the battle..." The man counted seriously.

Yun Feixiang thought it was a bit funny, when there was no baby, it wasn't that he wanted it domineeringly many times, although he was concerned about her body and dared not be unrestrained, but the daily and nightly affection was not essential, What's the point of him calculating this!
(End of this chapter)

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