The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 588 The funniest laugh

Chapter 588 The funniest joke

Yun Feixiang's eyes suddenly turned sharp, and Murong Qing'er's blunt blow was like a huge boulder falling from the sky, pressing down on her body. What she hoped most was Murong Rui's happiness, but that man was so persistent that it made people's heart ache!
"What? Did it hit your sore spot?" The woman's voice was proud and full of provocation.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan narrowed his eyes immediately, and a golden light flew out of his eyes, Murong Qing'er was startled, and she lost a bit of momentum while sitting on the horse.

"Murong Qing'er, you should look in the mirror more, you will find how much jealousy and ugliness there are in your eyes now! Are you worried about Murong Rui's future, or are you resenting him for not going to the end? Do you take it to heart? Don't make yourself so great, and don't make your selfishness and venting anger so noble! I have a bad habit, I always like to expose hypocrites and tear their faces."

Yun Feixiang's tone was still calm, but it was more imposing, which shocked everyone who listened!
The people behind Murong Qing'er were stunned, they would never doubt the woman's words, she is almost the pamper of the heavens now, the men around her cover the sky with one hand, and there are two elder brothers who are the princes of Nanyue Kingdom, and their Majesty Shengtian Absolutely pampered!

Thinking about it now, they promised General Situ to obey Murong Qing'er's command, what a joke!
"What do you mean? Am I not as attractive as you?" Murong Qing'er said with a gloomy expression, biting the corner of her lips.

Yun Feixiang gave Murong Qing'er a disgusted look. At this moment, she still only has the thoughts of a little woman, she is too high for her!

Seeing that Yun Feixiang was silent, Murong Qing'er took a deep breath in her chest, all women want face, no woman can maintain such indifference when facing her love rival and enemy!She couldn't get used to seeing Yun Feixiang like this!
Why is Yun Feixiang so high-profile?Why did Yun Feixiang look at herself with such contemptuous eyes?Anyway, she, Murong Qing'er, was also born in the royal family and was regarded as a jewel in the palm of her hand since she was a child. She grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth, and she also had noble blood in her bones. How could she tolerate being looked down upon by Yun Feixiang?
"Even if Brother Murong only has you in his heart, I don't lack people who treat me sincerely. Don't think that you are the only one who can be loved by a man. I also have a childhood sweetheart who has always loved me!" When Murong Qing said this, She was quite proud, she raised her head and looked at Yun Feixiang proudly.

Although due to various reasons, Piaojian left her, but she believed that as long as she stepped forward and put down her face to explain a little, Piaojian would definitely change her mind and return to her side.

She knows how much Dugu Piaojian loves her, but what she doesn't know is that these things have passed.

The atmosphere turned cold in an instant, everyone didn't seem to understand how Murong Qing'er brought up such a topic, but the corner of Yun Feixiang's lips curled into a sneer.

She lazily stretched her waist, and said with no surprise: "Oh? I'm really curious, who loves you so much?"

The little woman pretended to be surprised, with a look of suspicion on her face, and such an expression was the most likely to cause dissatisfaction among others, especially those who were ignorant and irrational.

"He is the Dugu Piaojian who walks alone in the world!" Sure enough, seeing Yun Feixiang's expression of disbelief, Murong Qing'er lowered her eyes and said firmly.She thought of Dugu Piaojian again in a flash, with a hint of complacency in her eyes.

She knew that the man's affection for her was not false, she would tell Dugu Piaojian that everything was a misunderstanding, and she would never doubt or follow him again, let alone make things difficult for him, she believed that if he knew her Mind, it will return to her side.

At that time, that man still has to obey her obediently!
The members of the Dulong team immediately turned their faces down. How shameless is this woman?Didn't their leader make it clear to this woman in the final battle between Nanyue Kingdom and Southwest King?
Compared to Murong Qing'er, they prefer the straightforward and simple girl Dongluo, who went to the Western Regions for some things, and they are very unhappy to see other women slander their leader like this!
The fighters of the Dulong team all cast cold and sharp gazes at Murong Qing'er, but Murong Qing'er didn't care, her eyes were all on Yun Feixiang, so she didn't see Dugu Piaojian with a condensed expression in the team.

"Ahahahaha..." Yun Feixiang laughed out loud suddenly, and a clear and mocking voice resounded in the sky.

The little girl reacted fiercely, leaning forward and backward with a smile, while Xuanyuan Tianzhan watched from the side with trepidation, and hugged the little girl's waist helplessly and dotingly.

"What are you laughing at?" Murong Qing'er asked coldly with an uneasy face.

"I've never heard such a funny joke!" Yun Feixiang's face turned cold instantly, and the words he said were like frozen ice, chilling people's hearts.

Thankfully, Murong Qing'er had the nerve to say that name, and still hold such a fantasy, her skin is really thicker than a city wall!
"I've never heard such a funny joke!" An indifferent voice came. Compared with Yun Feixiang's coldness, this voice was more weather-beaten and repulsive.

Immediately afterwards, a tall and straight man stepped out from the Dulong team. His face was as indifferent as ice, and the air pressure in his body was low, as if he wanted to condense the air.

Murong Qing'er's body stiffened almost instantly. She thought that Dugu Piaojian was not there, but she didn't see his shadow after searching around just now, but she didn't expect him to be standing among the guards. So, just now she Dugu Piaojian heard everything he said!
Regarding Dugu Piaojian's appearance, Murong Qing'er didn't really care about how unreasonable what she said, but that she actually showed a huge nostalgia for him in front of Dugu Piaojian, which made her When getting along with Dugu Piaojian in the future, he will more or less lose some arrogance and face.

But Murong Qing'er didn't consider at all that she would never have the chance to talk to the man again. At this moment, the man's eyes were filled with coldness, and he no longer looked like the gentle care he had in the past.

"Miss Murong, please pay attention to your words. I have a fiancée now. If you continue to talk nonsense and cause rumors outside, don't blame me for being rude!" Said.

The fighters of the Dulong team absolutely believed in what their commander said, but they were also curious, what would it look like if the commander was rude?
Everyone imagined Dugu Piaojian killing the enemy indifferently, without blinking his eyes, and immediately shrank his neck, and the commander came over, it was not a joke.

Miss Murong?These four words washed away all the past in an instant. She was no longer his young son, no longer a woman whom he would feel sorry for if he stumbled while walking!

Seeing Dugu Piaojian's indifferent expression and hearing his merciless words, Murong Qing'er had difficulty adapting for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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