Chapter 598 A Bloody Chase (2)
As soon as they heard it was Yunfeilong, the soldiers guarding the city immediately looked at me and I at you, their eyes flashed brightly, they had to seize such a good opportunity.

Yun Feilong was one of the most scruples in their southern army. He often ordered the border soldiers of the Nanyue Kingdom to approach the southern part of Shengtian. He didn't know what to do, but when they notified the arrival of the reinforcements, he withdrew again.

To put it bluntly, Yun Feilong always treats them like monkeys, making people feel depressed and panicked.

"It's late at night, I'm afraid the general has already rested, and it's not easy for us to forgive him. Please invite the second prince of Nanyue Kingdom and everyone to visit my general again tomorrow." One person blew on his beard and said sternly.

Although Yun Feilong needs to be repaired and repaired, he still needs to be more polite.

The face of a group of people suddenly became gloomy. They had been driving fast for a whole day. It was already late at night, and the guards refused to let them enter the city. What was their intention?

"Yunlin, tell me, they won't let us in, what should we do?" Yun Feilong straightened up, his eyes fell on the jade finger of his thumb, his black brocade robe was integrated into the night, and his tone was extremely cold.

Yun Lin was startled, the second prince was going to force his way through the city gate again?Although he was surprised in his heart, he remained calm and said calmly: "Why don't you kill them!"

A sharp light flashed out of his eyes, and Yunlin had already drawn his horse's bow, set up an arrow, and aimed at the man who had just spoken on the tower.

The guard was shocked immediately, he didn't expect that more than a dozen of them would have the courage to break into the city gate, it seems that all of them must be masters!Everyone immediately took a step back and became alert.

"Second prince, the general invites you to go to the mansion to have a talk." Just as Yunlin was about to draw his bow, he saw the gate of the city opened from the inside, and a soldier ran out on a horse.

Yun Feilong couldn't help raising his eyebrows, how did Situ Qingfeng know that he was coming?The news is really well-informed.

Yun Feilong didn't have time to think so much, but a thought suddenly popped into his head: Did my sister also know that he was coming?
Thinking of this, Yun Feilong's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Drive!" The man raised his whip, and slapped the horse's buttocks fiercely. The horse screamed like an arrow from Li Xuan, and galloped away.

A group of people behind him were shocked, they quickly waved their whips, and chased after him on horseback.Under the city gate, a mighty group of people headed straight for the city.

The guards on the tower were stunned. Is Yun Feilong riding a horse?It's obviously flying!

Fortunately, they just said in a formulaic way that the general is resting and will come back tomorrow, and they haven't started embarrassing Yun Feilong, otherwise, the terrible Second Prince Nanyue might not let them go.

However, their general is also crazy, how could he know that Yun Feilong is coming?He even sent someone to greet him.

"Situ Qingfeng, where's my sister!" In the hall, Yun Feilong went straight to the point, he didn't come here to drink tea.

Although Situ Qingfeng's tea was good, but without seeing Xiang'er, he lost his appetite at all.

"Xiang'er is pregnant, so she naturally went to bed early." Situ Qingfeng picked up the tea in front of him, and began to taste it leisurely.

"Xiang'er? Is that your name too?" Yun Feilong snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with Situ Qingfeng's calling Yun Feixiang.

He is not familiar with Xiang'er, what is his name Xiang'er!
"Will the second prince wait in the hall for the night, or sleep in the guest room..." Situ Qingfeng didn't care, and asked humorously.

Yun Feilong didn't want to wait in the living room, nor did he want to go to the guest room to sleep, he just wanted to see his sister right now.

"Which room does she sleep in? I'll go to her room and take a look, so I won't wake her up." Yun Feilong thought for a while, but he decided to meet Xiang'er first, and was still worried if he didn't see Xiang'er.

"Ahem... the second prince doesn't think that Xiang'er is sleeping alone in the room, right? Xuanyuan Tianzhan is also there. The husband and wife are sleeping together. You go and take a look. What's the matter?"

When Situ Qingfeng said this, Yun Feilong's face immediately turned red. He just felt a little uneasy in his heart. He wanted to see his sister sooner, but was worried that he would wake her up, so he quietly glanced at her, but ignored that there was Xuanyuan beside her. Tianzhan.

Of course, the second prince would never have imagined that he had already been teased by the tacit cooperation of two men.

"I'm going to sleep in the guest room!" Yun Feilong got up and growled.

"Come here, take the second prince down to rest." Situ Qingfeng pursed his lips and smiled, and took another sip of tea. Yun Feilong glanced at him, feeling inexplicable irritability in his heart.

That night, Yun Feilong tossed and turned sleeplessly, and finally stayed up all night.

When the first ray of sunlight shone through the window in the morning, Yun Feilong almost couldn't wait, and got up immediately. After thinking about it, he decided to wait in the lobby.

After Xiang'er wakes up, she will definitely come to the lobby. He is an older brother, so he can't act too badly.

Yun Lin also got up early, and he decided to ask the people in the mansion about the princess's room, so he could wait outside the door. After searching, he finally found out that his princess lived in the largest guest room in the front yard.

"My lord, there is good news. The princess lives in the biggest guest room next door to us!" Yun Lin came to the hall full of joy, and told Yun Feilong the good news.

As soon as he finished speaking, Yun Feixiang walked towards the place where he lived last night. Xiang'er lived next door to him, and he didn't even know that damn Situ Qingfeng, the news was really hidden!

Yun Feilong lingered outside Yun Feixiang's room, thinking that it would not be good to knock on the door directly, and at the same time, he was also afraid of disturbing Xiang'er's rest.But, don't knock on the door, he feels like a cat scratching his heart, he feels very uncomfortable, finally Yun Feilong decides to wait.

It wasn't until the sun was high in the sky, and most of the morning had passed, that the man finally couldn't bear it. He walked to the door, took a deep breath, and raised his hand to knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong..."

"Dong dong dong..."


How come no one answered?Xiang'er and the vinegar jar have always had excellent hearing, he knocked so loudly, didn't he hear it?Or something happened to them?
Yun Feilong immediately opened the door and rushed inside, his eyes searched around, and soon he landed on the big bed with the quilt folded.

Xiang'er is not here at all!Yun Feilong looked at Yun Lin with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Second prince, my subordinates have repeatedly confirmed that several servants have said that the princess lives in this room." Yun Lin couldn't help being annoyed when he saw that there was no one inside.

"They've already left." Yun Feilong was so angry that he vomited blood, and he punched the table, as if he had figured everything out instantly.

What a Xuanyuan Tianzhan!Good Situ Qingfeng!
"Tell me, where is your general?" Yun Lin grabbed a guard casually and asked sharply.

"The general left before dawn this morning. It seems that there is an order from above to march into the Western Regions!" The guard trembled, and accidentally realized that he had revealed a secret, and regretted it.

(End of this chapter)

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