Chapter 602 Destruction
Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a sudden pain in his heart, and he couldn't say the words of rejection, but according to the situation described by Zhuihun, Xiang'er really saw the situation inside, and I'm afraid it would be even more uncomfortable.

"Oh, I said stepmother, why do you have time to come and sit with me? It is rumored that the mother of the country lives in seclusion, tsk tsk... It seems that the rumors are really unbelievable!" On Lian Yufeng, she raised her eyebrows and stared at the oncoming woman.

Behind her, Helian Yufeng's expression had already become unbelievable. Unexpectedly, the mother of Xigan was Guo Muer, the daughter of the former prime minister of Shengtian!No wonder Mu Rusuo said that her stepmother hated Yun Feixiang so much!

Guo Muer not only died, but became the mother of Xigan, this is a big secret!

The woman on the opposite side is walking step by step, looking at her expression, life should be very comfortable, although it is not as tender as when I saw it back then, but it is more full of feminine charm, a lot of ignorance and ignorance have faded from her body, she looks quiet and elegant, and also No wonder the king is obsessed.

It was once rumored that the mother of the country and the teacher of the country secretly communicated with each other, and the two were in love, and the king was furious because of this, but within one night, the king was relieved and ordered everyone not to spread or listen to rumors at will.Just from this point, it can be seen that this woman's skills are so high!

Helian Yufeng would never think that Guo Muer was as harmless as she was when she was young. How did she go from being a helpless and helpless weak woman who was kicked out of Shengtian to where she is today? I'm afraid only she knows.

"If you want to play with fire and self-immolation, don't play on me!" Guo Muer was wrapped in white gauze, her red lips were lightly parted, her tone was neither salty nor weak, but majestic.There was a piercing sharpness in the passing eyes.

This little girl actually massacred Maple Leaf Valley in her name, she was really ignorant. Although she would have to tear herself apart with Yun Feixiang sooner or later, she shouldn't be provoked like this.

For so many years, she has already had a deep understanding of Yun Feixiang, and all the grievances and pain she suffered at the beginning, as well as the deep hatred of the Guo family's destruction of the family, must be settled with her.

"It's so lively? It's really time for the national teacher to come!" The bead curtain shook, and a figure came in from the door, and someone outside respectfully called the national teacher.

Gu Youzhi walked over with a smile in his eyes, dressed in deep purple, full of mystery and domineering, but hidden elegance.He was always smiling, but it gave people a sense of alienation, and the coquettish eyes gave off a suffocating sense of oppression.

"My aunt can play however she wants, can you control her?" Just glanced at Gu Youzhi, Mu Rusuo turned around and teased Helian Yufeng, as if there was no one else around.

She will not give this woman face!
Helian Yufeng greeted him naturally, and took the initiative to lean towards his face, and Mu Rushu just took a mouthful of "baji".Gu Youzhi's expression remained unchanged, but her eyes were as deep as a bottomless ocean. Hearing that she had a new favorite, she rushed over to take a look, but she didn't expect it to be Helian Yufeng.

Quicksand clenched his fists tightly at the side, feeling like a bottle of flavor in his heart. Are all women so fickle?

He thought that he had suffered humiliation for the eldest son, but he didn't expect that the eldest son would be furious because of this, saying that he was overstepping. When he saw the two of them now, he didn't know if it was just for show or if they really hit it off!There was some confusion in his mind, and his thoughts seemed to be unable to keep up with the rhythm.

"Okay, but don't use my name, I'm going to retreat, and I'll let the king tell the world!" The purpose of Guo Muer's visit is to warn Mu Rujing not to provoke Yun Feixiang again in her name, The second is that she has some other matters to deal with recently and cannot stay in the palace.

"Hmph! Retreat? I'm afraid you heard that Yun Feixiang is coming, are you going to hide?" Mu Rusuo turned around and looked at Guo Muer with disgust. How could she not understand her little thoughts?
"The lord has already promised me, so I have to trouble the national teacher to take care of the affairs in the country recently!" Guo Muer stopped answering nonsense, but began to chat with Gu Youzhi politely!
"That's natural!" Gu Youzhi smiled slightly, and then his gaze fell back on Mu Rusuo. After all, Guo Muer is just an outsider, and Mu Rusuo is the king's most important thing. The identity of the saintess of the Western Regions has many hidden powers, and the most important point is that Mu Rushu, like her sister Mu Rujing, has supernatural powers!

The outbreak of supernatural powers is often beyond people's imagination, which is exactly what he needs!

"Don't talk to me in my room, get out if you want to." Mu Rusuo has a bad temper, let alone the hypocrisy of these two people. Don't look at their politeness now. The matter of life and death is not to wait for someone to fall into the well, and then make trouble!

Guo Muer and Gu Youzhi's faces were a bit ugly at the same time, but Mu Rusuo had already left the door barefoot, and said: "Liusha, let's go relax, don't forget to lift my shoes!"

Helian Yufeng paused for a while when he lifted the Muru comb embroidered shoes, then put the shoes back on the ground, his face was ugly and embarrassed, while Guo Muer and Gu Youzhi looked at him with smiles.

They know Mu Rusuo too well, her temperament is uncertain, her thoughts are extremely remote and weird, and she relies on the favor of King Xigan to do whatever she wants. Of course, she still has extremely deep influence in the Western Regions!

Quicksand glanced at the wooden shoes lightly, and didn't pick them up, but strode out the door instead.

"Don't lift my shoes? Then you hug me?"


"If you don't want to hug me, then I'll let Helian Yufeng hug me?"


"Hahahaha, so cute!"

The bloody road along the way stretched like a red carpet, and the smell of the sky enveloped the entire Maple Leaf Valley.The surroundings were silent, and there was no more excitement as it was during Boss Ling's birthday. Corpses were lying on the road.

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai drove the carriage carefully, not even daring to speed up a little bit, the corpses on the left and the right, if they were a little careless, they would step over the body of the undead.

They had seen a lot of blood and slaughter, but now they saw people, big and small, old and young, lying lifeless on the ground, and the man's strong heart was instantly slammed!
The road suddenly became very long, and the courtyard of the Ling Mansion was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't reach the door no matter what.

The curtain of the carriage has been sealed by Xuanyuan Tianzhan, he will never let Xiang'er see the words Zhuihun said that were made up of dead bodies!

The hidden guards were still cleaning up in front, Yun Feixiang could hear the sound, and the child in her stomach seemed to feel the oppression outside, and kept beating her stomach.

A nauseating feeling came to my heart, coupled with the rotten smell coming in from outside, Yun Feixiang couldn't help it immediately, pulled the curtain of the car and retched.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan panicked, and quickly patted the little woman's back.

(End of this chapter)

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