Chapter 617 Disputes
Just now, she saw that Wuying wanted to commit suicide in order to prevent Xi Yuelei from threatening them with his life. She sent her sound transmission into the secret to teach Wuying a lesson, and Wuying has been looking for opportunities.

As the leader of the Golden Armor Guard, he would never allow anyone to threaten the prince and concubine with his life, but the concubine treated him very well and couldn't bear to see him die, and he couldn't let down the concubine's painstaking efforts, so he could only think Do everything possible to escape Xi Yuelei's clutches.

Xi Yuewei was stunned, he thought that everything he did was seamless, he thought that Xi Yuelei would never know the things behind these things, but the fact is that Xi Yuelei not only knew, but also knew a lot!

If you really know people, know face, but don't know your heart, don't think that a person who looks like a straw bag must really be a straw bag. It is possible that there are dark seeds lurking in the straw bag.

Wuying regained the sword, his eyes were cold, the mistake just now was the greatest humiliation in his life, he fixedly looked at Xi Yuelei, his wrist turned.

"Second prince, you have thought clearly, are you sure you want us to let you go?" Yun Feixiang glanced at Wuying, and then said in a flat tone.

Xi Yuelei is not as stupid as it looks, and they naturally can't underestimate the enemy. There are so many of them, what is Wuying going to do by himself?
"Are you willing to let us two brothers go?" Xiyue Lei asked back.

"Of course I don't want to, but I'm willing to let one of you go. The princes of the Western Regions have always listened to the words of the Hanhai Kingdom. I have every reason to think that if we let him go back, he will bring us a lot of benefits. If you go back, I'm afraid it's just letting the tiger go back to the mountain, I really have to weigh the seriousness of such a thing." Yun Feixiang said with a look of embarrassment and regret.

The relationship between the two brothers has been completely broken, and she doesn't mind adding another fire to make the fire between them burn even hotter.

"Is it you, or him? You choose!" The little woman tapped her delicate index finger left and right, pointing like white jade, she pointed to Xiyuelei, then to Xiyuewei, a charming big smile bloomed on the corner of her lips .

Two big men, Xiyuewei and Xiyuelei, suddenly became very small in front of her. They also suddenly realized that their lives were in the hands of a little woman, and the man behind her was always in the hands of a small woman. Silent support.

"Didn't you just say that you would rather let my elder brother go?" Xi Yuelei asked coldly with a sullen face.

What he imagined was that Yun Feixiang should simply detain them and then threaten the father, but why did she keep discussing with him who was released?
There is obviously only one purpose in doing this, which is to make their brothers turn against each other even more. The open and secret struggle that was originally hidden behind the scenes is exposed in such a naked way, and then they will fight to the death.

This seemingly petite girl has a clearer mind than anyone else, it really makes people dare not look down on women anymore!
However, the most deadly thing is that he was his original idea, which made Xiyuewei completely defeated, and he replaced him.

But Xiyuewei has a deep foundation after all, and is deeply valued by his father and loved by the people of Xiyue. It is not so easy to bring him down!

Therefore, he painstakingly designed this scene, but now, it has long been seen through.

"In principle, this is the case, but I didn't say I won't let you go!" The little woman rolled her eyes, her bright eyes were full of a smile, "Now, I will leave the decision to you, what should I do?" Do it, you say it."

This glance, to Xuanyuan Tianzhan, was enough to make his heart flutter, and to Murong Rui, it was also charming and charming, but when it came to Xiyue Lei, it made him feel cold all over.

What does it mean that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky? Xi Yuelei finally understood that he is the one who controls everything, but he still tells others with a smile that you have the final say!
"Then you let me go!" Xi Yuelei said tentatively, his face still cold. Although Yun Feixiang controlled the overall situation, he could also make his own actions under her overall situation.

Looking at Xiyuelei indifferently, Xiyuewei only felt sadness!In the end, there were only brothers killing each other, and in the end, there were only endless calculations left. He felt powerless about all of this.

Eyes that were gradually getting cold, with a mocking smile, Xiyuewei simply closed his eyes, enduring overwhelming pain.He never expected that his seemingly stupid younger brother, like a tiger and wolf, played tricks on everyone in Xiyue Kingdom, including him and his father.

He has never been stupid at all. He has been waiting for the best opportunity. However, he never expected that when a conspiracy comes, who will shady whom?

"Okay! Let Xiyuelei go!" Yun Feixiang raised his hand lightly, and the guards all around immediately retreated.


Xi Yuelei seemed a little disbelieving, with a look of shock on his face.He retreated slowly, no one stopped him, it seemed that Yun Feixiang really planned to let him go.

The gate was tightly closed, and Xi Yuewei stood outside the gate, surrounded by no one, with a horse tied beside him, as if he had been ready for a long time.

In the room, Yun Feixiang personally delivered Xiyuewei's tie, and asked someone to serve the best tea and the most exquisite fruit. The man was silent, thinking of Xiyuewei's resolutely leaving eyes.

But at this time, the Xiyue Imperial Palace had already become a mess, the two princes were missing, and no one knew their whereabouts!

The emperor was furious, and issued several orders to search across the country, but there was no news.

Some officials who were close to Xi Yuewei revealed intentionally or unintentionally that the second prince had secretly gone to challenge Xuanyuan Tianzhan to a duel, and the eldest prince went to stop it.

When the Emperor Xiyue heard this, he was furious and scolded Xiyue Lei for being stupid, and also scolded Xi Yuewei for not knowing how to protect himself at critical moments, and not staying in the palace well. What if he was caught by the enemy!

"Your Majesty, the second prince is back." The servant staggered and ran into the hall. The emperor was so anxious that he dropped something on the floor, he didn't care much, stepped on the debris and hurried in the door.

"Let him in." Surprise and surprise flashed in the emperor's eyes, and he said hoarsely.

Coming back again, Xi Yuelei's mood has undergone earth-shaking changes. There is no turning back for what he has done. For nothing else, but for his own tolerance from childhood to adulthood. He has had enough and hides behind others , The day when you are overwhelmed by others is about to turn around.

Head held high, chest held high, strode into the magnificent palace of Xiyue Kingdom.

"Lei'er, where's your elder brother?" Seeing Xiyue Lei, the Emperor Xiyue glanced behind him, his frown never loosened.

A strong, never-before-seen sense of fear came to my heart, as if something was about to be lost.He seldom felt this way, only when he lost his beloved wife, he was panicked and inexplicably panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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