The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 623 1 do not do 2 endlessly

Chapter 623

"Your Majesty, please forgive us! We don't dare anymore. From now on, we will only obey the Emperor's order, and we will never dare to do any tricks behind the scenes again. Please forgive us!" Everyone kowtowed, The blood was already red on their foreheads, but they didn't care, they wanted to impress the emperor with their sincerity. However, once the emperor made up his mind, how could it be so easy to change it?
"Your Majesty, the Eldest Prince is back!" Outside the door, a servant came in with a face full of excitement, and shouted in a shrill voice in front of everyone.

"Quick! Invite Wei'er to come in!" The emperor stood up excitedly with a trembling voice. He felt that Wei'er was still alive, and he knew that the country of Xiyue would always be in the hands of his eldest son!

However, while the emperor was looking out happily, a gleaming silver dagger went straight towards him. Xi Yuelei threw the dagger with the fastest speed and the greatest strength, and his hand was still in the air. In, as if to catch something!
There is a strange thing about Xiyue Kingdom, that is, its imperial city is in the east!

Generally speaking, the imperial city of a country is located in the north of the central part, but the imperial city of Xiyue Kingdom is close to the Shengtian border. Starting from Tiemaguan, it takes less than an hour to reach Xiyue. Yuehuangcheng.

According to historical records, the Xiyue Kingdom was only a small tribe at the beginning. In order to lead the Xiyue people to seize Shengtian to occupy the mainland and expand their territory, the leaders of the Xiyue tribe carved their own marks here every time they entered a city in the east. , to show the strength and fearlessness of the Xiyue people.

Therefore, until now, the Xiyue Kingdom still maintains the idea of ​​​​the original ancestors, thinking that they are fearless, and they can still enter the Shengtian Dynasty eastward!

It's just that in recent years, they have focused on Shengtian's prosperous Yucheng, and they are not in a hurry to expand their territory in the imperial city. It was much easier to take advantage of Shengtian before. Since Murong Rui came to power, Shengtian and The Western Regions have been in a stalemate at the border, and no one can take advantage of it!
"Azhan, what do you think about the Xiyue Imperial Palace?" Standing on the high wall of the Iron Horse Pass, one can see the imperial city of the Xiyue Kingdom at a glance. In full bloom, the bright black eyes are as agile as gems, shining silently, and the shawl behind her is fluttering in the wind, hunting and flying.

She is like a rosy glow, lighting up the entire Iron Horse Pass.

In the history of Shengtian Continent, there has never been a woman who appeared on the battlefield with a child, let alone a woman who commanded hundreds of thousands of soldiers without changing her face. For their princess, the soldiers will always be in awe, Be in awe, be in awe again!
"My husband is more concerned about the baby in Xiang'er's belly." Xuanyuan Tianzhan stretched out his long arms and pulled the little woman into his arms. Looking at her familiar eyes, he felt inexplicably at ease. As long as she was by his side, He will go forward without any worries!
However, he felt distressed, afraid that he would not be able to take good care of him, and that he would not be able to protect her and the child in her belly with all his strength.

"Baby said, he's fine!" The little woman smiled mischievously, and kissed the man on the lips lightly.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan got an electric shock in an instant, soft, itchy, and sweet sensations came together, tightly surrounding him, tossing and turning to taste, reluctant to taste the beauty.

"Xiang'er, the baby will be born in two months, are you afraid?" Every girl will be afraid!

"What are you afraid of?" The woman opened her bright eyes and looked at the man with some amusement.

"Are you afraid of pain? Giving birth is always painful." Xuanyuan Tianzhan didn't know much about this, but since Yun Feixiang became pregnant, he has learned a lot.

As long as there are records in the book, he will carefully read them one by one, and sometimes he will ask some experienced mothers for advice. In short, Prince Zhan knows everything he should know and what he should not know!
"I'm so scared, why don't Ah Zhan go tell the baby to let him not come out of mother's belly, but come out of daddy's belly!"

The hidden guards tried their best to hold back their laughter, why is their princess always so cute?

Xuanyuan Tianzhan smiled helplessly, his eyes were full of doting, what was going on in his little head was always unpredictable, he was really a little guy who made people love and hate at the same time!
"My lord, great changes have taken place in the court of Xiyue Kingdom. Xiyue Lei killed the emperor of Xiyue, and now he is confronting the prince of the Western Regions!" The people in Wuyuelou and Yinwei got the news at the same time, and sent back immediately.

"What?" Yun Feixiang asked back.She wasn't surprised, for imperial power, for the supremacy, what can't a person who has been dazzled do? !

But when she heard it with her own ears, she still couldn't accept it. When Xi Yuelei was attacking, did she ever think that it was his biological father who gave birth to him and raised him?Have you ever thought about those affectionate memory pictures of father and son?Did he just mercilessly kill the man who once loved him the most? !
"Princess, Xiyue Lei killed the emperor of Xiyue!" The leader of Wuyue Tower stationed in Tiema Pass spoke again, with affirmative tone.

"Are you sure that the Xiyue Emperor is dead?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan asked with a frown.

According to his understanding, the Emperor Xiyue was not so easy to deal with. Of course, some unexpected injuries were not ruled out, such as the assassination of his own son.

"Go back to the prince, there is poison on the dagger, and the emperor Xiyue is dying."

Dying, that is not dead yet!Of course, he didn't have the strength to use Qianhong Poison anymore.

"Wu Ying, call all the generals immediately to discuss the military situation!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's face was calm, and his golden eyes looked to the west. The area that was peaceful on the surface was actually full of blood and darkness.

"My lord, where can I discuss it?" Wuying hesitated a bit, the lord and the princess didn't have a definite place of residence in Tiema Pass recently, let alone live in the barracks.

The two of them came and went without a trace all day long, secretly inspecting the people's sentiments, and experiencing the customs of the Western Regions by the way, all things were handled by Mochizuki and Tianyue.

Now the prince suddenly wants to call everyone to discuss the military situation, and it seems that there is no delay, he really doesn't know where the prince wants to discuss it!
"It's sunny today, let's discuss here."

Uh... It's too unexpected that it's in the open air, but Wuying didn't think about it any more, and immediately went down to assign tasks.

"Father, father, the imperial physician is thinking of a way, you must survive, you will be fine!" Hugging the weak body of Emperor Xiyue, Xiyuewei's eyes were red, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Xiyue Lei stared blankly at his hands, and suddenly realized what a rebellious thing he had done. All the ministers looked at him. Ray aside.

"Second prince, the situation is very good now, why don't you stop doing nothing and kill these two people who blocked your king's hegemony, then no one will dare to point fingers at you from now on. All of us The people who are here will also obey your dispatches and orders from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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