Chapter 635
She is the daughter of the patriarch and the hope of the Uzumaki. She has too many burdens on her body. It is impossible for her to abandon the whole family for the love of her children. Therefore, she gave up on her once again.

"Tell me, you're joking." There was an overwhelming feeling in my stomach, followed by severe pain.

"This medicine only makes you suffer temporarily, and it will dissipate when you get to the dungeon." The woman's red lips parted slightly, and the words between her lips were like thunder rolling, slamming on Situ Qingfeng's body, but also waking him up !

"You're serious! You really poisoned me!" Situ Qingfeng bent down in pain, and the chicken gradually throbbed. She was so cruel that she put such a poison on him.

"Come on, hold on tight to the dungeon!" Ula turned her eyes away.

The guards who had been waiting outside rushed in, carried Situ Qingfeng, and dragged him directly to the dungeon.

In the dark night, something was broken, and there was a crisp tearing sound. The man saw his heart being ravaged into pieces bit by bit. Maybe he thought that there would be such a day, but he was still more willing to believe that they would be fine all the time. Until, he no longer had any reason to believe it.

His body was being carried, trembling, and in severe pain. However, he didn't know where the courage came from. In a panic, he gathered all his strength, and in the shock of the guards, he smashed the bronze mirror in the room with a punch!
The mirror shattered into tiny pieces and hurt his hand. He didn't realize it, and said in a cold voice, "You and I will be like this mirror from now on!"

A broken mirror cannot be reunited!

Wula was stunned, looking at the shattered mirror, her heart ached. For the benefit of the family, did she do something wrong?No, she is not wrong, she has been fighting for the Wu people, and she should continue to do her best.

"Don't be so depressed, there is no grass in the end of the world! Brother Situ is young and flirtatious, unrestrained and unrestrained, why worry that no woman likes it!" Yun Feilong felt that the air was slightly sad, and couldn't bear to continue molesting Situ Qingfeng, and comforted him.

"Hahaha! The second prince is right! I, Situ Qingfeng, don't have someone who treats me sincerely. This kind of shrewd snake and scorpion, don't mind!" Looking up to the sky and laughing a few times, Situ Qingfeng seemed to want to let go, and sat cross-legged to recuperate Internal interest.

Time flowed quietly, and in the blink of an eye, it was a few more days. The patriarch of the Wu tribe was a little anxious. The person sent to Chiyan Kingdom had not replied for a long time, and he didn't know what the situation was?However, thinking that the man surnamed Long had voluntarily accepted his Wuzu's Shuangshi powder, he gradually felt relieved.

Shuangshisan is a secret poison of the Wu people. If there is no antidote within ten days, the body of the person who takes the poison will be cut open in many places, life would be worse than death!
"Daddy, will things change?" Wula always felt that this matter was weird, but her father insisted on it, and she couldn't help it.

Now, there is no news from them. The news that they could receive at the beginning, but now there is no movement. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels a lot of doubts.

"No, father made the decision after repeated confirmation and deliberation, and there will be no change!" The patriarch of the Wu tribe quickly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and said firmly.

This matter can only succeed and not fail. Once it fails, the Uzumaki will face an unprecedented predicament!
"It's been more than ten days, why haven't I seen the so-called Snake King?" The people of the Meng family began to feel a little irritable. They had great confidence to catch many rare birds and animals, and even more so, to catch the Snake King. Unexpectedly, after walking for such a long time, I didn't even see a rare bird, but there are quite a lot of bird feathers in the forest.

Many people also began to feel disheartened, half of their vigor was wiped out, and their hearts began to feel uneasy.

"What's the rush? Are strange beasts so easy to catch? There are many jungles here, and we have only walked a few mountains? The patriarch has sent someone to confirm that there is indeed a snake king here. As long as we persist, we will definitely find it! Besides, With Mr. Long here, what are you afraid of?!" The patriarch also said that to wipe out these rebellious forces like them, we must wait until they are exhausted, and now is not the time!
"This man is right. If you want to get the precious beast, you must go deep into the dangerous place. We have only walked a few mountains now, and most of the precious beasts are hidden deep in the forest. If you want to own the Snake King, you must go deep into the mountains. It is said that if you don’t enter the tiger’s lair, you won’t catch tiger cubs, isn’t everyone afraid of the difficulties and dangers you will encounter?”

Long Yuyan's handsome eyebrows slanted, and Meteor's eyes swept across the crowd lightly. His tone was cold and majestic.

"Joke! What kind of danger have I never seen before? Sir, don't say these words to provoke us!"

"That is, we must catch the Snake King, so that no one can underestimate him."


Everyone looked at Long Yuyan one after another, eager to show their boldness. In fact, they didn't want the Snake King. The Snake King had a family like the Meng family watching. They only wanted some precious beasts.

The corners of Long Yuyan's lips twitched a few times, and he didn't speak any more. He seemed to have seen the shadows of swords and swords in the jungle, with flesh and blood flying everywhere. He stood aside and just watched quietly.

When he saw through the thoughts of the patriarch of the Wu clan, and knew that he wanted to get rid of the Meng family and other gradually growing internal forces, Long Yuyan suddenly felt that the existence of the Wu clan was meaningless!
He is the planner, but he can only be regarded as half of them. After they kill each other, how many people will be left in the Wuzu, and how can they resist his strong attack from the Red Flame Kingdom?
Red Flame!Finally reborn in the raging fire, from now on, the Red Flame Kingdom will officially become a great power in the Western Regions, and all the forces in the Western Regions will also panic for this newborn country!
Recalling the conversation between him and his junior sister at that time, now he just wants to say, plan ahead!

"When did you start cultivating power in the Western Regions?" Looking at the woman's delicate face, he couldn't believe that what he was about to take over was an army of fifty thousand people. He also couldn't believe that Xiangge's business name, It has already been driven to countries in the Western Regions, enough to support all the expenses of the army!

"Not long after I met Ah Zhan!" The woman smiled faintly, her translucent eyes shining with peerless light...

It was another moonless night, the sky was pitch black, I don't know when, my whole body is always cold with no temperature, cold to the heart, I don't know when, my face is no longer shy, but confused.

"Love, you always have to fight for it yourself!"

The elder sister's words were still in her ears, but she saw that she had put Situ Qingfeng in prison with her own hands. She couldn't believe it, and asked why in surprise. The elder sister just smiled and said that the interests of the family were more important than anything else. I'm afraid it will be detrimental to the Uzumaki.

When she thought of Wuwu Mountain, her sister was pleasantly surprised when she heard the news about Situ Qingfeng, and then doubts flashed in her eyes, why did Situ Qingfeng appear here?Is it to be detrimental to the Uzumaki?This should be the question that my sister thinks about the most, right?

(End of this chapter)

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