The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 643 Death with the family

Chapter 643 Death with the family (2)
Aye's hawk-like eyes swept over sharply, and he only took a quick glance at the place where Ula was, then put away his blade-like eyes, and hid himself in the crowd. In his 27 years of life, what he did most was to cover up Your own sharpness, cover yourself in the dust!
Ula looked around sensitively, with the same astute black eyes, as sharp as a cheetah, but she didn't see Aye, but she saw three heads poking out of a white coat on Uretta in the distance.

It turned out to be him!Ula took a deep breath and stopped thinking about it. Seeing Situ Qingfeng's indifferent expression, he felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, but he no longer had the energy to pay attention to the people on Uleta.

Situ Qingfeng also saw Wu La. Even though he was indifferent and his heart was no longer as painful as it was before, she was the woman he loved after all. Seeing her like this would cause ripples in his heart.

Suddenly, a silver-white light flashed in his eyes, and Situ Qingfeng was startled, and before he had time to think, he quickly flung the jade wrench out of his hand.

"Ah! Sister!" Wu Mei exclaimed, staring at Wu La with her eyes wide open. Behind her, a short arrow flew towards her like a shooting star.

Seemingly sensing danger, Uracha turned his head at this moment, his cold eyes were like frozen frost, facing the shimmering cold light, a short arrow magnified in his eyes.

Next to the short arrow, a jasper-colored ring flew towards her at the same rapid speed. She stretched out her hand to catch the jade finger, and at the same time, the short arrow pierced into her chest.



Situ Qingfeng's jade finger was knocked out by Zhan Beiye's short arrow, fell to the ground, and shattered with a bang... Wu La's outstretched hand was frozen in the air...

Time, as if standing still at this moment, Situ Qingfeng saw that Wula was holding out her hand, as if she was going to grab something, what was she going to grab?What are you going to catch?
Ula spat out a mouthful of blood, but suddenly raised her head. In her sight, a man wearing an iron-colored armor and a scarlet scarf flew obliquely on the beam behind him, looking at her coldly, with a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful of the assassins behind you!" Only then did someone realize that the enemy sneaked behind them at some point.

"Protect Miss!"

The snake controllers were in a state of confusion, they all turned their heads to look behind them, and hurriedly went to help Wula. The head of the Wu clan's eyes were red, and he was shocked. Tears were running down his wrinkled face, and the slumped elders of the Wu clan also He looked around in horror.

"Black Snake Bagua Formation!" Ula stood up tremblingly, shouted loudly, her whole body exuded a light blue light.

Even if it is, you have to make a last contribution to the family, even if you are, you have to die for the family!

The eighteen snake controllers also clasped their hands together, muttering something, and Situ Qingfeng on the Ure Tower in the distance was already stunned.

"Looking for death!" Chased by a group of Uzumaki soldiers who took one step back and three steps back, Zhan Beiye couldn't help laughing wildly, and shot another short arrow at a flying snake.

The master had told him long ago that the cracking of the Five Snakes Eight Diagrams Formation lies in the first snake that soars into the sky, if this snake is killed, the subsequent snakes will be terrified.

"Pfft..." Ula spat out another mouthful of blood, and finally she was unable to hold on. She knew that this day would come, and she knew that her blood would be spilled all over the walls of Wucheng, but she did not regret the choice she made!
Who is that man in iron-colored armor?However, she no longer had the energy to pay attention.

Not far away on the Uleta, the white clothes fluttered more and more. He stood upright, motionless like a sculpture. Slowly, the white figure gradually blurred and finally disappeared from sight...

"Daddy, my daughter is powerless to keep the family, and Daddy can't do anything if he perseveres. Why, why not..." Wula didn't finish speaking, and was blown into the air by the wind, and a strand of black hair hung down, covering the woman's face.Those often shrewd eyes were still staring, as if unwilling to admit defeat, there was no breath in her nose, the arrow pierced her heart, and the sudden death of the leader snake had already hurt her heart.

"La'er!" The patriarch of the Uzumaki finally couldn't bear it, and burst into tears. His old voice echoed in the tower, mournful. However, looking back at the history of the Uzumaki, it seems that he was responsible for all these tragedies.

The group of snakes slowly swam back and stopped attacking the enemy. They crawled over with their heads down and surrounded the woman. Everyone was shocked. Such a scene had never happened before.

The snake made a low-pitched sound, whimpering like a child crying, no matter whether it was the soldiers of the Chiyan Kingdom or the Wu people, they all fell silent, feeling that this scene was very strange.

"Finally, she went with her family." Situ Qingfeng let out a long sigh, and immediately after that, an earth-shattering drum sounded in his ears.

"Come on! Take Wucheng!" After a moment of silence, the eruption came like a violent storm, with a powerful momentum roaring, and the soldiers of the Red Flame Kingdom charged with enthusiasm and enthusiasm.

Yu Mu slammed thirty elites and climbed up the city wall secretly. In the chaos, they all rushed into the snake controllers. Each of them aimed at a snake controller. The sword slashed down ruthlessly, blood spattered, there was wailing on the tower, and corpses piled up like a mountain.

"Silly girl, don't look!" Yun Feilong turned Wu Mei's head, he didn't want Wu Mei to see the scene where the Wu tribe was beheaded, those were all her tribe after all.

Wu Mei lay in Yunfeilong's arms, her eyes soaked her cheeks like broken rain.And Yun Feilong didn't really realize until now how difficult the choice the woman made was!
"Catch the alive!" After dealing with the snake controller, Yu Mu ordered decisively.The elder brother said that controlling the nobles of the Wu nationality can reduce the resentment of the common people and effectively manage the Wu nationality.

The soldiers of the Red Flame Kingdom surrounded the city one after another, and the Uzu soldiers were already frightened. In their panicked eyes, they only saw a flaming red flag standing on the top of the city, flying melodiously against the scorching sun.

Then, there was Senhan's sword light, which was even more dazzling under the scorching sun.

The era under their control is over!
"General Long is here!" In the open space below the city, there was a sound of orderly and powerful horse treading from a distance, and everyone looked back in surprise.

The man in black galloped forward on horseback, his tall and mighty body was like a god, his face was stern, his expression was flying, his eyes were long and narrow like shooting stars, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, the sword pointed at it, and the landslides and rocks cracked.

Long Yuyan was worried about the affairs of Wucheng, and after dealing with the major forces in the jungle, he rushed here...

When the other major clan forces of the Wu clan watched coldly the clan army fighting with the Meng clan, and were delighted to see both losers, no one thought that the hidden arrows flying from behind would be the fatal damage!
Until they died, they thought that the patriarch had saved another hand, and wanted to put them to death. He should be more grateful to the patriarch. During his decades in office, he had wiped out the trust of so many people of the Wu nationality.

(End of this chapter)

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