The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 660 Wrath of the Strong

Chapter 660 Wrath of the Strong (1)
"Rui, give me a hug!" Yun Feixiang smiled, and stretched out his hand to pick up Xuanyuan Ning, with a gentle tone, "Dear Ning'er, come here for a kiss."

The little guy stepped on Murong Rui's hand, looking at the golden dragon with a pair of jet-black eyes, Yun Feixiang suddenly felt hit hard, is her mother not as good as that stinky dragon?
In order to attract the little guy's attention, Yun Feixiang even slapped her hands twice, but she was disappointed to find that the little guy turned a deaf ear, neither heard nor saw her at all.

The little girl froze in place for a moment, going crazy, this is her own daughter!

When Murong Rui saw Yun Feixiang's disappointed face, he couldn't help feeling distressed, and quickly hugged Xuanyuanning and turned around, so that the little guy faced his mother, but Xuanyuanning just giggled at Yunfeixiang, He turned his head and looked in the direction of the golden dragon.

Well, Yun Feixiang can only say that her precious daughter is too curious!

"Xiang'er, Ning'er really inherited you. She is very curious about everything." Murong Rui coughed awkwardly, and said in a warm voice. He looked at the mother and daughter with soft eyes, and his heart was already soft.

"That's right, the little guy doesn't even want his mother." Yun Feixiang couldn't help laughing, muttering, looking resentfully at the small figure in Murong Rui's arms.

Xuanyuan Ning's two little feet stepped on Murong Rui's hands, jumping and jumping, she seemed to sense something, her eyes reluctantly moved back from the direction of the golden dragon, she turned her head quickly, and smiled at her mother.

Yun Feixiang quickly stretched out her hand, patted the little guy, and said coaxingly: "Ning'er, come and let mother hug you!"

"Yeeeeah..." The little guy seemed to be the only one to say this forever. She grinned, her pink face was full of smiles, and waving her little arms, she rushed towards Yun Feixiang.

Murong Rui carried the little guy's body to Yun Feixiang's hand, and Yun Feixiang also reached out to pick it up, but at this moment, a very strange scene happened. What the two of them didn't expect at all was that Ning'er actually exchanged hands with them. hands disappeared.

"Where's Ning'er?" Yun Feixiang turned pale with shock. This scene was too horrifying and cruel. If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she would never have believed that her living daughter disappeared right in front of her.

What should I do if something happens to Ning'er?
"..." Murong Rui was also shocked, speechless, his heart twitched suddenly, his eyes looked around in a panic, but he didn't find anything unusual.

"Shu'er, you can not only teleport, but also become invisible?" Gu Youzhi looked at the woman in front of him in shock, his eyes were full of disbelief. He always thought that Mu Rucomb's ability was teleportation, which was more powerful than lightness kung fu. fast speed.

However, he had been looking at Mu Rusuo just now, and when he realized that she was gone, he kept looking at Murong Rui's side. The real Miaoshou is too strong in martial arts, and Mu Rusuo would never go to the side of the real Miaoshou, so he will definitely Go hug the child in Murong Rui's hands.

However, he only saw that when Yun Feixiang took the child from Murong Rui's hands, the child suddenly disappeared, and in the next second, Mu Rusu was already standing in front of him with the child in his arms.

Mu Rusuo didn't speak, and didn't even give Gu Youzhi a look. Don't think she doesn't know how her sister died. She will keep a lot of eyes on those wolf-hearted and ungrateful men.

The little guy in his arms looked at her, neither crying nor fussing, staring straight at her with a pair of dark eyes, completely unaware that he was in danger.

"Everywhere looks like Yun Feixiang, no wonder Murong Rui is so caring." Mu Rusu looked at the young child carefully, and smiled inexplicably.

"Since you will be invisible, why didn't you act sooner? We wouldn't make such a big commotion and put ourselves in danger." A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Gu Youzhi's eyes. Not only did this woman not tell him the truth, she always A gesture of indifference made his man's self-esteem unbearable.

Compared with her elder sister Mu Rujing, Mu Rushao is even more invisible. Sometimes she is self-willed like a girl, and sometimes her eyes are sharp and fierce like a devil, but most of the time, she behaves extremely cold, It seems that he disdains to be with him.

Such a woman is difficult for people to grasp, and it also makes him feel frustrated!

"I want Yun Feixiang to experience the feeling of powerlessness again, why? Does the Master think it's not possible?" She wanted to see Yun Feixiang's panic when she lost her daughter with her own hands. The daughter waved her little hand and rushed towards her, but she lost what she would be like, and she wanted him to notice the existence of this woman Mu Rusu even more.

"Then let's go!" Gu Youzhi said with a dark face and a bad tone.

"Let's go? It's hard to come here. Isn't it worthwhile to leave like this?" She planned to have a good time today, and to have fun.

"You are crazy, you can hide, but I can't!" Gu Youzhi was anxious, this is the only hiding place here, if Yun Feixiang and Xuanyuan Tianzhan chased him, he would definitely die without a place to bury him!

"What are you afraid of? The little guy will protect you, won't you?" Mu Rusuo smiled wickedly, looking at Xuanyuan Ning in her arms with her eyes, and said in a relaxed tone.

The few people who were still fighting suddenly realized that something was wrong, and Xuanyuan Tianzhan was particularly disturbed.Master Miaoshou saw that Xuanyuan Ning had disappeared with just one glance, and with a wave of his sleeves, he recalled dozens of giant dragons. Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced over and saw Yun Feixiang and Murong Rui's hands were empty, and immediately understood what happened!
His Xuanyuan Tianzhan's daughter was actually taken away by someone, it's really brave to come here!
"Ah Zhan, Ning'er is gone, just in my hands." Yun Feixiang couldn't accept this fact at all. This feeling was like watching an enemy put his hand into your chest, and then put his heart in his hands. Pulled out.

The pain spread endlessly, and it was also a feeling of powerlessness. This feeling made her almost out of breath!
"Xiang'er, it's okay, Ning'er will be fine!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan came to Yun Feixiang almost instantly, lightly embraced the woman's shoulders, and let her lean into his arms.

Yun Feixiang's whole body was cold, and her face was completely drained of blood. Ning'er's sudden disappearance dealt a great blow to her. When she thought that she didn't even look down on her own daughter, she felt guilty and heartbroken.

While comforting the little girl, Xuanyuan Tianzhan surveyed the surroundings. Ning'er had just disappeared, and there must be air current fluctuations.But unfortunately, he didn't find anything abnormal!

"I suspect that someone who can be invisible took Ning'er away. Rui and I didn't see anyone appearing at all, but Ning'er disappeared suddenly." Although Yun Feixiang was heartbroken, anxious, and flustered, But she didn't lose her mind.

If the person is not invisible, even at the fastest speed, they will see it, even if they only see a shadow, but they don't see anything, which is enough to show that the person who comes has the power that they don't exist.

(End of this chapter)

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