The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 675 Journey to the Red Flame Country

Chapter 675 Journey to the Red Flame Country (1)
"My lord, the people led by Lieutenant General Ling Yi acted like lunatics all the way. They were blindsided and headed west all the way. For some reason, when they saw the boundary stone of the Western Warring States border, they suddenly seemed to be possessed by a demon, and kept going west. In the end, it was Lieutenant General Ling Yi who killed some soldiers and managed to bring them back, but many people were out of their minds, as if they were fascinated by something." Gan Mu had to say that this was the scariest thing he had ever seen. Weird scene.

In the past three months, he didn't make any mistakes, but in the last battle, he made a big mistake. Until now, he still hasn't recovered. When he thinks about that situation, he feels extremely shocked.

"Ling Yi, what do you think?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone was still ice-cold, like a biting westerly wind, and a frosty cold.

"The last general is incompetent, and he is willing to apologize with death!" The young lieutenant had tears in his eyes. He promised to take good care of the people in Maple Leaf Valley, but unexpectedly, he still couldn't control their desire for revenge.

Thinking of the tragic situation in Maple Leaf Valley, even he could hardly control it, as thousands of corpses of relatives lying in front of him, with no temperature, pale face, when stumped limbs and broken arms fell to the ground in blood, mournful howls filled the air Yu Er, hatred, just jumped into my heart without warning!
Seeing the three characters of Western Warring States on the boundary stone, his blood was boiling. He managed to stay awake by cutting his flesh and blood with a dagger.

"No, my lord! It's not all the eldest brother... Lieutenant General Ling's fault! I was influenced by my grandfather since I was a child, and I know a little about magic. If I guessed correctly, someone was using magic to control us at the border of the Western Warring States! "Ling Yu knelt on the ground with a plop. His current identity is just a captain, and his eldest brother is a lieutenant who was promoted a month ago.

"Keep talking!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan glanced at the excited man, and said calmly.

"Western Warring States and our Maple Leaf Valley have a vendetta of killing clans and families. This is a fact, but we also promised the princess to wait patiently for the opportunity to attack the Western Warring States. We have always acted naturally. If there is any change , should have shown it long ago, instead of waiting until now!"

"This must be a trick of the enemy. They took advantage of our hatred for the Western Warring States, and then used magic to confuse us, so, that's why we were in a mess!" This is the best explanation and speculation, he didn't believe it, he did it Such a long period of ideological work will have no effect at all!

"My lord, there is a reason for this incident, we should investigate it carefully!" Gan Mu quickly stood up and said to help.

"Even so, because of you, the concubine was injured, you are all to blame!" The man's majestic voice was like an ice cellar, extremely cold and hard.Xiang'er was injured, no one can absolve himself of the blame!
"This subordinate is willing to accept the crime!" Gan Mu lowered his eyes and accepted the crime.

"The rest have fifty military sticks each, Ganmu, Ling Yi one hundred big sticks, go and receive the punishment!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone eased, but seeing the little woman's red silkworm gauze dress fluttering outside the door, he couldn't help but Her complexion sank, didn't she let her have a good rest?
"Ah Zhan, don't be so heavy, I'm fine." Yun Feixiang hurried over from outside, fearing that if she was too late, the man in front of her would kill someone!
Xuanyuan Tianzhan really wanted to kill someone, if he didn't know that she would never allow it, he would use the knife.Does Xiang'er know how scary it is that she was in a coma for three days and three nights? If she can't wake up and leave the three of them behind, what should I do?He couldn't even think about it!
"Hey, come here, don't beg for mercy!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan made no secret of his intimacy with the little girl, and when Yun Feixiang approached, he wrapped his arms around the little girl in his arms.

Prince Zhan was still very serious, but everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. With the princess here, no matter what the prince said, the punishment would be lighter. God knows, it's not just Ganmu's problem this time!

"Still going down, are you waiting for a reward?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's tone was cold, and he roared at Gan Mu, Gan Mu quickly got up, pulled Ling Yi who was kneeling beside him, and ran out quickly.

"Azhan, don't be like this..."

"Hey, don't talk." Xuanyuan Tianzhan bowed his head and kissed the restless woman, so hard that Yun Feixiang didn't dare to speak.

Before the soldiers had time to lower their heads, Prince Zhan's majestic and cold tone sounded again: "Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai did a good job, successfully stopping the enemy!"

Xiao Mo and Xiao Bai looked at each other, secretly happy in their hearts, it is very difficult for the prince to praise people!

"However, I don't have enough experience. I could have done a more perfect block, but it failed to prevent the chaos of our army on the border of the Western Warring States. Two hundred army sticks per person!" Prince Zhan ordered, and everyone's legs became weak, just like the two It was like hitting them with the sticks of a hundred soldiers.

"What? Two hundred army sticks!" Yun Feixiang whispered, this man is simply picky!

"This is the lightest punishment for a general born in Yinwei!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan tilted his head and explained very patiently.

Not waiting for the two to lower their heads, King Zhan continued to announce: "Zhao Ting's attack speed has been delayed for half an hour, which has increased the pressure on the princess' side, fifty army sticks!"

"Pei You's signal is delayed, fifty army sticks!"

"Zhang Xun...fifty army sticks!"


Yun Feixiang wanted to say that Pei You sent the signal only after seeing Zhao Ting's attack completed. If Zhao Ting was slow, he would naturally be slow. Chaotic, dare not move out easily, should she be punished together?
Yun Feixiang felt that she would not dare to get hurt in the future, and if she didn't want all the soldiers to be beaten, she'd better not have anything to do!

Going west from the south of Shengtian, passing through the jungle area and Wuwu Mountain, you will find the Wuzu, and the connection between the Wuwu Mountain and the Wuwu Mountain is the Heta tribe, and the Heta jungle is located in the Wuwu Mountain. northwest.

Of course, the Wuzu had been destroyed by the Chiyan Kingdom that came out of nowhere, and the imperial power changed overnight, and it was this Chiyan Kingdom that showed shocking power in this battle.

The big country in the Western Regions finally knew that they had been deceived, but now, all the nations and tribes had no time to worry about it. The fall of the Heta clan sounded the alarm for the remaining two countries and four clans, and made them panic and worried all day long.

On this day, the Red Flame Nation held a grand celebration banquet. After a round of disguise of the weak, they finally lifted the veil of the strong and stood on the western stage.

However, when the Chiyan Kingdom officially announced its master, the Western Regions suddenly boiled over.

The remaining Heta army hiding in the Heta jungle seems to have finally found an excuse for themselves. It turns out that the power of the Hanhai Kingdom has already penetrated into the Western Land, and they have been played by Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang!
Sad and hateful!

At the same time, the reputations of the Dulong and Xiaolong teams spread all over the world within a day, and the iron-blooded men were rumored to be miraculous.

(End of this chapter)

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