Chapter 679

After that, the news about the eldest prince Nanyue would spread to her ears immediately. She couldn't help but leave the Xueluo clan several times, and went to Shengtian Continent to look for the man who left quietly, but after all, she couldn't help it. Withstood the great changes in the environment and had to turn back!
Until now, Xueluoyan still has not figured out why the rest of the Xueluo clan can leave the Xueluo clan and go east, but she can't. Once she leaves the Xueluo clan's area, she will feel very hot. The body also burns like fire.

What exactly is this for?
"Are you willing to be responsible to me?" The woman raised her head, looking into the man's dark eyes, her voice urged, but she was full of affection.

"This... this came too suddenly, I have to think about it." Facing such blunt and bewitching words, even the mature eldest prince was shocked and surprised.

"You promise me, and I will hand over the entire Xueluo clan to you, including military power." The woman spoke directly, but the man was momentarily speechless.

The patriarch of the Xueluo clan does not actually hold real power. Almost all the orders of the Xueluo clan are decided by the woman in front of him, and then the document is drawn up and submitted. All the patriarch of the Xueluo clan has to do is stamp it That's all.

When the two talked about this, it was no longer about the interests of the country and the tribe, but the emotion between a man and a woman!

"Of course, if you don't agree, you can leave now." The woman bit her red lips tightly, and said what she thought was the most vicious sentence.

It has been many years, and this is the first time she shed tears, and she handed over her sincerity so unreservedly, but was rejected mercilessly.

Is this man's heart made of stone?Why doesn't he even want the entire Xueluo clan that he got for nothing?

"Miss, don't cry. If you cry again, I'm afraid that Prince Nanyue will really leave. Why don't you hurry to find him before it's too late!" The little maid urged, the daughter of the Xueluo clan, What else can't be done?
Since the lady likes the great prince of the Nanyue Kingdom, then she will be tough and tie him up.

"Yeah, I'm going to look for him. It must be that he hasn't seen my sincerity. He must regret it now. Maybe he wants to come back to me, but he can't let go of his face and identity. Maybe, he has other things. I still have other things I can't let go of, I should tell him, he doesn't have to agree to me so quickly, I can wait as long as I want."

The woman said a lot in one breath, she has already regressed to the extreme, she no longer asks him to leave without agreeing, no longer asks him to give an answer immediately, she just hopes to look at her one more time.

However, as soon as she stood up, the woman froze in place. This was just her wishful thinking, she didn't know the man's true thoughts at all.

Or maybe, he just fell in love with another woman, so he couldn't wait to reject her and push her away!
The weather of the Xueluo tribe is much colder than that of the Xiyue Kingdom, but the man is wearing single clothes and walking on the street. The people of the Xueluo tribe are all wrapped in thick cotton clothes, walking in the wind with their necks hunched, looking hurried .

At this moment, Yun Feihong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. As the ideal dream lover in the hearts of Nanyue women, there were not a few women who showed love to him. However, he never dared to threaten him like Xue Luoyan. Never seen!
The rest is fine, just agree to Xiang'er, I'm afraid it will be difficult!The eldest prince is not completely depressed, he can't say that he fully understands girls' minds, but he still has considerable experience!
He intentionally walked on the street in order to expose his whereabouts. However, what the First Prince didn't expect was that instead of waiting for that opportunity, he waited for something unexpected!

There are not many pedestrians left on the street, the cold wind whistling past, rolled up the sky full of snow, the earth was in a vast expanse of whiteness, almost sleeping peacefully, large snowflakes floated in the sky, falling on the tip of the nose, soaking up a trace of warmth, Turn into crystal water drops.

"The eldest prince is so leisurely!" A low voice resounded in the air. On the wide and empty street, the man looked back and saw nothing. When he turned his head again, his eyes dimmed. .

At some point, there were already two people standing in front of him, one black and one white. The man in black was covered with a veil, his black hair was tied up, and only a pair of dark eyes were exposed on his entire face. He had a sturdy figure, but he was not tall. .

Beside the man in black, a snow-white woman looked at Yun Feihong in a panic, but did not dare to move. There was a gleaming sword on her neck.

"Feihong..." Xue Luoyan called out, but her voice was a little hoarse. She thought about it all night and decided not to force him again.

He is the eldest prince of Nanyue Kingdom, he should have his own freedom, she can't be selfish and ask Yun Feihong to stay with him here because she can't leave the Xueluo Clan, since there are two paths after all, it's better to bear the pain let go.

Perhaps one day, she would desperately leave the Xueluo clan to find him, and then because of the uncomfortable environment, she collapsed on the way and died of fever all over her body.However, this is all for the future.

The eldest prince was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted very quickly. He looked at the cold sword on the woman's neck, not daring to be careless.

"Who is Your Excellency? What is the hatred between Miss Xue and you?" Yun Feihong opened his mouth and asked tentatively.

The other party knew his name, and held Xue Luoyan hostage in front of him, there must be some purpose, but, he didn't know anyone in the Xueluo clan, how could such a number one person suddenly jump out.

"I can't stand it, you are self-willed!"

The sword in the hands of the man in black was one step closer to Xue Luoyan's skin. When he got close, he skillfully squeezed out a layer of skin from his neck, leaving no doubt that the sword's edge would be merciless in the next second. Slit the woman's neck.

Yun Feihong almost vomited blood, a big man would actually say such a thing, but even so, the eldest prince did not dare to underestimate the enemy, he would never forget that the man in black stood there silently just as he turned around In front of him, this skill and speed are enough to attract his attention.

"Is there something you don't like, why don't you tell me clearly?" The man took each step carefully, as if he was afraid that the unpredictable man in front of him would end Xue Luoyan's life with a single strike.

He didn't know what he was worried about, maybe he was worried that after the man killed someone, he would frame him and make everyone think he was the murderer, or maybe he was just worried about the safety of the woman in white.

"I have never seen such a shameless woman. Others don't love her, but she still cries to death. It's better to die. However, it seems a little lonely to die so quietly. Since you are so leisurely, eldest prince, how about you?" Give her a ride?" The man in black looked like he was enjoying the show, his eyes lingered on Yun Feihong, and he looked at him coldly, as if trying to discover something.

(End of this chapter)

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