The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 683 The Difficulty of Love

Chapter 683 The Difficulty of Love (1)
It's just a small family with a population of tens of thousands, so why bother?If she gets angry, she can do anything!
With a wave of her sleeves, the woman sat next to He Lanyu, the gentle fragrance of magnolia spread with her random movements, and the fragrance entered her nostrils!
The faces of the elders were ashen. I didn't expect that the woman who was as gentle as water just now changed her face in the blink of an eye?

He Lanyu was almost taken aback for a moment, that kind of soft and beautiful feeling came to her heart again, her blood boiled!Mu Rusuo's injury has healed, but there are still some tiny cracks. The medicine from his Helan family is absolutely precious and has the effect of complete repair. However, he has made some small tricks, which not only delayed It took time for the wound to recover, and some shallow wounds were left behind!

"Master Helan, what do you think?" Mu Rushu turned her head, looking at the man next to her with her dark eyes, the corners of her lips moved slightly, a smile that was not a smile, her skin was snow-white, and her face was covered with a trace of frost, but it was even more glamorous Extraordinary beauty!

"Naturally, we can do whatever the Holy Maiden says!" Young Master He Lan bent down, and his deep eyes, which were dancing with flames, looked at the woman's neck.

Mu Rusuo didn't speak, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, the man's obscene eyes, just turning his eyes, completely exposed his thoughts.

"Young master?" The first elder looked up in astonishment, looking at the young man with blurred eyes, his whole body was trembling.

"Call me patriarch!" He Lanyu didn't even look at the first elder, he only saw the woman's beautiful face, fair skin, delicate collarbone, tender and soft...

There was a moment of silence in the audience, that's right, the son is no longer the son, but the patriarch, his words can directly determine the fate of tens of thousands of people in the Helan clan.

Immediately afterwards, under the disbelieving eyes of everyone, the man boldly picked up the woman and walked towards the back hall without raising his head.

The voices of the elders became pale and feeble. The man on fire could only relieve the restlessness in his heart by indulgence, but the quietness of the woman in his arms made him even bolder...

Vaguely, there is something slipping, flying, falling to the ground, vaguely, there is something snow-white, purple-red, a rose garden in full bloom.

Mu Rushao stood at the window, with a sneer on his lips, watching the ups and downs inside with no expression, turned his head and left.

Men really only think with their lower body!What about Brother Zhan, is he too?Perhaps, you can give it a try, but the woman gave another wry smile in an instant, and if she wanted to try, she could only try with her life.

"Xiang'er, in the past two years, Big Brother has given Nanyue Kingdom a new look according to the region. When you and Brother Zhan go back, you can consider the merger of Hanhai Kingdom and Nanyue Kingdom. Big Brother will fully assist you."

Yun Feixiang was dealing with matters, and when she heard her elder brother's almost casual words, she couldn't help raising her head, and looked at the First Prince with her jet-black eyes.

Being looked at by his younger sister, Yun Feihong felt a little embarrassed. He touched his nose and said with a smile: "Brother didn't do much, the method was learned from Murong Rui, and the other things were handled by the ministers."

"What did you say?" the woman asked in surprise.

"Xiang'er, don't you know? Murong Rui said that he has given Sheng Tian to you as a gift." When they were chatting, he just mentioned it casually, but Murong Rui told him very seriously that he had already given Sheng Tian to you. To his most beloved woman.

At that moment, Yun Feihong had never experienced that kind of wholehearted feeling, but at this moment, another pure and white figure appeared in his mind.

"Nonsense, I didn't accept it at all!" When Yun Feixiang said this, she felt a little powerless, but in fact, she had been more and more eager to see the new unification of Shengtian Continent.

"However, I heard that he has been in close communication with Prime Minister Che recently, and it seems that he has this intention for a long time!" Yun Feihong's words were astonishing, and Yun Feixiang was stunned.

"..." Had he already made up his mind?
"Okay, Xiang'er, let's not talk about this. The top priority now is to celebrate the new year well, and then, after the spring of next year, after the Western Regions are unified, we will think about other things." Yun Feihong quickly changed the topic, his sister's thoughts, His elder brother still knows more or less, some things, let's talk about them when the right time comes.

In any case, Murong Rui is someone Xiang'er cares about very much, even his elder brother can't compare to him.He didn't feel that it was necessary for him. Murong Rui had paid so much and thought about Xiang'er wholeheartedly. This kind of sincerity was incomparable to him!
"Master, it's not good, it's not good!" Yun Feixiang was contemplating, Mingyue stumbled into the door with an anxious expression on her face, the woman saw her master, and said quickly, "Miss Snow suddenly became hot all over, and her face turned red, like, It was like being burned by a fire, so dehydrated that even the skin peeled."

"What?" Yun Feixiang was shocked, her mind went blank, and she hurriedly walked out the door.A white shadow flew past like lightning, and Yun Feihong quickly rushed out of the door and ran towards the backyard.

He thought she was joking, could it be that she really couldn't leave the Xueluo clan?

Winter's ice and snow covered everything in the Xiyue Imperial City. The lotus pond in the center of the palace had already turned into solid ice. The withered lotus leaves were frosty all the way, and at the end of the frosty white were swaying dead branches.

Looking up, the surrounding scenery is wrapped in a silver light and white. The howling west wind, like a big invisible hand, caresses the snowflakes in the sky and the faces of pedestrians.

The distance from the main hall to Xue Luoyan's room was only less than half a kilometer, but for some reason, Yun Feihong seemed to be unable to see the end of the road, his eyes were blurred, confused, and in the man's eyes, there were faint doubts, regrets, and self-blame .

The eldest prince's heart was suddenly like shards of ice piled up in the corner of the wall, spreading from the center to the surroundings, shattering silently, and the ice lines, like carvings carved by sharp knives, radiated and pierced the heart.

The woman's shy voice was still in my ears, and the joy blooming on her face greatly infected the man around her. The echo of laughter urged him to walk.

"It's been five years, and I finally got my wish." The woman lowered her head, her eyes fell on the man's black hair hanging down his chest, and she stared seriously.

This black hair, like ink silk, brushed her cheek five years ago, sweeping away a piece of infatuation, and the deep snowy hot spring became her deepest memory.From then on, a handsome man lived in the girl's heart, and no one else could walk into her heart.

Therefore, she continued to make herself stronger, become able to be independent, and become able to inherit the Xueluo clan with the environment.She honed herself day after day, whether it was political affairs, military affairs, or adjusting the various forces of the Xueluo clan, in the end, everything became handy.

The woman's independent ability was quickly revealed. She became more and more beautiful and smarter. All the men of the Xueluo tribe felt that they were not good enough for her. Of course, they couldn't beat her, and naturally, they couldn't marry her.

(End of this chapter)

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