Chapter 700 Roaring (2)
Lord Zhan's heart became extremely tangled.

The minister of the Western Warring States looked at the woman in front of him with puzzled eyes. She is the princess of the Hanhai Kingdom and also the reliance behind the Changshan King. Shouldn't she and His Royal Highness be in an extreme confrontation?But why, he still extended a helping hand to the prince?

Yun Feixiang didn't know that this move of hers had brought great doubts to many ministers of the Western Warring States, including not only the people on the side of Changshan King and Beiye, but also the side of the crown prince and the ministers who were in neutral, that is to say All the important figures in the Western Warring States fell into deep thought because of this woman's actions.

Someone plucked up the courage, stretched their necks, looked at the smiling woman in a dazzling red dress, and seemed to want to speak, but when they saw her, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's cold and stiff expression instantly made these people stunned mouth.

Everyone knows that Prince Zhan is not only planning for rainy days, strategizing, but also has excellent martial arts, dominates the world, with a dragon soaring and gathering spirits, he can kill people with a single raise of his hand. They really dare not challenge the majesty of Prince Zhan.

Even for the people on the side of the prince, Xuanyuan Tianzhan is their number one enemy, but still no one dares to say a word, just silently watching the prince's reaction, their petrified expressions, like pious people waiting to be redeemed believers.

"Why should my elder brother listen to what you say? Brother, it's none of their business. Wasn't it good before? Are we as bad as before? Why do you want to take the lives of those old men? They all deserve what they deserve." !" Zhan Beitang yelled at his elder brother with a loud voice.

In her eyes, nothing is more important than a big brother who can be arrogant and willful, even if this big brother is not himself, but a machine controlled by others.

In Zhan Beikuang's ears, he could hardly hear any news. He only saw the woman in front of him, a pair of dark and bright eyes that were almost sincere.

Such eyes are almost like a mirror, which can reflect a person's ugliness, evil, goodness, and beauty. Moreover, he is willing to believe that no matter what she says, he will believe it without doubting it.

The man suddenly felt his chest beating violently, and the sound of a strong heartbeat was loud in his ears. Looking at the woman's beautiful face, he said, "Well, no matter what you say, I will believe it."

Yun Feixiang was taken aback, the man's words seemed to have made great determination, and he was waiting for her to tell him what kind of person he is!
Wuying heard his prince's fists ringing, and looked up, the five knuckles of the prince's clenched hands were pale.Then, he found that the prince looked at Zhan Beikuang with hostility in his eyes, and there was a dangerous and powerful aura in the air.

Although it was only a short moment, Yun Feixiang quickly experienced a fierce struggle in her mind, and then, the woman chose what she thought was the most correct course of action.There is no absolute thing in the world, there is only a test, Zhan Beikuang said, as long as it is what she said, he will believe it, and she really wants to verify whether what this man said is a lie?

But in fact, she has already thought from the bottom of her heart that Zhan Beikuang just said that. He was controlled by others before, but now, he is not stupid. He has his own correct thinking. Should say such a thing.

"All of this has nothing to do with you!" The woman raised her eyes slightly, the smile in her eyes remained unchanged, she first stated her point of view, regardless of the doubts of many ministers below.

With just this one sentence, Zhan Beiye, who was silent on the side, already understood the woman's thoughts, and Xiang'er always made clear the key points when speaking. In other words, Xiang'er already believed that all of this was not the prince's fault.Well, he needs a reason, a reason to believe in his big brother!
King Changshan raised his finger and signaled his ministers not to get excited. With so many years of understanding, he just silently believed that Xiang'er would never give up on him. Something must have happened to the crown prince that made Xiang'er change his attitude toward him. view.

Yun Feixiang clearly saw the flash of light in the eyes of the man opposite, like a meteor falling suddenly in the dark night, giving the whole sky the brightest color.

Zhan Beikuang seemed to see hope, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the innate sensitivity still made Prince Xizhan feel that there was a turning point behind this firm tone.

"You have been secretly controlled by the people of the Holy Cult of the Western Regions. You have been practicing mind control for a long time, and your behavior is also controlled by them. Therefore, you are not to blame for all of this!" She said very simply, but shocked everyone present.

All the ministers and guards, including Zhan Beiye, were terrified and puzzled, and looked at their Highness the Crown Prince with disbelief on their faces.

And Zhan Beikuang's expression froze instantly as the woman's voice fell...

At this moment, Yun Feixiang clearly saw a man change from hopeful to hopeless, and his face turned from normal to pale in an instant. The iron-boned man in the Western Regions became even more swaying in an instant.

"The fact is that, people are indeed handled by you, but thoughts and behaviors are beyond your control, so all of this is not your original intention." Yun Feixiang emphasized again, trying her best to calm the man in front of her When she got down, she reached out to hold the man's arm for the second time, but she used her internal strength to stabilize his body.

"You are not the first victim, nor will you be the last. People who use mind control techniques will continue to find others to practice and harm more people. There are still many things you can do!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan also went up Taking a step forward, he clapped his palm on Zhan Beikuang's shoulder. Just now he saw Zhan Beikuang's sudden change of expression, and he was so aware of how much Zhan Beikuang felt in his heart!

He is Prince Zhan. He has been in the imperial court since he was a child. He has seen too many sinister schemes and heard too many sympathetic things. He should be indifferent and ruthless to these things!

However, he has a little woman who seems lazy, but under her casual and indifferent temperament, she has a pure and kind heart that many people can't reach. As her husband, how can he not support and understand her?

How many people can maintain such a heart after experiencing inhuman encounters, endless plots, and constant assassinations? !

"You deserve to be forgiven! We will all forgive you, including your brother!" Yun Feixiang looked at Zhan Beikuang, and faintly noticed tears of regret in the man's eyes. He tried his best to endure it, but he was also in great pain.

The head on the ground was still staring, not daring to understand, and many memories, like water plants growing wildly in midsummer, kept gushing out and piling up in my mind.

"Brother, let's start again!" Zhan Beiye's voice came, mellow and powerful, for the first time, so sincerely, calling out the names of relatives.

He looked at his elder brother, and felt empathy for everything he had experienced, but he had always been from the perspective of a bystander.

(End of this chapter)

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