Chapter 705 Sleepless Night (2)
Zhan Beikuang looked at his elder brother, and couldn't help sighing softly. I'm afraid he will never get back his lost heart, just like he put his heart on A Mei, and the eldest brother actually put his heart on a On the most unlikely woman.

Endless compassion suddenly surged in his heart, he seemed to be able to see, under the bright moon and starry sky, the lonely figure of a man, the messy cups on the table, and the melancholy lovesickness in the room.

"You mean Xiang'er? Of course I can still see you!" But for some reason, he forcefully suppressed the thoughts welling up in his heart, and comforted his elder brother with a smile.

Behind the prince who had lost a trace of martial arts, ten men in black stood tall and straight. The aura they accumulated was even more powerful than the prince's usual posture. The ten men in black were extremely domineering and solemn.

"It's better not to see her anymore, I don't even have the ability to protect her!" His Highness the Crown Prince suddenly sighed, with unprecedented sadness in his eyes.

He could only comfort himself in this way. In fact, she never needed his protection.

Zhan Beiye was shocked, and looked at his brother in surprise, had he fallen into it?His eyes and heart were full of Xiang'er's shadow.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. Xiang'er has also said that you have cut off all ties with the mind control technique now, and you can practice martial arts again in the future, and you will no longer be affected by the mind control technique." Zhan Beiye thought for a while, and finally spoke , but felt an inexplicable pain in my heart.

"Well, let's go." He just wanted to know, when will he see the woman in his heart again?
It started so hastily, but ended so thoroughly, it was a mistake, so why force the ending, some people are just a short-lived beauty in life, how can they desire to have it for a long time?People must know how to be content.

The new year came so quickly, and the heavy snow fell quietly for the second time. The snowflakes covered the entire Xiyue Imperial City, the silver light shrouded the ground, and the air became extremely clear. The imperial city, which had been quiet for a long time, finally boiled.

However, in the first half month of the new year, everyone in the Imperial City of Xiyue seemed to have experienced a very long time. The absence of the prince and concubine made this group of generals on the land of the Western Regions feel extremely sad. disturbed.

Only then did they suddenly realize that the prince and concubine had already become their spiritual pillars.

This year, instead of being with his family in Hanhai Kingdom, the prince held a grand banquet in the palace of Xiyue to welcome the New Year with his colleagues and soldiers.

There are no genteel ministers disturbing the pure ears, no glamorous dancers singing and dancing, no dazzling gold powder eyebrows, eye-catching jewels and hairpins, extravagant incense... This year is different from any other New Year in previous years. banquet.

Instead, there are bold and unrestrained generals expressing their feelings, singing about the ups and downs of mountains and rivers, swords and swords, iron-blooded battlefields, men's true love, and active and active teenagers, youthful and brilliant, showing their talents, showing their talents, wine in the snow, roast sheep, and sparks flying , this New Year's feast is full of carnival atmosphere that has never been seen before.

Soldiers and advisers gathered around the crackling and burning branches in the snow, and with the excited and swaying fire, they released their passion, got drunk, laughed, and loudly expressed their New Year's wishes.

There are drunken generals who pull their comrades in arms, telling about their years of comradeship, and couples who leave sparsely, looking for a corner with few people, expressing their feelings to each other, delicious game exudes a seductive aroma in the air, skilled Western Regions The chef controls the fat roasted whole lamb, inside and outside the hall, without any restraint, completely letting go of himself.

The prince ordered that if you don't get drunk tonight, you won't return home. Everyone should indulge their bodies and minds and enjoy themselves to their heart's content.

"Where's Murong Daddy?" Yun Feixiang held the little guy in her arms, fearing that they would be cold, she didn't dare to go out of the hall, she just stayed inside, watching the blazing bonfire outside.

"Second prince, you come together too! Come together!" Wu Mei couldn't help getting excited around the bonfire, her skirt fluttered, and she danced an enthusiastic Western Region dance. The soldiers outside were booing, but Yun Feilong pushed her to the side .

The eldest prince and the most beautiful woman of the Xueluo clan shyly approached each other amidst the crowd's pushing and shoving.

"Kiss one! Kiss one!" The booing voice is still getting louder, more and more passionate.

"Where's Murong Daddy?" Seeing that the little guy didn't attract his mother's attention, he couldn't help but struggled to slide down to the ground. Only then did Yun Feixiang recover from the enthusiasm outside, and quickly hugged her daughter firmly.

When did this little guy gain so much strength?Could it be that the zhenqi in the body is growing?
"Is Ning'er looking for Murong's father? Murong's father is too tired, let's go see him later." Murong Rui sent someone to send a message early in the morning, saying that he is not feeling well today and will come later.

Yun Feixiang thought about it, and felt that something was wrong, and was about to hug Xuanyuanning to see Murong Rui, when she just got up, the people outside the hall shouted: "Prince! Concubine!"

"Prince! Concubine!" The loud and heroic voice, with infinite admiration, called their prince and concubine.

Yun Feixiang looked up, and at some point, those beautiful men were already on the snow. They were all red, with fluttering sleeves, jade-colored skin, and handsome faces. They were looking into the hall, but the soldiers around them were booing , calling her and Xuanyuan Tianzhan together.

The warm invitation was self-evident, but Xuanyuan Ning in her arms pouted dissatisfiedly and kept calling Murong's father. Yun Feixiang waved his hands outside, hugged Xuanyuan Ning and decided to go see Murong Rui.

"Xiang'er, the fireworks are going to be set off. Let's watch it with my husband." Xuanyuan Tianzhan stood up with a smile, hugged the woman's slender waist, and looked at her expectantly.

He heard the conversation between mother and son, and he also knew about Murong Rui's situation, but he didn't want to leave Xiang'er melancholy this night.

"Okay! It's just that Ning'er wants to find her, Murong's father..." Yun Feixiang was a little embarrassed, and couldn't bear to refuse the man's invitation, nor could she refuse the daughter's request, besides, she should go and see Murong Rui.

"Wuying, take Ning'er to find Emperor Sheng Tian." In one sentence, he directly expressed his meaning, the man's implication was that Xiang'er wanted to stay with him.

He has always been gentle and obedient to him, but many times, Prince Zhan has his domineering ways.

"Azhan." Yun Feixiang frowned, but the little guy in his arms opened his arms towards Wuying, as if he couldn't wait to hear that he was going to find Murong's father.

Wuying quickly reached out to take the little princess, and fled the scene quickly under the eyes of his prince.

She doesn't even look at her daughter, well, she is very sad as a mother, but fortunately Sheng'er is with Master Miaoshou tonight, otherwise, she can't guarantee whether the two little guys will abandon her together and run to find her. They are Murong Daddy.

When she came back this time, she obviously found that the two little guys were more attached to Murong Rui, and even she was a little bit fond of it. Isn't Ah Zhan a big jealousy? Isn't he worried that Murong Rui will rob his position in the hearts of his precious son and daughter? Is it?
(End of this chapter)

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