The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 708 Complicated Emotions

Chapter 708 Complicated Emotions

The war is about to start again, will everything go well?He told himself again that it was his greatest wish to watch her and see her well.

In the new year's Yancheng, surrounded by enemy troops, the desperate General Situ Qingfeng has been guarding the city tower for three days and three nights.

Just half a year ago, he and his second prince, Yun Feilong, stood on the high ground together and saw with his own eyes that this bustling city named Wucheng was breached by the brave warriors of the Chiyan Kingdom, and the most unforgettable woman in his life was The black snake wentssip in battle, but in the end it was still unable to reverse the fate of the Wu people, and dedicated itself to its family and subjects.

At this moment, who is watching all this, and who is watching the crisis of Chiyan Kingdom?

Why, the young and stable general Yu Mu, and the resourceful old general Yuan Dazhi neglected to take precautions, allowing the enemy to take advantage of them?
If it wasn't for the fact that the Shengtian soldiers he brought were always in the dark, stationed on the edge of Wuwu Mountain, and rushed to rescue in time after receiving the signal, I'm afraid this place would have been a ruin of a battlefield.

As Shengtian's Nantian General, Situ Qingfeng has experienced many battles and possesses a general's keen insight and leadership style. However, defending this Wucheng, which was tightly surrounded by the enemy for three days and three nights, has exhausted him. Great spiritual power.

General Nantian felt more and more pressure, facing wave after wave of enemy attacks, he became more and more powerless, and even the general who had fought bloody battles for seven days and nights felt unprecedentedly exhausted at this moment.

The news was already being sent to the imperial city of Xiyue, but it was intercepted by the enemy again and again, and it was unknown if anyone could deliver it. When the carrier pigeon was shot again and again, making a lonely and desperate cry, he thought of himself. The current situation is also so lonely and desperate.

In the end, he had to send the most elite soldiers of the 28th Route to break out of the encirclement and cover them from the enemy's pursuit and interception, but now, he didn't know what the situation was.

The beacon fire in the distance kept billowing thick smoke, and the eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of smoke, and it was pitch black.

"Great General!" The lieutenant beside him exclaimed, and helped General Nantian, who was on the verge of collapse. He followed the General to and fro on the battlefield, and went through countless battles. In the longest battle, they persisted for seven days and seven nights, and finally succeeded. .

They were proud of the general, and they admired from the bottom of their hearts the godlike man who led them to fight on the battlefield and defended their home and country. However, right in front of him, this godlike man was so exhausted that he couldn't stand upright.

The iron-blooded man's eyes were also wet, and he supported the general to stand on the top of the wall.

The hard bricks were cold through the armor, and the heavy snow stopped and fell again and again, just like the enemy's almost abnormal attack.The snow that was dyed blood red was covered by crystal white snow again and again, and then was dyed with blood, blended together, and solidified.

"Uncle, how are you? How are you?" Just as Situ Qingfeng stood firm, a panicked figure staggered towards him, grabbing his shoulder urgently.

Attracted by this panicked voice, the soldiers on both sides cast their gazes one after another. Situ Qingfeng couldn't help but smile wryly. Does this girl know that it's easy to disturb the morale of the army?

"I'm fine." General Nan Tian glanced over with his condensed eyes, his majesty was extremely majestic, and the curious soldiers quickly turned their heads, not daring to look at their general.

Only then did Murong Qing'er realize her recklessness, and immediately lowered her voice, her tone was already full of worry: "Why are you all right? You haven't rested for three days and three nights?"

There was reproach in the woman's eyes, but it was more distressing. No one would know how much pain he felt when he saw his uncle, who was comparable to a god, shaking so weak and weak.

She lost her mother since she was a child, and her father and king also stepped into a road of no return in the vortex of imperial power, love and hatred. In this world, she only has the only relative in front of her, and her uncle must be fine.

A gust of cold wind hovered over the tower, waking up General Situ. He raised his hand and smoothed the woman's wind-blown hair to her ears. Just say nothing.

It wasn't until a soft hand took his hand off, held it tightly in the palm, and kept rubbing it, trying to eagerly warm him up, that the man stopped moving and looked at the woman in front of him with deep eyes.

"Qing'er, are you awake?" His long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, with a faint gleam in his eyes, looking into the eyes of the woman in front of him, his memory was like a tide.

"Uncle... Uncle, what did you say?" The woman seemed puzzled, and looked at the man in front of her in doubt, but under the tense sleeves, there was a bright light flashing.

The battle-tested general is all too familiar with this kind of light. It is the most precious ice-cold black iron, which is finally forged into a weapon after repeated tempering by fire.

Pain flashed in his eyes, but it was just a flash. Even the woman who was so worried about him and kept watching him didn't notice the slightest change.

kill him!kill him!

The sharp dagger, the radiance became colder and colder, and there was a voice in her heart, constantly urging, why did she have such evil thoughts, why did she want to kill her own uncle.

"No! No!" The woman with a worried face suddenly showed painful behavior, and her face was tightly tangled together.

He has already discovered your intentions, he will never trust you again, if you don't kill him, he will kill you in turn!kill him!
kill him!
"Qing'er, are you okay? If you're tired, go back and rest?" Situ Qingfeng's gentle voice rang in her ears, but the woman became more and more entangled.

For some reason, when she saw her uncle in the past few days, she felt uncontrollable. She was worried about his safety for a while, and wanted to kill him for a while. Her body and mind seemed to be completely split into two , has been doing fierce ideological struggle.

"Ah!" The woman's painful voice sounded, and she had already taken out the sharp dagger from her sleeve.

Situ Qingfeng's eyes darkened, and he finally realized why Yancheng fell into the current situation. It turned out that everything was manipulated by others. The reason why General Yu and General Yuan were careless and the enemy took advantage of it must be related to this .

Is this mind control?Is this the mind control technique that has frequently appeared in the Western Regions recently?

"Uncle, I'm sorry!" The cold light of the dagger flashed in front of his eyes, the lieutenant was shocked, and quickly pulled Situ Qingfeng away.

But at the same time, the woman in front of her cut the dagger into her chest, from top to bottom, as if she wanted to peel her heart.

The air froze in an instant, and the lieutenant looked at General Situ's niece in surprise and doubt, his heart was shocked like never before. The person she wanted to kill was the general!How could you hurt yourself in turn?

(End of this chapter)

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