The black belly king loves evil concubine

Chapter 743 The Softness Deep in My Heart

Chapter 743 The Softness Deep in My Heart

"Then I will leave everything to Brother Yu Yan." Xuanyuan Tianzhan put his arms around the little woman's waist, and prepared to hand everything over to Long Yuyan. Not to mention that he is worried about Master now, Xiang'er should also take a good rest It's been a while, and the big crisis has been resolved, and the rest of the things don't necessarily require him to come forward.

Well, looking at the man seemed to be exhausted, Yun Feixiang really couldn't bear it, she looked at the elder brother apologetically, smiled at the man, bared her teeth, how cute.

Long Yuyan laughed immediately, he just liked Xiang'er's heartless look, at least it showed that Xiang'er still had his position as a big brother in her heart.

"Brother, you need to find the people in Maple Leaf Valley first!" She is most worried about the people in Maple Leaf Valley now.

"I know." Long Yuyan smiled softly with a warm complexion.

"Eldest brother, if you catch Gu Youzhi..." the woman continued.

"I know, don't deal with it casually, he killed Mingyue, and there are many people, we have to wait for everyone to deal with it together, right?"

The man smiled calmly and asked joyful questions. He looked at the woman with doting and affectionate eyes, like a pool of autumn water flowing straight down from the high waterfall in Heishuiya, gentle like water, but also rolling like turbulent waves.

Yun Feixiang was stunned for a moment, and returned to the age of eleven or twelve in a trance, following behind the man. At that time, only the elder brother was in his eyes, but the little girl back then never realized that in the eyes of the elder brother, there was also Only Tinker Bell.

Time flies, time is like an arrow, due to various reasons, who has forgotten the deep eyes at the beginning, and when we meet again, who has more joy in their eyes, and who has more melancholy?
Big Brother is still Big Brother, but Tinker Bell is no longer Tinker Bell, who is walking?Who is waiting all the way?Whose expectation has become empty, whose sweet voice remains the same?
"Eldest brother is always so thoughtful." The woman smiled, looked back at the man, and turned her head away.She was afraid of hurting his deep eyes and being indifferent to his heart, she just couldn't respond, she had her own watch, senior brother, she shouldn't wait for her where she was.

"Well, then you can rest and recuperate for a while." Long Yuyan spoke softly, his tone as calm as the blue waves of a lake, with a faint smile on his lips.

The man's body is straight and upright, his handsome face is flawless, stern and resolute, his long and narrow eyes are slightly raised, his eyebrows are like ink, and he holds a cold sword horizontally, showing a peerless elegance.Big Brother is perfect no matter what time it is!

The man got on his horse and left in the dust. In the desert, that resolute and lonely figure has never regretted it.

The irresistible disaster finally became a thing of the past. The sunset became the most beautiful scenery in the desert.

The soldiers in the dense forest suddenly woke up with the sound of the horn, and gathered towards the depths of the desert. After life and death, they are still alive intact. It is already a great fortune. However, many soldiers have been buried by the yellow sand , can no longer fight side by side and make achievements together.

Clanking iron hooves, they galloped towards the direction where the horn was sounding. The flying yellow sand blurred the figures of the soldiers. The woman looked into the distance and thought in shock, the senior brother really has the demeanor of a general!
The crowd was moving towards the distance, but there was a group of people rushing towards this side. Yun Feixiang took a closer look and found that it was Chasing Soul. His clothes had already been stained with stains, to be precise, they were dyed a hazy yellow.

When Zhuihun saw his prince, his eyes lit up, and tears welled up in his eyes. No one knew that when he saw the strange force pulling the prince and concubine into the ground, and then the ground was moving again, he How desperate it is to travel through the desert and search with the quicksand, but now, the prince and princess are standing in front of you, how unbelievable it is!
"My lord." The man cried out excitedly with his dry throat open, and then knelt on the ground. This time, he really felt that he had failed to do anything else.

"Well, it's been hard work, get up." Xuanyuan Tianzhan just said something lightly, and didn't care. Zhuihun stared blankly at his prince, but he didn't dare to get up. According to the law of the supreme hidden guard, he It's not just one time to be punished, besides, he lost the princess before, no matter how you say it, it's a serious crime that can't escape death.

"My lord, this subordinate has neglected his duties, please punish him." The man still knelt on the ground, begging for punishment, and the few hidden guards behind him also knelt down on the ground.

Wuying also knelt down in the hidden guard, he felt that his responsibility was greater, and he didn't protect the prince well.

"It's none of your business, get up." Xuanyuan Tianzhan's voice was a bit cold, he didn't want to get angry at this time, but he also didn't want to talk to this group of subordinates anymore. He didn't pursue it, which proved that he had forgiven them.

"Yes, my lord!" Zhuihun and Wuying stood up with their heads up, but still looked at the man with a cold expression in fear.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan waved his hand, indicating that all the hidden guards should retreat, and he gave Wuying a faint glance, indicating that Wuying also retreated. Although Zhuihun and Wuying were worried, they did not dare to disobey the prince's order, so they could only take Following his subordinates, he quickly evacuated.

The surroundings fell silent instantly, and the hidden guards retreated extremely quickly, leaving some awkward atmosphere.

"Ah Zhan, you..." Yun Feixiang seemed to feel that the eyes of the person beside her had been on her all the time, and she had been thinking about the senior brother just now, but now she suddenly realized that the man beside her looked like he was frowning .

"Xiang'er, don't you smell something?" Xuanyuan Tianzhan's handsome face approached, but he had a bit of a cold breath. He looked at the woman faintly, with indescribable infatuation, persistence, affection, and determination in his eyes. ...

Yun Feixiang was startled, her heart jumped wildly, his eyes were mixed with various emotions, it was really strange.

"Um... I smell some gunpowder." The woman raised her eyebrows, somewhat puzzled by his thoughts.

"Xiang'er, when someone looks at you with one of these eyes, do you think of your husband?" He leaned forward, put his lips close to her ear, and asked ambiguously.

It's not that he has too much heart, it's that she has provoked too many peach blossoms. Just now, Long Yuyan's affectionate eyes can be understood by any man. He is very domineering, and he hopes that the woman he loves has only him in his eyes.

But at that moment, he saw another person clearly reflected in Xiang'er's eyes.

Hearing this, the woman raised her head and raised her chin, and looked at the man with a half-smile. The crimson sunset reflected on her snow-white face, making her look even more charming and fragrant.

Xuanyuan Tianzhan felt a little uncomfortable being stared at so straightly. The man was annoyed, and rolled onto the ground with the woman in his arms. Then he quickly got up, pressed her under him, and looked down at her.

The smile in the woman's eyes didn't have time to hide, and she laughed even more wantonly after being thrown down by the man so domineeringly: "So it's not the smell of gunpowder, it's the smell of vinegar!"

(End of this chapter)

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