Chapter 746 Spy
"We have nothing to do. Xigan country has brother Yuyan and Feihong, Chiyan country has Situ Qingfeng, Xiyue country has Murong Rui and Tianyue Mochiyue. It's really nothing right now." Xuanyuan Tianzhan was very calm, with a face With a smile, he looked at his master quietly.

"What about the Helan clan? Don't care?"

"Once the Xigan Kingdom is destroyed, the Helan people will not resist, so there is nothing to worry about."

"The Helan clan will not wait for the Xigan Kingdom to be destroyed. Their army is already approaching the Xigan Kingdom." Master Miaoshou glanced at his apprentice and said leisurely. He would not believe that Zhan'er didn't know about it. I don't want to ruin Zhan'er's event because of myself.

"It's nothing." Xuanyuan Tianzhan said calmly as his heart tightened.

"You're fine. Boy Yu Yan and Boy Feihong are afraid that something will happen. If you don't go to Xigan Country, who can deal with Mu Rusuo?" Master Miaoshou sighed softly, looked at the two of them, and then shook his sleeves. "I miss Sheng'er as a teacher. I'll go to Xiyue Imperial City to find Murong Rui, so you don't have to worry about it."

Xuanyuan Tianzhan fell into silence, what Master said was the truth, he was not worried about anything now, but he was worried that no one in Xigan Kingdom could deal with Mu Rusuo who had inherited the power of Shengxue, it seemed that he still had to personally go for a trip.

"Azhan, since Master misses Sheng'er, let's send Master back." Seeing that both of them were silent, Yun Feixiang said.

The old man is naturally more considerate of the younger generation, and doesn't want to delay their affairs. Moreover, in the eyes of Master Miaoshou, he is only seriously injured and his appearance is no longer young. The rest has not changed at all.

What he wants to do now may be very simple. He just wants to go back and see his grandson. He has lived for too long. He has not experienced any storms. The only concern is Xuanyuan Tianzhan. Now Xuanyuan Now that Tianzhan's wings are full, he transferred this concern to Xuanyuan Tianzhan's child. The mood of Master Miaoshou is completely understandable.

"Alright, let's send Master back to the Imperial City of Xiyue!" Xuanyuan Tianzhan thought for a while and replied.

"I don't need you to send me, I have legs and feet, and I can walk by myself!" Master Miaoshou raised his beard and rolled his eyes. The couple really thought he was old, weak, sick and disabled, and couldn't move?
On the second day, Master Miaoshou dropped a letter and left.

On the third day, Xuanyuan Tianzhan and Yun Feixiang immediately went to Xigan Country.

After a month of rest, the eastern part of the Xigan Kingdom is being rebuilt in an orderly manner. At this time, Long Yuyan is also planning to lead his army into the Xigan Kingdom.

At this time, in the Xigan Kingdom, the princess is in sole control of the power, saying nothing. Above the court, the mother of the Xigan Kingdom, who was once the most prosperous, and the master of the country, who has power over the government and the public, no longer have the right to speak.

No one would have thought that there would be a queen-like existence in the Xigan Kingdom. The emperor was no longer sitting on the throne, but the princess of the Xigan Kingdom, the saint of the Western Regions, and the leader of the Holy Cult, Mu Rucoma.

When the last bit of divine consciousness of Shengxue disappeared in Shengtian Continent, he transferred all the power he could transform to this woman, and incidentally, imposed his thoughts on her, including his hatred and resentment , and all his unfulfilled wishes.

"His Royal Highness, Long Yuyan and Yun Feihong personally led an army into our country and befriended the people of Xigan in the eastern region. The army of Hanhai Kingdom and the people are very close. If things go on like this, I am worried that the hearts of the people will be lax. Everyone has a heart for Han Hai Nation, and by then, Xigan Nation will be in an even more difficult situation."

"Yes, princess, Xuanyuan Tianzhan's ambition is clearly revealed, we have to be careful!"

To be honest, there is no Xigan official who is not worried about the fate of the Xigan country. The three kingdoms and six ethnic groups, except for their Xigan country and the Helan clan, the smallest of the six ethnic groups, have all been swallowed up by the Hanhai country. The people in the Western Regions did not launch a rebellion, but instead they became more and more supportive of the Hanhai Kingdom's rule.

All of this is enough to show that what Hanhai Kingdom brought to the people of the Western Regions is not only the flames of war, but also a new ruling order.

For a long time, the three kingdoms and six ethnic groups in the Western Regions have been governed independently, and wars have often occurred, while the rule of various countries has serious class divisions. Generally speaking, the royal family and aristocrats absolutely suppress the common people, causing the common people to have no right to speak.

Moreover, the nobles of the royal family usually have their own army. They are usually arrogant and do not pay attention to the people at all. As time goes by, the people will become more and more status-less and allow others to bully them.

The Hanhai Kingdom is different. They value ordinary people and give them a lot of benefits. They put the people's lives and work at the top of their list, actively understand the people's livelihood and grievances, and make decisions that are in line with the interests of the people.

Naturally, the people will also support it!

"What are you afraid of? Soldiers come to cover you with water and earth. Everything is here!" The high-ranking woman glanced around, her eyes filled with coldness, her whole body exuded a cold and arrogant aura, and her tone was so loud that it could not be discussed.

All the ministers looked at each other immediately, and quickly lowered their heads. Those cold eyes were like sharp swords, ready to pierce people's hearts at any time. The princess was really no longer that princess. Big, even defiant, they are really worried about the future of Xigan country.

"Your Highness, it is about the safety of the country. You can't play games. Please be careful with the enemy. Don't be careless!" Many old ministers were worried about state affairs, and they knelt down with a plop to show their loyalty.

The ministers sighed, looking at the woman in the high position, they also knelt down.In fact, what they were more worried about was that after the Xigan Kingdom fell into the hands of Xuanyuan Tianzhan, their power would also be lost.

"Okay, let's leave it at that, we can discuss anything tomorrow!" Mu Rusuo felt a little annoyed, did these old guys have nothing else to say?I have to bother her with these things every day, who is loyal or not, she can't see?
"your Highness!"

"Your Highness!" The veterans knelt and stepped forward, as if they wanted to say something, but the superior waved his sleeves, walked away quickly, and didn't even look at the veteran whose expression had changed drastically.

On the other side, Long Yuyan was discussing with Yunfeihong Yunfeilong and a group of generals how to start the first battle to attack Xigan country.

After a period of investigation, they discovered this strange thing. Most of the mountains and rivers in the Xigan land are intertwined with deserts and dense forests.

Beyond the dense forest is the desert. The wild wind is always rushing over the desert, and dense forests can be seen almost everywhere in the desert. The yellow sand and the green forest are companions, interdependent, and mutually checking and balancing. This magical land of Qianguo.

"Generals, our army's first battle must be a complete victory. Otherwise, it will greatly affect the morale of the army. It is even more difficult for us to come from afar. Now that we have entered the Xigan country, we must be careful at every step. We must not Anything wrong." Long Yuyan looked at the general in the big tent and said majesticly.

(End of this chapter)

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