Chapter 750 Retreat (2)
Dugu Piaojian has sent the news that he has prepared everything. Long Yuyan only needs to keep paying attention to the signal on the tower. After seeing the signal, the two sides are sure of each other, and their people will act, open the city gate, and everything that follows , it will be a matter of course.

"General, I'm always a little panicked. I always feel that something unpredictable is about to happen!" The soldiers around Long Yuyan still felt uneasy. Can it really open the city gate smoothly?
No matter how powerful the members of the Dulong team are, they are still enemies, and there are only ten of them!Can ten people really do it?
Long Yuyan remained silent. This battle is of great importance and there can be no mistakes. As a general, he should naturally think more about it. However, according to his thinking, he must enter Fengcheng no matter what. is an opportunity.

The tone of the prison cell is eternally dark, dark, and dark. Once you enter it, the feeling of dampness, corrosion, and peculiar smell will be deeply imprinted in your mind, and it will never be forgotten.

At this moment, in the prison of Fengcheng, a woman is curled up in a corner, her eyes are dull, as if she has no soul, her long loose hair hangs down, covering her face, but it can be vaguely seen that she is a young woman.

Except for the scattered hair of the woman, there is no mess in the rest of the place, including the clothes on her body, which are still as clean as new.

Contrary to the situation of the woman, under the dim light of the fire in the torture room, a man was covered with scars and his clothes were torn. It looked like he had been tortured severely. What is shocking is that no matter what kind of torture he endured, the man always cried out. don't say anything.

There was a dancing flame in the execution room, and with the dancing of the flame, there was also the sound of iron hitting the edge of the iron pot one after another. Experienced prisoners knew what it was when they heard it.

When the flaming iron burns into the skin, even the most powerful tough guy will make a miserable cry, but this time it is strange, they only hear the sound of the iron sticking to the skin, not the sound of human beings. scream.

Even the prisoners in the prison felt a little creepy. They had always heard the screams drowning out the sound of iron, and they had always listened indifferently, as if they were used to it.But at this moment, their whole nerves tensed up. What kind of iron-blooded man was that man, who could endure such torture for life?
"What? Yun Feixiang is so worthy of your devotion and loyalty?" Mu Rushu looked at Dugu Piaojian coldly, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, even if Dugu Piaojian lived and died for her, so what?She is too busy, too busy to take care of it at all, how can she consider Dugu Piaojian's life and death?
Dugu Piaojian doesn't speak, and he doesn't want to speak, the will of the body is controlling his sobriety, he must not betray Xiang'er, and he must not do anything to be sorry for Xiang'er!

His eyes were a little dazzled, but he could still see the woman in front of him in a colorful dress, with a fierce light in her eyes, and a frantic expression on her face.

He believes in himself, he can definitely persevere!
"Dugu Piaojian is famous all over the world, so he is naturally an unyielding man, but I don't know, will that girl's endurance be so strong? Will that girl's bones be so hard? Hahahaha..." Mu Rusuo let out a loud voice Laughing loudly, she got her wish and saw Dugu Piaojian's body froze, and a pair of eyes that were still sharp were staring straight at her.

Dugu Piaojian turned his head away, and still didn't say a word, he had already expected such a situation, didn't he?

If possible, he would rather put all the pain on him. Dongluo followed him all the way, suffered so much, and now, he has to bear the heart-piercing pain with him again, how cruel it is!

"Come here, go and bring Dongluo up." Mu Rusuo kept smiling, her gaze fell on Dugu Piaojian, rather than letting Dugu Piaojian betray Yun Feixiang, she wanted to see those so-called love, How deep is it!

Dugu Piaojian's expression returned to ice-cold, and he remained silent. Even when he heard that Dong Luo was going to be brought up, his eyes only changed so quickly that it was almost unnoticeable, and then he returned to normal.

Mu Rushu was a little annoyed and helpless, but she also held her breath. Facing such a man, she would either kill him with one knife, or it would only make her more frustrated, but right now, she still doesn't want to kill him!
"By the way, I want to tell you some good news. I got in touch with Long Yuyan in your name. I believe he will come to see you soon..." She really wanted to see what was going on. Only then can Dugu Piaojian's expression change.

Unfortunately, Mu Rusuo was disappointed again, this time, Dugu Piaojian simply closed his eyes without even looking at Mu Rusuo.

The man's heart was bleeding, and countless emotions surged in his heart. In the end, he even ordered not to tell Xiang'er the news of his arrest for the time being, but unexpectedly, Mu Rusuo still spread the news.

Of course, no matter what happens, he must behave very calmly, this is a compulsory course for a master of swordsmanship.

The sound of iron chains came from far and near, and the woman took heavy steps forward step by step. When she reached the execution room and saw the unbelievable scene in front of her, she couldn't bear it immediately, and ran towards the prison like crazy. man.

How did it become like this in just one day?how come?how come?
No one can understand Dong Luo's mood at this moment. When she sees the man she loves, his shoulder blades are pierced by iron chains and bound tightly. Covered with scars.

She really couldn't imagine what kind of torture Brother Piaojian had endured?
The depression in the dungeon seemed to be released in an instant, the woman couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears...

Dongluo was devastated, feeling as if her heart was being ripped apart, her heart was being torn apart and cracked. She was trembling all over. Standing in front of the man, she stretched out her hand and tremblingly wanted to touch his face, but found that his face was There are scars all over.

His face was originally so handsome, but now it was mottled with scars. Dong Luo's heart ached to the point of suffocation. When she met his still dark eyes, the determination in his eyes shocked her instantly!
"Fool, don't cry!" The man said softly before the woman opened her mouth.This was the first sentence he said after entering Fengcheng Prison, even though he was tortured, he didn't say a word.

The man's voice was dry and hoarse, but full of strength. The woman looked at him deeply, and suddenly smiled. No matter what, they were together after all, even their hearts were together.

In her whole life, her biggest wish is to be with this man beside her. No matter where she is, she can always see each other. Dong Luo's face is very pale, but she smiles beautifully, tears welling in her eyes. Quan'er, finally accompanied by a smile, ran down her cheeks, but the woman's expression became more and more indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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