The Great Beginning of All Worlds

Chapter 112 The Thai Ritian You Want

Chapter 112 The Thai Ritian You Want

"It's been through time! But Wei Mao feels like crying!" Tai Hao stretched out his tongue and looked at his short legs, his heart was broken!
Although it is true that my name was Tai Hao in my previous life, there is really no need to transmigrate myself into a Teddy!Still a fucking neutered teddy!The worst thing is that Tai Hao found out that he still has a bald master.

This owner is not called Tang Seng, let alone Saitama. My owner is just an ordinary lumberjack. A bald lumberjack is nothing at all, but he is meowing because his owner also has a cat!

Although Taihao doesn't like cats as a neurotic group because of his racial nature, it's not impossible to get along with each other. Another source of Taihao's dislike is that the cat's name is Feibo!

And his master's name is Bald Qiang!The place of work is Gou Xiong Ling!Everything is clear!It's a fucking bear-infested (chainsaw maniac) world!
Bear Infested is a domestic animation for children. The main content tells the story of two bears named Xiong Da Xiong Er in Gou Xiong Ling who stop the lumberjack from cutting down the forest with their wisdom and bravery.

The whole animation has lofty ideas, funny style of painting, and full of educational significance, what a ghost!
In Taihao's view, this is a cheating anime, all kinds of uncommon sense, all kinds of teaching bad children, inside the chainsaw madman, bald strong and shooting bears with guns, all kinds of violence.

Tai Hao remembers that in his previous life, the "Bears Haunted" and "Pleasant Goat" were dubbed by netizens as "brainless bear" and "brainless sheep".

But this is not unreasonable. It is said that there was a child who cooked his younger sister or younger brother just because he saw Pleasant Goat. Thinking about it, he felt terrible.

Some countries even banned the animation Pleasant Goat.

Tai Hao said that that country is really beautiful.

It's one thing to make complaints about, but Tai Hao still collapses when he really travels to this world, especially when he knows that he is no longer a male dog.

At the time of crossing, Taihao even thought about dying, but when he chose the way of death, he became a reader of a book, and then won a lottery by rewarding a bone Opportunity.

"Sunflower Treasure" (dog version) is what I drew. The secret book describes that when I practice to the point of transforming from a human to a heaven, I can immediately become a male dog or a female dog.

Although it is only a one-half probability, this is Tai Hao's only goal now!Well, that's right, Tai Hao is a kung fu dog now!

"Little Teddy, you must watch your surroundings! If you smell the smell of a bear, you must remind me, I will cut down the tree first! Feibo! Hurry up and help Little Teddy! Otherwise, the dried fish tonight will be halved !"


With the sound of the chainsaw, trees fell one by one.

Taihao didn't have the slightest feeling about this. Bald Qiang is a regular logger, and he came here to cut trees with complete procedures. There are so many new trees added every year, and some trees should be cut down.

And if you don't cut down trees, where will you get the paper and chopsticks, not to mention that Tai Hao is just a dog or a castrated Tai Ritian, who can't even use the natal skills of his own race. It's not Taihao's turn to care about things, not to mention that since Bald Qiang is his current master, then it's right to help him himself!

I just don't know if the Sunflower Book, which I have only practiced for less than five days, is the opponent of the two bears.

As the saying goes, one pig, two bears and three tigers, although it does not represent the strength ranking of these three animals, it is enough to illustrate the danger of these three animals.

And the most important thing is that the two bears seem to be able to talk directly to Bald Qiang!

Although I don't know whether it is because the bald head is special or the two bears are special!If it's just that the bald head can understand each other's words, then it's okay, but if it's because the two bears are special, then it's scary!

This reminded Tai Ritian of the race of demons.

If that's the case, then we can only pray that the characters of the two bears are the same as in the anime.

But before that, I seem to want to prepare some weapons!Although the Sunflower Collection is famous for its speed of cultivation, the internal energy accumulated in his body in just five days is not much.

The effect on oneself is actually to increase the speed and strength!Although I don't know if I can take care of the two bears, I guess I can't win.

So weapons are a must.

The best weapon is of course the needle!The previous users of the Sunflower Collection are good at using acupuncture, not because of the femininity after practice, but because the use of an acupuncture method is originally recorded in the Sunflower Collection.

However, the haste to come out this time did not bring out all of Bald Qiang's needles.

"Hey, that thing seems to work!" Tai Hao's eyes lit up when he saw the pine trees felled by Bald Qiang, the pine needles seemed to be just as weapons!Because there were no clothes or anything like that, Taihao could only gather these pine needles together.

At this time, Taihao remembered the benefits of being a human being in the past. He didn't feel it when he had a pair of nimble hands before, but now he knows the benefits of nimble fingers.

"Meow~ what are you doing?" Fei Bo walked to Tai Hao's side with a body bigger than Tai Hao and asked strangely.

Tai Hao ignored the other party, since ancient times cats and dogs are not compatible, you think you won't deal with you after you get close to me!What a joke, how can I be friends with cats every day!When I achieve great success, I must teach you a lesson for this crazy person.

"Sniff ~ woof woof woof~!" Tai Hao smelled a strong smell in the air. As Tai Hao who had watched some anime, he knew that two bears were coming!So he quickly called to remind Bald Qiang.

"Oh~ Little Teddy, don't bark, I'm cutting trees here! I'll prepare food for you when I get back!"

"Wow~" Tai Hao was a little speechless when he saw Bald Qiang's performance. As his master, he really lacked a sense of crisis. He knew that the two bears would make trouble for him at any time, so he didn't even pay attention to it.


"Xiong Daxiong Er, why are you here!" Two big grizzly bears suddenly appeared in front of Bald Qiang, one was lying on the ground and roaring, the other stood up, with a playful look on his face.

"Bald Qiang, you come to cut down the forest again, let me teach you a lesson!" the grizzly bear lying on the ground roared.

"Hey, Xiong Er stop talking nonsense, do it!" The two bears grinned and walked towards Bald Qiang.

"Don't come here! Come again, I won't be polite!" Bald Qiang backed up while threatening, but anyone could tell that the bald strong was doing nothing but being strong.

Tai Hao raised his dog's paw to cover his face, as expected he still needs to do it himself!

"咻咻~" Two piercing sounds sounded.

 Although I know that many readers don't like to read Two-dimensional, and the next world is not Two-dimensional, I guarantee that many people will read it.

  But before that, please allow me to clean up these two bears first! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  To be reasonable, do you know what it feels like to bring your sister to watch bears haunting and a certain brain-dead father and son after returning home from vacation?My heart is broken! ::>_<::
  Ask for a reward, ask for a recommendation, ask for a book list

  Thank you for the [-] starting coins that Papa came back, and thank you for the [-] starting coins that you promised for a lifetime
(End of this chapter)

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